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Everything posted by kiwikeith

  1. He also needs to know that these so called quality tourists will be arriving with omicron
  2. This will happen everywhere, they can't slow it down now in about a month it will be all over for delta in los and the curve of Omicron will be flattening, that's how it is trending in SA and the UK and Australia is going that way now, good news we'll have to wait for another few weeks to get more data, my money is on that this will be the end of the pandemic and people will gain natural herd immunity, let's hope so
  3. Possibly, but not happening in the UK or SA, numbers rose as expected but a majority of them are coincidental and UK hospitals are not overrun as a few cynics predicted
  4. They might be watching SA where people aren’t told to test any more and the tracer app is no longer used, people are told to self isolate for 5 days then wear a mask for 3 and to seek medical assistance if symptoms get worse
  5. Possible but most of the world’s leading virologists are saying no.
  6. The USA has one of the highest vaccination rates in the world but it’s not stopping omicron,most of their best medical experts are saying the same things as the UK,SA Australia and Thailand, it’s a very mild strain expected to peek by the end of January, then the picture will be very much clearer
  7. Its going to spread quickly, be no doubt, but the deaths are dropping rapidly and hospitalization rates are dropping off in SA and the UK now,and people are recovering in shorter time, it’s much less severe with most people not knowing they even have it,if you want to see the databases explained watch the daily report from Dr John Campbell, he provides all the links for you as well. Delta now displaced in SA and almost totally in the UK and rapidly heading that way in Australia and USA, but nowhere have I seen deaths going up and the amount in ICU and requiring oxygen is plummeting
  8. Vaccines are not preventing omicron even with 3 shot’s, that’s common knowledge. 1 million protesters now in Australia, every day,Australia has just about given up and is letting it run, because they have woken up that it’s the ending of the pandemic and it’s not going to be controlled with lockdown
  9. This is going to happen no matter how smart any poly is, and it’s going to happen in every country, the good news is that it’s seeming to wipe out delta and isn’t causing severe illness and it’s providing natural herd immunity, that’s what most of the world’s leading scientists are saying
  10. He must know something to accumulate that much money, what businesses did he run to do that, must be clever at something???
  11. I suspect your quite right, many people in SA were told not to bother testing just stay home for 5 days and then wear a mask for 3. It seems to be emerging in Data WW now that many get Omicron and do not know they have it, so your right the actual numbers could be very high but there seems to be mild flue like illness
  12. At least this mans speaking sense, and that's what other leading world Dr's are saying and is happening in SA, Scotland has just published a study which says this as well, Dr Mobeen Sayed put the paper up on his site yesterday
  13. The omicron variant is proving to evade 2 shots and 3 shots, because if you watch the latest report from a study in Scotland , that double dosed will catch Omicron and triple dosed have only minor protection. Those infected with Omicron are only sick for 3/5 days and develop immunity to Delta and Omicron, so I can not say the figures as I am not qualified but Dr Mobeen Sayed has put the study up today and all the links to this study are posted in his presentation.
  14. Just to comment on my comment , that newspaper reported Omicron going mad in LOS, but the government has not updated their figures as yet. But something strange is happening, death rates appear to be plummeting.
  15. What Omicron? or delta, seems all cases are now, declared covid sars 2 where as Omicron might have to be reclassified as Sars covid three or Omicron 21, as this is proving to be totally different to Delta and has two pathways for infection which sounds bad but actually is good for us, watch the explanation on the latest update/ research from Scotland with Dr Mobeen Sayed for all the papers ,studies and links to this latest release are in the presentation.
  16. Here is a paragraph from the Thai embassy in NZ to answer entry into Thailand For your information, Thailand Pass is closed for all new Test and Go and Sandbox applications (except Phuket Sandbox), starting from 00.00 hrs. On 22 December 2021 until further notice. New applicants will not be able to register for Test and Go and Sandbox measures (except Phuket Sandbox). Thailand Pass will only accept new applicants seeking to enter Thailand under Alternative Quarantine (AQ) or Phuket Sandbox only. For further information please visit https://wellington.thaiembassy.org/th/content/thailand-pass?cate=5d75e39215e39c06b8005479
  17. Good question, if Ubon Joe is reading this ,Joe my freind is panicking now as he is booked for the 22nd to enter via AQ facility, he has not made the AQ booking yet so will he be still able to enter this way???? as Mr Anutin says only people using the Phuket Sandbox can enter???
  18. Well if it's any good news, in SA they abandoned tracer apps, and told people not to bother getting tested just to stay home for 5 days and then wear a mask for 3 days, but they also said seek medical treatment if symptoms get worse, over 93 % Omicron was the last count a few days ago and the UK is up there as well, however older people are still at risk of more severe infection. The USA is expected to peek by the end of January and Australia, and by the sounds of this Thailand is getting there as well.
  19. No, because the stupid worlds puppets are being controlled into thinking that Omicron is as bad as delta when it can not be stopped and is displacing delta and creating good immunity, at least that's what the data from SA is saying. UK data is very similar to the SA data, mild symptoms and lower hospital rates but very high transmission it's spreading really fast now in Australia and same thing happening as SA. Dr Campbell put the data up yesterday that said in the order of who fairs best it was 3 jabs 1 and no jabs 2 then 2 jabs were bottom. With natural immunity to both delta and Omicron development after infection.
  20. Sounds dramatic, wouldn't the Covid Insurance cover her, or maybe the cover does not start until you are released from Quarantine, anyone know the answer to this??
  21. unfortunately true, I avoid them but I have a great brother in law who I trust and has been a best friend now for 20 years, and a few more, all depends on the gambling, whiskey, spoiltness and poverty, unfortunately in all societies, I avoid most NZ males as they are red necked and arrogant, thats my opinion only, and not fact ,that I would have to post a peer reviewed link to, cheers all.
  22. Its to late, the terrorist spreaders have arrived, soon the whole world will have had omicron and got over it, anyhow its certainly looking that way.
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