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Everything posted by Dante99

  1. Well that is a misleading partial quote. Sad you can not do better.
  2. Then do not use Wise, use SWIFT.
  3. Really your house or in somebody else's name?
  4. download the doc click print click save as pdf then you have the pdf you want
  5. Clean edges on mine after 7 years. But I am careful to get good cleaning help and pay them well.
  6. 3M makes some good no slip tape so if your tiles are too slippery just get a roll and put down some strips, it is clear and works
  7. That is all I had to do. Plus filling out a one page form for them. Queue varies, my wait was about 20 minutes.
  8. Yes it is compassionate advice. You are a problem magnet so you need to relocate in an area carefully researched to have the absolute minimum of problems. Clearly your current location does not meet that requirement. So reading posts and remembering some of them is against the law now?
  9. I think it is a very poor inconsiderate idea because it would clearly negatively affect other animals who are not causing any problems. If my neighbor put such a device in I would take action to get it shut down or removed promptly.
  10. He did not actually say they were on his property, just in front of his house. I think he should move. He recently bought this house and was upset because he did not get floor plans. Then he finds that the ac is not up to his standard and wants the builder to replace the units. And now disturbing and dangerous soi dogs. Since this is all within a couple of months it is likely to be more so just move, sell the house and get some help finding a place without so many problems.
  11. What pray tell is a "true Brit"?
  12. How do you know it "will not be sinking"?
  13. Such motion detector switches are easily available, why not just put them in instead of deleted on about the OEMs?
  14. and soon to be pulling the house over too?
  15. So is that roof going to be demolished if the driveway keeps sinking? You have a roof over your driveway or just over your carport?
  16. If the driveway is sinking now can you be sure the house will not start sinking next month? So you might benefit from addressing the cause of the sinking rather than just putting a new cover over the top or part of the top.
  17. With a good sprayer and application butts get left with only water on them, no brown stuff for you to play with. Is this thread done quarterly or only twice a year?
  18. Not conclusive. You must post high school gpa and basketball shooting percentage for your junior year. Only with that data can valid comparisons be made.
  19. Star Visa up the street from the US Consul can probably do it.
  20. We eat good Mexican food here every week but it is almost certainly not available throughout the country.
  21. so you are not suggesting that it is a good restaurant which is what the topic is about
  22. are you recommending it or just posting a notification?
  23. You might try Saw Palmetto and or Nettle plus there are medications. I would try pills first. Saw Palmetto and Nettle work for me.
  24. Look again. The drawing shows the rebar from the post going into the center of the block. The photos show the worker putting it into the edge of the block. Maybe an insignificant difference but .....
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