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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. Trump will go after his perceived enemies I was expecting a discussion of bathroom etiquette at Mar-a-Lago.
  2. Looks like he died watching television. Just like bin Laden.
  3. There's a section of Bangkok, somewhere around Yaowarat and Phahurat where there are wholesale bazaars for different gadgets, e.g. a whole alley of sunglass vendors, or electric lamps, or tools, etc. There is one for watches. Whoever is making these DT watches is probably making others that go out the back door and sells for less than a tourist would pay for a nights lodging. But the joke is the scam itself: it's a $$$ laundering op, pretty obvious. It's not a campaign contribution, it's a money in the pocket.
  4. That's it, I will definitely not be voting for Doug Emhoff.
  5. Fake news, fake noose.
  6. I've heard something about them likening him to King Cyrus. Whatever that means.
  7. "I hate Obamacare, I want absolutely nothing to with it! This ACA (Affordable Healthcare Act) sounds pretty good." This is the sentiment of a lot of DT supporters. It doesn't make sense to you? Ah, then you are not a MAGA fan.
  8. Fox edited the enemy within clip. Caught red-handed. She wouldn't let Baier snow her when she called him on it. She's got guts. That station goes out of their way to make DT look good, and he doesn't like it, he'll double down on what he said, brushing aside the Fox editorializing. Don't they get embarrassed?
  9. It's always a laugh whenever this guy talks about the smart things he does or calls other people stupid or liars. He is almost as bad as his eldest son. I know someone who is just about as stupid and dishonest and has the same oversized ego. it's like they are a species of their own. They should all be exiled to an island with only their own kind.
  10. I had a co-worker on one job who was an evangelical preacher, as was his father. One thing that really stuck in his craw regarding Catholicism was "all that stuff about his mother," claimed it wasn't in his bible. This is what came to mind when I heard DT tell his guy to play "Ave Maria." I wonder how many votes that cost him.
  11. This idea of turning the off-season into a no-go time is a good start, IMO. And of course there are exceptions for those with pull.
  12. What's the strain and where can I get some? Sounds like she may have popped a few edibles too.
  13. Where's that WWII generation when we need them?
  14. He ran off to Russia to dodge metoo accusations.
  15. Aw, c'mon, you know that grifter is going to stuff it into his pocket. Trump Campaign's GoFundMe Efforts Raise Millions for Emergency Relief But that's ok, by the time the DOJ gets to it the time will be too close to the 2028 election to act on it. Shhh, no reason to wake up the AG.
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  16. This https://www.newsweek.com/swastika-flags-flown-donald-trump-boat-parade-florida-us-presidential-2042-election-1968426 link works.
  17. ??? One rep (Chip Roy from Texas, I think) complained that the GOP hasn't done anything he can go home and campaign on.
  18. She may end up doing commercials: Branded Cream is so good it's worth going to jail for!
  19. Bannon gets out of prison at the end of the month. Hopefully once he passes through the gates they'll hit him with a new indictment. Bear in mind he has not been locked up for crimes related to political monkey business (yet), this stint was for violating a subpoena.
  20. There are some strange bedfellows (literally!) in US politics. Number one on my list is Carville and his wife. Second would be Conway and Kellyanne, but the caveat there is 10+ years ago they were on the same team. And then of course there are ones we never hear of at all, but there are a few that get whispered, Like Bill Maher and Ann Coulter: from what little I've seen of either of them she is the one influencing him. I never took her seriously, the first time I saw her was about a month after 9/11 and she was saying something like "all swarthy men should be deported anyway, I mean like YUCK!" I thought it was a comic bit, like Suzie Sorority of the Silent Majority from the old SNL. Not long after the 2016 election Rachel Maddow had Kellyanne on her nightly show for the purpose lauding her for being the first woman campaign manager to get a president elected. The following night Ms. M raged about how Kellyanne lied to her on air and she will never be on her show again; I heard her say this on air, but I don't recall reading it mentioned on the news sites.
  21. I'm running Win 10 Home edition, which (legitimately) came with this laptop in 2016; my hardware also is incompatible with 11. After that fiasco earlier this year I restored from a previous backup and have avoided updates since. I'm a software engineer (retired) so I understand that mistakes do happen, but the corrupted updates is colossal egg-on-the-face. I intend to switch to Linux at some point (the dual-boot stuff is in place) but it's work, and I'm enjoying my lazy lifestyle. I have the impression MS has been deliberately slowing down Win10 via updates as a further boot in the arse to get with 11. The only way I'm going to do that is if this laptop dies and I buy another with a legit 11 license.
  22. Liz hops aboard the f-word train. Liz Cheney issues dire warning about ‘fundamentally cruel’ Trump, agrees he’s a ‘fascist’ On the other hand DT's father is probably looking up from hell with pride.
  23. Here's another. A young person of color is walking down the street and gets stopped by a pollster who asks who will they vote for. The person takes in the blonde hair, blue eyes and the paper-white complexion of the pollster, then glances around and sees people who resemble those January 6 patriots, and realizes their's is the only dark skin within sight. "I'm going to vote for the racist guy, yessir!" These things are ALWAYS suspect IMO. E.g., they come out with a poll result that 95% of the people believe in God. You will not be told that the poll was taken in front of a Catholic church on a Sunday morning. And then there is the fun stuff. In the primary a few months ago Biden was running unapposed; a third-party candidate's name was on the ballot but she had dropped out. For a laugh I voted for her, a New Age charlatan. The laugh will be when all is said and done and the electorate data has been analyzed someone will claim that there is a growing trend of acceptance for magical-mystical grifter candidates. But if today a pollster would ask the question of me I would say I'd vote for DT because I want the Dems/libs to be so scared that they get off their butts and VOTE.
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