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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. See? The man works so hard that he had a toilet bowl installed in the room where he stashed the stolen, restricted documents.
  2. Hitler's generals lost the war. That's the kind of people he wants?
  3. What I like about Hitler's generals is THEY LOST.
  4. I'm waiting for someone from the press to ask him "Sir, how many of your marbles have you lost so far?"
  5. Something I'm bothered by is you have some not-impressive movies with some very good performances. A few examples (strictly IMO): Denzel in Roman J. Israel, Esq. Meryl Streep in Ricki and the Flash Sandra Bullock in All About Steve, and The Blind Side(which is Lifetime Channel-quality pap) I find a lot of the Big Stars(tm) these days to be unimpressive. Ryan Reynolds? I don't see much there, same with the other Ryan. I hated the first movie of Dune a few years ago, they turned it into an almost-superhero movie, big buffed up guys fighting hand-to-hand, etc. The second movie was more what I expected, but I got tired of looking at Chalamet and Zendaya's faces. I just saw "Woman of the Hour" last night, might as well have been an episode of "Law & Order SVU." And then there's the animated movies, I could do without those. Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. When they came out with the first film version of that I was blown away by Alec Guinness looking and behaving exactly as I pictured the Smiley character. Then came the remake a few years ago. Not just terrible, but laughable. The Peter Guillam character, Smiley's tough right-hand man and a bit of a lady's man was now a bisexual who wept when his live-in boyfriend moved out. He was played Cumberbatch -- a scene where he is supposed to be beating the truth out of someone is a joke, more like he was smashing him with his purse.
  6. How do foreign leaders see DT? The answer is to question this image: why is this man smiling?
  7. I've been waiting for him to go full Howard Beale.
  8. So this is what DT means when he talks about foreigners bringing over bad genes.
  9. "I read it somewhere" No reason to read it, a lot of people are saying . . . or Everyone is saying or someone came up to me and said "Sir, . . . " or Trump, 78, insists he’s ‘not that close to 80’ in latest effort to deny mental acuity concerns As he would put it: I did the math myself, I'm very smart, y'know, my uncle works at MIT But it looks like the years are indeed catching up when he says "I saw it on television . . . " And who is nearly always on US TV, on one channel or another? Himself. So I know it's true when he says it on air and then quotes himself. Here again, the question from another thread: "are there really people like this?"
  10. Hey, that's my girlfriend! I thought she only shouted that during sex.
  11. Maybe it has something to do with this "You shouldn't play negative ads": Trump brags about plan to beg Murdoch for interference https://m.imdb.com/news/ni64895868/
  12. I'm curious about how these people got to Chagos. More than 1,000 miles from Sri Lanka. St Helena? Man, that sounds brutal, no way to leave. Didn't the Ozzie gov't do something like this and the people started committing suicide?
  13. A man who has never wanted for a material thing in his life sticks his nose into the real world like a visiting royal. This is pure reality TV stuff. But what's the point he's trying to make? Thaksin's daughter also worked at a Bkk McD's.
  14. Trump Demands On-Air That Fox News Censor ‘Negative Ads’
  15. Americans like to refer to "my tax money." I'd never use that term. I pay my taxes, and it's not mine any more, and it's the same for the rest of them.
  16. In that case, if they are lucky, they may soon have the privilege to host him in their home country when he goes into exile. Meanwhile, can anyone explain why Trump is running out of gas? A line from an ancient Dylan song "Queen Jane Approximately": ". . . you're tired of yourself and all of your creations." Just like the cop & lawyer shows on the telly -- they get the perp exhausted with his own lies and is so worn down he'll confess to killing Lincoln. But this guy does it to himself. In case no one in here has noticed, a few weeks back he told one of his crowds (maybe in Georgia?) "I don't care if you vote, I have the votes. The issue now is election integrity," Meaning Stolen Election II is imminent. A few days ago it was back to "get out and vote": Former President Donald Trump urged his female supporters to tell their "fat pig" husbands to get off the couch and vote for him early in the election. Weird how Team MAGA keeps bringing up couches and male genitalia, no?
  17. If I had $30 million I wouldn't think about gambling.
  18. EM has money to burn, so it's just part of his personal reality show. A billion dollar suit is not going to cramp his style. Greene is supposedly an heiress, I don't know what she's worth. If it's a mere $5 million she can easily be wiped out by just the legal fees.
  19. Didn't mean to imply going that far, maybe more like locking him up unconditionally as a threat to the stability of the country, along with the whole deck of jokers that guide and abet him. That stuff about knowingly giving bad information to people in distress, causing death and loss, would be a small first step, Keep the jet fueled and ready, Eric.
  20. Next time the squib might ignite the hair. Or the face paint.
  21. Do bear in mind that all this Supreme Court to-do about the privileges of the president would also cover the one currently serving. If DT loses but puts up a fight I'd like to see Biden make use of the privileges SCOTUS has been coming up with for their orange-faced hero. Reference the SCOTUS discussion about the president being able to have Navy Seals kill his political enemy. Biden is out after the inauguration, he has nothing to lose, and by the time they bring him to court (at least two years) old Joe's health may render him unfit to stand trial. And if DT pulls his shenanigans again, and gets foiled, then comes his trial (however many years later), and HE may be the one that's unfit;. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/07/02/trump-immunity-murder-navy-sotomayor-00166385
  22. Thanks for pointing that out. Who in the US has not heard of Miranda rights: "anything you say can be used against you"? I believe what Cassidy Hutchinson said about the steering wheel incident on 1/6, but it was hearsay. I think what happened is one of the DT aids told her this, but that aid was told to say that by the guy with the comb-over.
  23. McConnell called Trump "ill-tempered" "stupid" and a “despicable human being” . . . while continuing to kiss his azz. At least twice Mitch had the chance to get rid of him: impeachments #1 and 2. He said "the Dems will get rid of him for us" but that didn't happen because nobody on the right would support them. You don't have to be good at being a senator to succeed in a career as one, just follow the crowd. And then there is the old joke about the US senator who had been dead for 2 years before anyone noticed. Another case of a man getting on in years and slipping his gears. Kamala once said of him that he doesn't make a move (in The Senate) before figuring out where he'll be five moves later. He doesn't seem that much on the ball these days. Say, whatever became of those Russian imbroglios, remember "Moscow Mitch"?
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