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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. He always does this: he pulls something out of his butt in public and then someone over-intellectualizes and he is credited with making novel socio-economic suggestions. Sometimes satire writes itself. Does this with the press, too: he tosses out some numbers and nonsense, the fact checkers have to go work on it. He knows the less press is looking at his workings the better his chances of getting away with his shenanigans. Not a brilliant strategy, but it is clever. He tosses the stick and is saying "Go, fetch!" when he does stuff like this.
  2. US election 2016: Trump says election 'rigged at polling places' Trump ratchets up ‘rigged election’ claims, which Pence downplays
  3. Is this a reference to something depicted in Visconti's "The Damned"? if so, bravo!
  4. Whatever happens at the DNC convention will be reported by Fox, Russia Today, Sinclair and OAN as a disaster. Their reporting doesn't get any more predictable than that. Try some other news sources, then tell us which party is in a shambles.
  5. I'm expecting some heated, possibly violent, confrontations at the GOP convention next month. For the past 2 years or so Flynn has been touring the US with a road show that is a combination Christian revival and a brand of patriotic zeal that goes beyond extreme right-wing. Michael Flynn: From Government Insider to Holy Warrior Strictly my opinion: if DT manages to get back into the WH in January, and he doesn't put Flynn in prison or drive him out of the country (one way or another) there will eventually be something of a palace coup, with DT confined to his golf course and the US gets a true Christian nationalist dictatorship. The GOP members in gov't that are licking DT's shoes will no longer be afraid of the MAGA loonies but rather Flynn's soldiers, and will have some different boots to slobber over. Should this come to be, anticipate a Pentagon-based military coup. This just out today: Michael Flynn Has Turned His Trump-World Celebrity Into a Family Business
  6. Yes they have a bias. Yes they serve the will of their owners. Sound familiar? Know that it is indeed biased, obviously so IMO. It is for the viewer to discern what the truth may be. Viewer must have critical thinking facilities to play at this. If you can't handle it go to a different news site. I stopped watching it after the October invasion, it's pretty much full-time with that now. They have some good documentary series, like 101 East. When they do a doc on an issue they and theirs doesn't really have an interest in, like human trafficking in certain SEA countries, the way it is covered is much different than the way the Western TV covers it, much grittier and raw. I used to like Listening Post but that guy seems to have become too full of himself. Personally I think war should be shown in gory detail, the "sides" be damned. I want this because when people say they want war they should be fully cognizant of what they are wishing for. Think of the films of those Nazi rallies where thousands were chanting "total war." So, IMO, this is what Al Jaz provides, to a degree.
  7. When Al Jaz shows up it means the bad guys know where you are. Or so I've been told.
  8. He had one line in "The Dirty Dozen" and his career took off from there. He was in Fellini's Cassanova, story was he had all his teeth pulled to change the shape of his face for that role -- someone told me this back then but I've never heard mention of it otherwise.
  9. Trump Loses It At Fox News, Says No One Can Trust It See? Fake news everywhere!
  10. If backpacking, you'll learn that many of them tend to follow each other around, go to the same places, etc. I started off-the-beaten-path in the 1970s, and the goal (for many) was to find a places away from the tourist stuff, but that seems passe. For many in the under-35 (app.) set it's like an international pub crawl. My advice to is go wherever you find interesting, don't worry you'll always find a food and a place to stay.
  11. I realized long ago that in LOS getting away from the tourist areas is a completely different experience, even within Bkk just a ten minute walk from a heavily touristy area. I usually am alone, and sometimes get these puzzled looks "what is that farang doing here?" This is much more common than getting the stink eye for invading their neighborhood, but it does happen. Out in the smaller towns you can be an outright oddity; once I was a standing watching a procession then a realized a lot of the people were looking at me instead of the parade, like it was the first time they've seen an Occidental. Or maybe they thought I was Brad Pitt . On the other hand not being anywhere near fluent with the language has probably saved me from saying the wrong thing and getting myself in trouble. IMO for a foreigner in LOS the worst places to be are the areas developed for tourism. But I would say that for nearly every place I've been.
  12. Same with comedy: do they come to laugh or to attend a lecture? And with ticket prices being what they are. . .
  13. Maybe they were booing because of his dopey outfit.
  14. The ex worked 2 jobs, and wouldn't give a dime to a blind beggar. Occasionally she would send a check to the Doris Day Home for Wayward Animals (this was in the 1980s). Go figure.
  15. Network security anyone?
  16. I didn't follow the OJ trial, but I recall it being mentioned that two of the prosecutors were keeping company. They managed to hush that right quick.
  17. Did anyone figure out exactly how Epstein came to have so much money? Last I heard it was still a mystery. Perhaps doing things like sending a $100,000 per week bill to a monarch for a son's accommodation (and confidentiality)? He stopped hanging out with Epstein after Hillary cut his American Express card in half.
  18. Unfortunately another of his kind will take his place, maybe already has. All those podcasters queuing up. What this guy put those people through is absolutely heinous. Nothing they do to him would be too cruel.
  19. His name doesn't appear in this article, but Bannon has been pushing this tactic since 2016. https://apnews.com/article/election-2024-conservatives-trump-heritage-857eb794e505f1c6710eb03fd5b58981
  20. This one is truly a few cards short of a deck. Somewhere between a dictatorship ego and some kind of New Age call of destiny. I've met a few of these.
  21. Jesus became an extraterrestrial, so did his mum. Didn't need space ships. Maybe they will return, sandals and virginity will come back into style.
  22. Pic in the OP shows BiB pointing. Do they charge by the point?
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