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Everything posted by riclag

  1. You may have heard the expression that prosecutors can “indict a ham sandwich.” This reflects the facts that: (1) grand jury proceedings are secret and closed to the public. The defense has no opportunity to present evidence at a grand jury proceeding, challenge the prosecution’s evidence, or present its side of the story. https://www.burnhamgorokhov.com/criminal-defense-resources/federal-criminal-process/federal-indictments-faqs At this point its all political! Accusations by a democrat prosecutor ,hired by a democrat attorney general Garland . imop Now onto a hostile DC court system , where 95% of the voters, vote for dems and where the electorate has been told previously by his political opponent that Trump is like Gobbels a Nazi propagandist ! https://www.politico.com/news/2020/09/26/joe-biden-trump-joseph-goebbels-422047
  2. well said and simple to understand! Sounds like a global phenomenon imop Deliberately designed to delegitimize a part of the nationalists imop
  3. This is the highwater mark for , the ultimate scam perpetrated on the electorate! The coordinated effort to delegitimize a elected President , using msm and former intel agencies officials ! This is why many will always have Trumps back and why his numbers continue growing!imop
  4. I love to explain it in simple terms with facts and a source but unfortunately its off topic ! It has something to do with hate , the fear of losing power and the people who control the msm and their minions! Imop
  5. Step down ! Nah ! Must put this guy through the walk of shame first( impeachment inquiry),he’s a liar and grifter,then put him on trial after he gets voted out of office., the dem controlled senate wont imop Even CBS corrects Goldman“illusion” claim about the bidens access , it was showing the signal of access & influence .
  6. “Former President Donald Trump's latest four-count indictment relating to the 2020 election's aftermath will not come close to fulfilling Democrats' dreams of prohibiting the Republican front-runner from attaining high office again, a top law professor told Fox News”. https://www.foxnews.com/media/trump-indictment-wont-fulfill-democrats-ineligibility-bedtime-story-smith-stretched-law-legal-experts This interview with J. Turley law professor and A.McCarthy former US attorney who imop is anti Trump and objected to much of Trumps rhetoric during his election loss seems to concur with Turley! All thats needed is Dershowitz expert opinion . "There is no smoking gun. There is no one who is credibly prepared to testify that Donald Trump said to them, ‘I know personally I lost the election’. https://www.foxnews.com/media/jack-smith-indicted-for-stupidity-latest-trump-charges-legal-analyst So its more political persecution by the opposition candidate justice department who hired Jack Smith as a special prosecutor to investigate Trump.imop
  7. I had a friend that convinced me that this was the case with many! Its a job for some , like goin to work ! Some are there to meet financial emergencies too! Will it do any good ! Check will it help the girls! Check! Emotional trash … sells unfortunately. I remember 15 years ago chatting up with a young lady at a establishment . She and her sister were there for 2 days and decided they wanted to go back home , it wasn’t what they expected! I didn’t inquire further into her matter! Just bought a drink and moved on.
  8. Correct, Its been reported The WH has changed the story from Joe not aware to Joe didnt talk about, to no ties. “ Ian Sams, a spokesman for the White House counsel’s office, issued a statement on Friday saying that the White House had no role in decision-making regarding the case and, separately, that Joe Biden has no ties to his son's business operations”. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/white-house-responds-claims-bidens-son-hunter-received-preferential-tr-rcna90841
  9. Devon has implicated Joe by mentioning his participation in business phone calls! How did the bidens business partners market their brand? Its time to subpoena joe for a sworn deposition on those 20 calls he participated in during hunter and Devons business meetings!imop https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4130162-house-democrat-calls-on-comer-to-release-transcript-of-devon-archer-testimony/
  10. Apparently you never watched the video i posted ! This is the mind of a American deplorable ,middle class individual that said call me crazy for liking someone who is a fighter who is more interested in their country as opposed to a leader who is more concerned with taking care of the globalist community! This guy speaks for a lost and forgotten generation of people and their values!
  11. Only time will tell ! But right now Harvard / Harris shows the Independent voter siding heavily toward 45. In June Trump was beating biden with Independents by 4% points in this july poll,it went to 18% points! The lines have been drawn on both sides, left & right! The fight is for the Swing vote! https://harvardharrispoll.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/HHP_July2023_KeyResults.pdf
  12. Mr. President you have some serious issues since the Gop took control and started oversight committees, and its only gonna get more complex for you imop “This election is going to come down to the middle. The middle ideologically, the middle of the country geographically, and the middle class,” Kessler said. “These are places where Biden’s got to win.” 54% of Americans disapprove of the president! The three-day online poll, which asked Americans, "Do you approve or disapprove of the way Joe Biden is handling his job as president?" and ended on Monday, showed a marginal decrease from his 41% approval rating a month earlier, within the survey's three percentage point margin of error https://www.reuters.com/graphics/USA-BIDEN/POLL/nmopagnqapa/
  13. “But for now, the chance that Trump is president in less than two years time is a very real possibility”. Why is it a possibility! Some people want somebody thats willing to stand up for Americans and fight for traditional values imop Do the neocons and dems dislike his ideas, no doubt! He has a vision to rearrange the Washington establishment and he has many grassroots supporters who feel the same. He mentioned at his rally he’s got grassroots support and many of his donations are less than $50
  14. It works for me buddy! 53 is a accomplishment ,I wish my country could claim that! Illegal drugs is a scourge on humanity ,it contributes to addiction,crimes,and all other manifestations of suffering!
