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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. Trump Says He Should ‘Get All the Credit’ if GOP Wins, ‘Not Be Blamed’ if They Lose The narcissist's creed.
  2. Done it lots of times, but haven't tried recently. They take your fingerprints when you enter, land border or airport.
  3. The plan is to destroy the electoral system via burdening them with anything they can concoct. Don't get hung up on the demands of a certain case, each is just another piece of trash being dumped. How is this being allowed to happen?
  4. I had a German girlfriend, she would refer to guys like this as a "B-dolf." (because B comes after A) Her brother, born during the Reich, was one. Seems that they are a type.
  5. These days a US patriot is someone who is pro-Russia and Putin is "the man," and they love the tyrants running the former USSR states. CPAC held one of their club meetings in Hungary, that should tell you a lot. How does supporting these guys support the US? What happened to the "love it or leave it" ? The leader of the MAGA thing has a fetish about being sub to world-class strong men, and he's pretty obvious about it.
  6. When Air Asia started flying to Macau I did a visa run to Hong Kong, via ferry. I ended up doing it a few times. Always liked the place, hadn't been there in decades. I don't know how practical it would be these days.
  7. A rumor that has been circulating since the Cuban Revolution is that Fidel came to the US to try out as a baseball player a few years before. Consider the effect on geopolitics if he had made the grade. That the Cuban people were crazy about baseball was a national embarrassment for the Castro commies. I do think when other countries started playing pro baseball, like Japan ("basabaru"), the US should have opened it up. On the other hand people in the US complain that the soccer World Cup is only on the Spanish-language stations.
  8. "Russia, if you're listening . . ." Which man just paid the piper? But why is Prigozhin revealing this to the world? It won't make any difference, that spray tan DT wears is Teflon-based.
  9. If "The Simpsons" had an incel character . . .
  10. The True Story of the Antifa Invasion of Forks, Washington A false report on Twitter exploded into a call to arms. Then a bus, carrying a family and two dogs, rolled into a remote Northwestern town.
  11. He sure is behaving like another person who is constantly in the news. In a few days he'll be wearing orange spray-tan.
  12. Many native New Yorkers think the Mason-Dixon line is a mile south of Coney Island.
  13. I haven't been following this: when I read the news and see that smiling chimpanzee face I keep scrolling. US$44 billion? (I think Buffet bought a large chunk of North American railroad infrastructure for $50 billion.) It sounds like we are in dot com bubble 2.0. Truth is Twitter has no secret sauce, anyone with the dosh can put together the engineers and the hardware to do the same thing, and for a hell of a lot less $$$. (I think of the current titans of internet entities only Google is sitting on a secret yet-to-be-cracked algorithm, the one that the two lads came up with in 1998). Facebook is banking on, and hyping, technology that does not exist yet -- shades of 1997. Oh, but the brand recognition! The user base! Yeah, sure. Remember Myspace? AOL? And for those who remember 1990s pre-internet technology: Wordperfect, Lotus 123, dBase, Novell, Borland development software, to name a few; all were used in nearly every business that utilized computers. Recalling his comments when all this started I got the impression EM's goal was to be the most well-known person in the world. At the end of the day Twitter is just a chat site. I would guess they own a good chunk of real estate to house all those server farms, probably the only true assets should he be forced to liquidate. With all this supply chain problems and chip shortages we're told about maybe he can get some return on selling second-hand hardware. And now we can guess who will buy out Tesla when his nibs is forced to sell.
  14. MAGA politicians do what the boss tells them., That is your all-encompassing answer for any question you may have regarding their decisions. Messianic Leadership, baby! Wait until you what Flynn is working on, it's the next level.
  15. Spoken by a 70 year old women whose House is being set upon by a treasonous president. Still, you're fretting over being punched by a 70 y.o. granny. She'd probably be the one in the emergency room, with busted knuckles and orange spray-tan on her hands.
  16. In the way that in Thailand coup d'etat has evolved into an acceptable way to change government, so has Pakistan adapted to assassination.
  17. The corruption of SCOTUS is a turning point for the US. Get somebody to clean out the stables, Joe!
  18. If you believe for one minute that the blockade is a grass roots action . . . 20 years ago Lula emerged as Brazil's Mandela, so to speak: he was the first president to come out of the working class. The locals were impressed that at his inaugural celebration the food was "down home" dishes, as opposed to imported fancy foods. And as in S. Africa, his successor was unimpressive (IMO). I don't feel good about the future of that country.
  19. Well, ok, but without a wig. How about sub-Putin, in chaps and a dog collar? Steve Bannon as the Ned Beatty character in that famous scene in Deliverance.
  20. Q: what is 12 inches (30 cm) long and hangs in front of an a-hole ? A: a necktie
  21. From experiences in childhood, I got the impression dogs have a natural predilection to defending kids. I was really surprised to read this: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/pit-bull-advocates-criticized-for-victim-blaming-family-who-lost-two-children-in-dog-attack/ar-AA137XqF
  22. I think Bill is having so much fun with his podcast that he's become bored with his show. As someone who has been watching Real Time for a while I find his usual tropes to be boring. When he mentions things like pot and Covid masks it's eye-roll time. Maybe being around Ann Coulter is taking an effect. Also it seems his show biz conceit is getting the better of him. He might be the only person who has Piers Morgan on his show voluntarily.
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