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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. Melania Trump Receives Six-Figure Payment for Political Event, Raising Ethical Questions She'd probably like that headline, thinking that they are saying she has a size 6 figure.
  2. Diddy always has his mouth open, his jaw hanging down like he's saying "duhhh." Does not make him look smart. Compare that vid of him kicking that girl in the head to that vid of Jay Z dealing with his sister-in-law going full Aunt Esther on him.
  3. She shouldn't debate him again. He did so badly in the first the press could say of the next "well, he did better than the first one," which can be celebrated as a positive. They can't take him to task because he comes out with so much trash talk they can't keep up, whereas serious candidates get the third degree.
  4. Stick with imported beer, makes a great impression on the American gals. importedbeer.mp4
  5. Look back on the 2016 election, you'll see that around 2 weeks before the election DT was already crying that the election was rigged against him. When the vote came out in his favor some election entity should have called him on the rug and demanded info in this regard ("Russia, if you're listening . . . "). The way DT keeps bringing up russiarussiarussia in attempt to keep in front of it he is actually reminding us of it.
  6. While the GOP/MAGA is hard at work on "election integrity (EI)," meaning eliminating as many voters as possible. DT himself has said he knows he already won the election, and his focus is on EI to ensure his win. The GOP has been banging the drum for this fictional problem since W's days, if not before. E.g., Georgia is doing so by making a pig's breakfast of their electoral system. Election Deniers Secretly Pushed Rule That Would Make It Easier to Delay Certification of Georgia’s Election Results Republicans are using ruse of "election integrity" to pull off another round of Big Lie chicanery Actually it would be better to go to news.google.com with election integrity to check reporting from various sources. With the Supreme Court in his pocket we know where that would go, if it came to it.
  7. Just listen to a WH press conference, when you hear the way Doocey Jr engages the press sec you'll have your answer.
  8. Very interesting that the case is in Reno, Nevada. Sort of a mini-Vegas, about half the size of Pattaya. Desert, casinos, horses, desert . . .
  9. Birth rate down, death rate up, emigration rate up. Maybe easy to find a job there. There is this TV personality in the US who just loves the place, keeps going on about it.
  10. $12 today! ♫ get back to where you once belonged ♪ ♪
  11. I've been waiting for something like this. They will either form a new party, or will have to ferret out the MAGA element: all GOP members will have to get DNA swabs of their lips in search of DNA from DT's hindquarters. If DT loses both the election and his buffoonery with the courts this year there may emerge a new MAGA without the orange facepaint, and IMO in such case he may leave the USA for a much better place, like Russia or Bellarus (*wink*). 'Furious' Trump is panicked as MAGA becomes monster he no longer controls: analyst Even though Liz C. is a champion for flushing this stuff down the tubes I dread her assent to the top of what the GOP will become. Her mother (who, reputedly, is just about as much of a sweetie as her father) writes books about patriotism and Christian faith. Be sure that if Liz is involved in forming this new party mama will have an influence. In the meantime IMO there is a pretty good chance that if DT gets inaugurated there will be a palace revolt, reducing DT to a figurehead, led by the same entity that is stuffing the pockets of SCOTUS and choosing the judges. Liz will be sent to a gulag.
  12. Oh yeah, the "fair & balanced" station. Probably for the same reason the MAGA candidates won't debate on MSNBC.
  13. Thanks to all who responded to this. I believe this is what I read about back then, though I thought it was in Wired magazine in 1999 or so. On a related LOS note, there was a torrent hacker (European) who was put on an international wanted list, and he was nabbed entering Thailand from Lao. When busted, he was wearing the same t-shirt as in his pic on the wanted alert.
  14. Not to stray from the subject, your post reminded me of something from more than 20 years ago about some sort of "platform" built in the sea in that area and was supposed to become an independent country. What ever became of that? Can't recall the name.
  15. Yikes! I'd better eat that one before it eats me!
  16. You forget the cats and dogs! It's not an outrage any more, it's been normalized. Like the MAGA candidate's bigotry. And don't forget the grammar schools that give the kids sex-change operations during class.
  17. Aren't we fortunate to have someone like him (her?) to tell us the truth?
  18. Sicily, where the brain surgeons have to use jackhammers when they operate because the skulls are so thick. (A little intra-ethnic humor there). There are places in that part of the Mediterranean that haven't caught up to the 20th century yet. E.g. I met a Brit woman who went solo to Lampedusa recently and she said she constantly had women asking her "where is your husband?" With the exception of the larger cities like Athens, I would suspect in the rural regions the attitudes toward modern gender lifestyles are not what you would appreciate. And you really don't want get involved in a conversation about who killed JC. IMO your Turkey idea was better. For entertainment you might want to check out the US TV series "Law&Order: Organized Crime" a few seasons back when they took on the Albanian mob; it was the first time I appreciated Meloni's acting, and Lolita Davidovich plays an Albanian madam -- she nails it.
  19. Might also want to consider he's prepping for 2028 when his daughter will be running against Kamala. Any words regarding his love of country qualifies as pure Wyoming horse manure. The truth about this guy won't be revealed until most of us in this forum will be long gone. And every potential biographer knows better than to take him/his on.
  20. I interpreted that (you mean the TV interview with Dana Bash on Sept. 15, right?) as him griping that he puts a lot of hard work into coming up with these cockamamie stories, and that she should show some respect for that. I developed an appreciation for Bash when, after DT's first debate with Biden in 2020 the first thing out of her mouth when the debate ended was "that was a sh_t show." Oh those Jersey girls! There is another highly ridiculous aspect to this thing about applauding Ivy League graduates. The conservative media will go on into perpetuity about how US universities are incubators for the left, communist, Marxist (enter flavors of the day here), while at the same time lauding their members who have degrees from such institutions (Ted Cruz, Hawley, JD, and lots more) who they brand as scholars and true US conservatives, even as they come out with the dumbest statements to support their current deity. Also in recent years the right-wing has been denouncing education, part of their dumbing-down strategy, and looking at the MAGA numbers it seems to be working.
  21. The real danger Fox offers is what they DO NOT SHOW. They do not show the MAGA crowd breaking windows, running through the Capitol building, that clown at Pelosi's desk; when they sort of covered the January 6 hearings they blurred out the screen in the House chamber showing the assault. They may not cover anything scandalous regarding GOP/MAGA, I get the impression they didn't report the Boebert stick-shift incident. The reason DT flipped about Fox a few days ago is they said something unfavorable about him, and he can't handle that.
  22. Has LOS been annexed by the U.S. ? All this gun stuff . . .
  23. Eric Idle says that back when they were filming (taping) Monty Python at BBC studios, everyone was telling everyone else to keep away from Jimmy Seville, and don't ask why; he said because JS had the biggest show on BBC it made him untouchable. Seville was fortunate in that all was not revealed after his death. Unlike Bill Cosby, for instance. Sometimes your longevity does not work in your favor.
  24. Maybe a lot in here missed this, but there was an amusing encounter with this guy at a US Senate hearing not too long ago. Just look up senator markwayne mullin teamsters
  25. Her husband is having a homosexual affair with the guy who runs N. Korea, he has declared it publicly. No shame in that. As for Mel, she has to deal with the insult that her husband would rather see a naked fat man than look at her. Best move for her would be to get some solid lawyers on retainer, otherwise his two eldest sons will cheat her out of her inheritance; it seems to be the way things are done in that family, just ask Mary Trump. For those who know how to read: FROM THE WHORE HOUSE TO THE WHITE HOUSE The True Story of Melania Trump First Edition Copyright © Runge Enterprises, Inc. 2016 ISBN: 978-1530674701
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