  15. So whats your thoughts on the topic? While knowing all the facts that the doj and biden lawyers were colluding or trying to have her “rubber stamp”to a plea deal that prevented any future prosecutions despite a active FARA investigation . And when the judge asked : “All right. So if there were a failure in the investigation or the charges brought were inappropriate,how would that get addressed in our form of government”? Doj Wise: Through the political process, Your Honor. Political process another words higher courts imop https://static.foxnews.com/foxnews.com/content/uploads/2023/07/23cr274MN0726233444.pdf The judge got suspicious when she didn’t even see a space for her signature . https://nypost.com/2023/07/27/how-doj-hunter-lawyers-tried-to-sweet-talk-judge-into-accepting-sweeping-plea-deal/
  16. Singapore Drug related crimes 46 per 100k people! Ranked 53rd! https://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/stats/Crime/Drug-offences Illegal Drugs impose a vicious cycle on humanity! People who oppose extreme measures to deter them contribute to its destructive consequences imop That in itself is heinous !
  17. When it comes to 46,Young biden is a walking treasure trove of facts , figures and incriminating statements imop
  18. Joe caught in another lie during one of the 2020 debates, he said “my son has not made money in terms of this thing about - what are you talking about China” https://news.yahoo.com/nothing-unethical-biden-responds-questions-021413362.html Under questioning during the trial yesterday Hunter confirmed he received $664,000 from CEFC China Pg 28. Court transcripts. https://static.foxnews.com/foxnews.com/content/uploads/2023/07/23cr274MN0726233444.pdf
  19. This ruling is rare & historic! The court wouldnt rubber stamp a plea deal between defense and Doj that gave Hunter immunity from future prosecution! Going forward after watching all of the proceedings involving the two IRS investigators and their credible testimony involving the doj hindering the IRS attempts at inquiry , I think there is no trusting the govt to investigate it self! That being said,after they interview Devon Archer a Impeachment inquiry with witnesses, cross examination, testimony from IRS and others, hunters emails & graphics from the laptop .joes videos denying his awareness of his son business dealings! All of this put in front of the people for them to decide!imop
  20. During a contentious court hearing in a federal court in Wilmington, Delaware, federal prosecutor Leo Wise confirmed to Judge Maryellen Noreika of the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware that the DOJ is still investigating Hunter Biden over a potential FARA violation. According to the DOJ, a willful violation of FARA could result in a five-year imprisonment and $250,000 fine, or both. https://news.yahoo.com/doj-reveals-hunter-biden-still-224814703.html God speed ,Gop oversite has done a hell of a job . Once archer testifies with his accusations about then VP it will be impeachment inquiry time for the Potus. Imop https://nypost.com/2023/06/15/hunter-biden-associate-devon-archer-to-dish-on-10-million-bribe/
  21. Conditions of release, no alcohol, no drugs,drug testing , seek employment and the list goes on! https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.us-courts.ded.82801/gov.uscourts.ded.82801.16.0_1.pdf
  22. “But Hunter Biden's attorney, Christopher Clark, called the deal "null and void" after a prosecutor told the judge that Hunter Biden isn't immune from future charges in the investigation”. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/hunter-biden-plea-deal-court-judge/ No rubber stamp today for the sweetheart deal. Looks like the judge questioned why she was supposed to sign off on immunity for young bidens possible future prosecutions ! Omg the nerve of “all” these people trying to slide the immunity card through !imop Nice try , see you in court again!
  23. Since joe can’t be subpoenaed at the Inquiry. Subpoena Hunter! https://news.yahoo.com/biden-narrative-never-discussing-business-111838171.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS91cmw_cT1odHRwcyUzQSUyRiUyRm5ld3MueWFob28uY29tJTJGYmlkZW4tbmFycmF0aXZlLW5ldmVyLWRpc2N1c3NpbmctYnVzaW5lc3MtMTExODM4MTcxLmh0bWwmc2E9VSZ2ZWQ9MmFoVUtFd2pDLTlibTdLdUFBeFc2Ym13R0hXZTBCWUU0RkJBV2VnUUlEQkFCJnVzZz1BT3ZWYXcyQzE1NG1tTjJKc1ZjbXAzQ0lrZ1Y1&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAANzPh2Pxq-HDyksBZ3b54lYEKK-I8uA6KMgRRPA088JfspSmtMy6VwzzhMMkssINi_Q428Hdhi4df_O63axuk_V6NfJPKTHTUq9RAHH9haFlknAutxzQ_URgCUeNv2UGXwc6f_v2X6tEQuVblX-S2EC5dXWVttYCO8lb5ckSYpLz
  24. Maybe I’m a bit nostalgic but truth be told! Imop The whole purpose is to get the evidence in front of the American people ! Its for them to decide! Impeachment inquiry is pinnacle ,simply because it forces the media to cover it! Expect a robust debate with witnesses,Graphics, pictures and video highlights!
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