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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. Trump Likens Biden Administration to 'Gestapo' at Private Donor Event Perhaps he meant it as a compliment, or spoken in envy.
  2. People who can afford cars like that don't get them fixed, they go out and buy a new one.
  3. It would be Biden's to win, just let the other two compete to try to out-crazy each other. The MAGA/Qanon crowd has a thing for the Kennedys, remember how they were flocking to Dealey Plaza (site of the JFK assassination) anticipating the resurrection of JFK Jr a few years ago? RFKJr will steal some of DT's lunatic voters. I look forward to seeing the two having at it.
  4. Wise words. When doing excursions around SEA and South America in the '00 decade I noticed packaged Arabica (well, that's what it said on the labels) sold in supermarkets was just about the same price everywhere. After the 2008 world economic problems I saw the price rise in unison. And yes, if the price was lower than it should be it was indicative that there was something off about it. Indeed, may as well buy pre-ground in packages. I've learned to tolerate 3-in-1, while spending time in the back of beyond in Indonesia, as a breakfast beverage, not really coffee -- coffee was something to look forward to when returning to the more modern world. My gripe is that just about any internet conversation about grinders will go off into a "true espresso grind" argument that derails all else. At the moment I'm in the US and have a Krup's burr grinder, I love it! Just one click on the "fineness" control can alter the taste.
  5. Perhaps something in the name indicates what it is made from. (Hint: caballo means "horse")
  6. Maybe the poor guy can't afford the air freight to have his golden toilet shipped to eastern Europe.
  7. Talking beans here, not their drinks in the cafes. Starbucks French Roast has that slightly-burnt espresso taste. Starbucks Espresso beans are deep, dark roast but lack that "burned toast taste" as my coffee mentor of long ago would put it. Starbucks Verona is quite similar. These are the names on the packages as sold in the U.S. There is also a Starbucks Italian Roast which I never tried (it looks like they only sell it pre-ground). Never bought such beans in SEA, too expensive, probably around $US20 for 12 ounces these days. In LOS there was a coffee from Holland available at Big C and Tesco, called Moccona. It came in 3 types, and the one in the green package (I think) had that burnt taste. If in Pattaya, you may want to check out the roastery in the market at the south end of Soi Bukhao.
  8. With all the crappy hardware China is flooding the world with there's a 50-50 chance the wrenches will break instead.
  9. Al Jazeera Shutdown - Israeli Cabinet Approves Closure of Al Jazeera's Facilities Well, that is a bit more civilized than killing their reporters. This one was in 2022 https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/10/16/israeli-forces-killed-abu-akleh-without-justification-un-inquiry-says
  10. He's the only one who is complaining about the courtroom being too cold, probably to do with the napping. Will they let him bring a blanket? If he thinks the courtroom is uncomfortable just wait until they start putting him in cells.
  11. And then there is digestion itself. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2024/04/23/donald-trump-gagged-from-attacking-witness-michael-cohen-as-he-calls-him-von-<deleted>zinpantz/ Hey, it's Breitbart, no it's not fake news! https://www.thedailybeast.com/laura-ingraham-pissed-that-cnn-mentioned-trumps-scatalogical-nickname
  12. Well, just this morning I found some news related to the Christian Nationalist putsch I mentioned above. https://newrepublic.com/post/181223/michael-flynn-legal-troubles I think Flynn and his buddies are going to help promote DT (in their own sick way) to get elected, and once in office they will run the country for him. If that comes to pass I suspect DT will be resting on the golf course next to his first wife in the near future. The successor will not necessarily be his 2024 running mate. As Flynn has been heard to brag: "I know how to do this, I've overthrown governments before." https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/documentary/michael-flynns-holy-war/
  13. What he will do is lose in November, crying all the way how it was rigged yet again, and then fund raise off of Stolen Election II, that is the best case scenario. Hey, if the chumps keep sending in a million bucks a day that's pretty smooth. Between now and the convention in July, he may suddenly find himself surrounded by Christian Nationalist types who will turn him into a figurehead leader, keep him on his golf course in Florida, and do the will of God and The Founders via assigns in DC: that will be the end of him.
  14. That is the same question I asked when I first was able to vote in 1972. Talk about discouraging. We had a New Age charlatan in the running but she unfortunately dropped out again. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marianne_Williamson I was so looking forward to foreign policy decisions formed by astrology, forcing people to avoid communicable diseases by wearing crystals, contacting the Founding Fathers via ouija board, and solstices becoming Federal holidays. But there's hope for the future: WILLIAMSON 2028!
  15. He is being played as the spoiler, he is not supposed to win, he is supposed to lesson the Dem vote (as did Nader in 2000, McCarthy in 1968). But it looks like the plan won't fly: his statements are more like a whacka-doo conservative than anything the Dems are pushing. It looks like the more the GOP/MAGA/Libertarian crowd keeps the Covid vaccine and response issues alive the more RFK Jr will attract them. IMO best things for Biden to do is keep away from ANY mention of RFK Jr or Covid. Donald Trump and RFK Jr Have the Same Largest Donor
  16. Hang on. Whether going to prison or to the grave, papa seems to be taking his money with him. Is he giving his kids the finger? Even after he's gone his estate will have to honor his legal settlements and lawyer fees. Ivanka is all set, providing hubby's rascality doesn't catch up with him. Erik and Donjr, I dunno, both are too old to do the male escort thing. Do not believe for a moment that Melania never saw his shenanigans as a personal act of revenge.
  17. Really, how can you respect anyone who whines like he does? Complain. whine, and verbally attack those who disagree with you. Like "mean girls." He lawyers should recommend a mental incompetency plea, his intellectual age is 11 years old. Maybe when the sentences are handed down they will send him back to reform school.
  18. This guy should take his act to Nashville. "The Devil Went Down to Roi Et" !
  19. Correction: it wasn't said by him, it was said of him, and of course he didn't like it. (circa 1988 presidential campaign)
  20. Moscow horse droppings. Some effort should be exerted to learn more about the circumstances of this U.S. intelligence assessment. The US has pro-Putin elements in Congress, there is no reason to reject the idea that there is also some of this in intelligence. As Ronald Reagan said "The fish rots from the head down."
  21. Is this the borne of the influence of the same US presidential candidate that always covers for his pal Putin?
  22. Donald Trump and RFK Jr Have the Same Largest Donor "Spoiler alert" indeed! I saw RFKjr on Maher a few days ago. He is jittery, does he have a nervous condition? It looked like he does a lot of deliberate gesturing to cover it up. For some reason the MAGA/Qanon crowd has an affinity for JFKjr, remember when crowds were showing up at Dealey Plaza to see his resurrected self? Gotta wonder how they square that with their claims about baby-eating Democrats. QAnon Supporters Pack Site Of JFK Assassination In Hopes JFK Jr. (And Maybe His Dad) Will Return
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