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Everything posted by ExpatOilWorker

  1. EV = External Combustion Vehicle.
  2. It is either because I love ❤️ electric cars or I am a statistician with a keen interest in probability theory 🤔.
  3. Thanks Vinny. A different of 20 vehicles will not make a difference in the EV percentage market share, which is our best indicator. As far as I know, it is only in July autolife was off by 300 cars, but I will send you the data set. If you spot any other abnormalities, I will update the chart.
  4. Did the cherry 🍒 harvest fail? Last week electric car sales in China was 50%, but now it is suddenly 20% and that is even just an estimate and not data.
  5. If 0.45% EV registrations of all vehicles saturates your mind, expect a psychedelic trip the day we pass the magic 1% mark.
  6. Autolife is using DLT registration numbers, they are just using the fine EV art 🎨 of cherry 🍒 farming, by adding EV from other categories against total registrations in the main R.Y.1 category. In 2157, when you are 200 years old and EV finally catches on, they will report 110% of registration are EVs.
  7. What is the source of these weird quotes? The voice in your head?
  8. I think you have finally solved the EV registration riddle and it is slightly annoying that autolife has been mixing categories. How hard would it be to dig out EV and total registrations just for R.Y.1 for every month, starting January 2022? If we have the numbers, I will happily 😊 upgrade the chart, but if it is too much work, we just have to ignore the last decimal pint in the percentage chart.
  9. Well spotted and thanks for sharing. That is seriously good value for money. Suzuki is leaving a legacy and it is sad to see them 😢 go.
  10. China 🇨🇳 has a $1 trillion annual trade surplus. They want to offload their industrial overcapacity to they world, but they don't want/allow sufficient imports in return. It is a very one-sided trade policy. At this rate, they will drain the world for foreign reserves, then what?
  11. Very strange! Car250 and autolife had the same number of EV registrations in June, but in July autolife just reported 5,786 vs. Car250's 5.473. That is an unusual big difference. Very odd. https://autolifethailand.tv/ev-register-july-2024-thailand
  12. We are almost done with the Ciaz Registrations. This is part of the debate, mostly between @vinny41and @JBChiangRai, of the lag time between sales and registrations. The Ciaz promotion ran from March 1st to April 7th. There were zero "extra" registrations showing in the March numbers, but finally in July numbers are tapering off again. At least for this promotion we have a 3-4 month lag time between sales and registrations. As @vinny41 already pointed out EV vendors have an incentive to complete the registration process faster, to cash in on the 150k government subsidy.
  13. You also counted the Bimmer, but that is a honest mistake. It looks so modern, that it is easily mistaken for the latest high tech EV model.
  14. Certainly smarter than EV owners. An_y3TBg-Xr28iwg3nQRxfOOCBrVT5WpUDbXedXuh8V8WcayzWW5ChFajsUu8NLCj1U4oPfDgboFGyDt7KiFwMKt.mp4
  15. Another concern is food products from China 🇨🇳. 1721482701994.mp4
  16. The wonderful new EV technology 😊. Looks like the autonomous driving codes are written by women. ssstwitter.com_1723466511077.mp4
  17. We can be saved.... FDownloader.Net_An_TqGMhykT0lsghqlJYW0hYDT75EsuII0GuuRT10i2_jkksIdRV6uNGpCXEEQdkOXCM0RQf-s6jbuyH7ldH9CQx_720p_(HD).mp4
  18. But why don't they at least inforce a bit of consumer protection. The online sites that ship direct from China are full of fake batteries, substandard and sometimes downright dangerous electronic products, that can cause fires.
  19. Is she woman enough to foster a child?
  20. Nice pictures and have a good trip. I see 1,740 cars 🚗, so get ready for the next round of Neta discounts. How did you spot me, I was wearing my best EV train-spotter disguise 🥸?
  21. https://archive.ph/mdri9
  22. https://apnews.com/article/lithium-ion-batteries-ebikes-fire-new-york-c8b403a95d74f034ea46b64edd7774db?utm_source=copy&utm_medium=share
  23. The massive torque is handy when you have a little too much wine 🍷 in the system. FDownloader.Net_452449102_440570098969573_6421111477724051413_n_720p_(HD).mp4
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