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Everything posted by Dante99

  1. Dante99

    Gold Shop.

    Bank transfer works at many gold shops, I would even venture to say most shops. I think you may have a communications problem.
  2. How about all the indoor restaurant/drinking places? Something wrong with them?
  3. Good Under ground conduit is not just normal electrical conduit. It is not just yellow pvc pipe. Best use the black tubing, one piece from pole into house, can buy by length in a coil. Phone and internet go into separate conduit to avoid interference. Can go into same trench. Does not have to be deep, about 30 cm is common.
  4. Pump pressure valve problem? Do you have a valve on the output side of the pump which you could close and see if the pump continues to run? If so that would tell you if it is a pump problem.
  5. I think there are additives that should be mixed into the wet concrete that will help waterproof it. Thais have been using such additives on bathroom floors particularly on upper levels for many years. New products for this purpose have of course become available. Check it out, probably can have concrete delivered with additive already mixed into it.
  6. All you have to do is tell them that you do not want them and they will take them. Very simple, very very.
  7. Yes on power tools but on electric gates? Really?
  8. Wow really? Like somebody grabbed your money? Or they sent it to Taiwan instead of Thailand? Sure lets make a big deal out of it, got nothing else to do.
  9. My money is late too but it is not an issue for me, I am not at all concerned about it, if it is not here by Thursday I may do some checking.
  10. Yes for some people. The recognized international standard is 0.698 liters per cubit.
  11. I am not either but I will go as far South as the big Lotus store. How far South are you willing to go?
  12. Take off the rectangular cover near the bottom of the toilet, on the side of the toilet, and you will likely find the bolts or where they should have been.
  13. But you totally avoided the question of whether or not the bottom edge of the doors was finished or not! Or whether or not you are going to address the issue.
  14. Oh to be a fly on the wall when he tries to get his contractor to finish the bottom edge of the doors.
  15. Invite your buddy over, the one with a lot of credit cards. Feed him a beer while you complete the application and if your card does not work use one of his.
  16. How does it move? Sounds like you have not looked into quality dried wood that has been finished with a good sealer.
  17. you got to get to the Principal not just the teacher, that puts the school on notice
  18. no flat surface visible, you mean on the other side of the house not shown in the photo? There is a part of the roof that is really flat? What is the surface on the flat part, wood, concrete, aluminum ???
  19. please move your comments to the "dude" forum, this forum is for adults
  20. Some states require your passport with your Thai DL, the DL alone is not sufficient.
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