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Everything posted by kiwikeith

  1. Chinese won't be in night clubs, only drunks, and undesirables, Chinese will be in casino's when they build them. Nieghborhood shop bar's usually close early, but there's a few converted houses that won't be popular with happy birthdays blasting out at 4am. 7 days a week. Bar girls will need to take something to keep them awake, dope shops, casino's open all hour's, what a circus. There is no vision, but some will make money from it, expect to find more people waking up robbed with no memory of how it happened. Merry Christmas.
  2. My friend left his house to his friends Thai daughter, a few months later the Thai wife got a bent lawyer and sold the house to help her brother build a house in esan.
  3. I tried to assist a young woman who had been knocked off her bike in Bangkok ,I have a St John's first aid certificate ,I was told not to help,or touch her, they said If anything happens, and she dies I will get the blame, she looked to me to have stopped breathing and possibly resuscitation may have saved her, every one just stood and stared at her, sad.
  4. Who cares about Halloween, it's an American thing, besides that Songkran is very dangerous and I always steer clear of it, without the need for a ministerial warning
  5. Didn't help with the Koh Chang murders
  6. To me it sounds like move forward have struck a little side deal to reduce military influence, they didn't lie down for nothing, and this gives them more face, go MFP.
  7. Money wins this I think, drug deal gone wrong???, Dr Watson, what do you think??
  8. It will bring Chinese, but seeing how Thais have a lot of Chinese blood in them, sadly Thais will fall victim to these casino's and only bad will come from it, more loan sharks and lost homes and farms, and more crime and sadness, sorry to say this but it happened in NZ, the casino's are choker with Chinese and crime rose up and you don't hear much about the poverty stricken that come from casino addiction, but they are seriously out there, just call gambler's anonymous, they will tell you what horrific damage casino's, online gambling and poky machines do., and it's families that suffer the most, it tears them apart.
  9. Maybe the Thai wifes have connections in high places
  10. Maybe they were draft dodgers and didn't qualify
  11. Printing money they haven't got to give weapons to lunatics to maim and kill, meanwhile poor are dying in the streets, and the arm's manufacturers are getting fatter and fatter
  12. I think he also had a twitch in his neck fixed, then one that made him go wink wink, nudge nudge
  13. This might be a good thing for tourism,the elephants will be well fed, perhaps tourists buy bananas for them making it a cheap mode of transport, perhaps they can attach smart cameras to them making them the natural alternative to the smart BMW'S
  14. He's in police custody in their prison where sick police prisoners can recive treatment, besides that he will recover better with his comrades around him
  15. They could be cheap to run, plenty of gunga around to fuel the boilers, and the crew would always be happy on deck
  16. And Dope at bargain prices with untested Thc levels
  17. He's PM Incognito for you know who
  18. I think Russia uses planes to achieve this.
  19. They didn’t lock him up and throw away the key, they locked him up and gave him the Key.
  20. Releasing medical information on Mr Thaksin would be a breach of privacy, we must have faith in the medical system, the Govt and police seem to recognise this.
  21. QUITE right, gun problem is worse since mosque shooting in NZ,and gun crackdown, shootings daily now, mainly gang related, with illegal firearms, smuggled into the country.
  22. Sounds a bit harse, maybe a misprint.
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