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Everything posted by Dante99

  1. Well it is correct a lot of other places. Anyway only fools used Jomtien IO and I thought they had all been sent home. Surely nobody uses a marriage extension any more.
  2. First, who said the drums were going to be empty? Second, the objective is protection for the tree not from the tree. The tree is a totally passive participant in this.
  3. The object was to lower the number of collisions with trees and the solution of putting oil drums around the trees will certainly do that simply because the collisions will be with oil drums not trees. So yes you'll miss the tree and hit the drum.
  4. I suggest that you carefully draw to scale if you want to get an idea of how it will look. Your current drawing does not seem to be to scale, the spaces on the sides of the house appear to be much wider than the space actually available. Your lot is 18.3 meters wide and the house is 14 so that leaves 4.3 or about 2 meters on each side but your drawing shows more than twice that. At the pool area the 14 meter house width is longer than the 17.5 between the house and the edge of the land. This is not just a little deal, we are talking meters of difference, not centimeters.
  5. Really? Where did you get that tidbit of misinformation?
  6. Wrong on several points. You can renew 30 days before expiration, someplaces, sometimes 45 days. You do not lose any time renewing early. The new extension starts at the end of your current permit to stay.
  7. use the online service or use the mail in service or just go back to Hawaii
  8. Never asked for photos or neighbors. What are you doing to get such special attention?
  9. No photos, no neighbors, in Chiang Mai for 20+ years.
  10. Really? He has not even had the problem repeat a second time so what does he have to show that there is any problem?
  11. Yes, only once. But in only a couple days of driving, so the frequency -- of an event that should never happen -- is disconcerting... Yes if not repeating let it go. Trust me, something else will come along for your attention.
  12. really educational for this 81 year old yank who dismissed crumpets the he discovered most forgettable scones but English Muffins get a big thumbs up so may explore crumpet availability at Rim Ping
  13. Got my tires rotated last week and the mechanic said I had a worn out lower ball joint that needed to be replaced. He was correct, the truck rides much smoother with the new ball joints. You might try to find a good tire shop where they have mechanic that can check your suspension, no tires or shocks are going to help much if you have worn out ball joints or some other suspension issue.
  14. Well then you are refused entry. But most likely the info posted above is incorrect or at least incomplete.
  15. The beam or lintel from post to post across the top of the wall is highly recommended. It is fairly common practice to put a smaller steel reinforced beam about half way up the wall for added strength, not expensive. This would be a beam similar to what Crossy mentions having above and below windows.
  16. Generally the people there are friendly and helpful so I think if you need some assistance the staff at your hotel will be able to arrange things for you like transport or a back-up chair pusher. Most likely at very reasonable costs. Sorry I do not have specifics for Danang, it has been about 15 years since I was last there. You might consider a day trip or even an overnight to Hoi An about an hour or an hour and a half drive from Danang. Have a great trip.
  17. yeh phone app is less than worthless with that ad
  18. so just put them all in jail together, for a long time
  19. Vans are still the worst around here.
  20. Yes, building plans are filed at District Offices for approval before construction. They are at a public office and are public records so are available, remember you only want one sheet for floor plan, not the whole set of plans. If they can't copy just take some photos.
  21. Oh I know, I have been a party to replacing a developer with a JP.
  22. But the law does not say that so why deal in fantasy.
  23. No. Owners can have done it on their own more than a few times in Chiang Mai. Without developer support and in at least several cases with developer resistance.
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