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Everything posted by kiwikeith

  1. This is what the CEO of Netcare, SA's largest healthcare provider has said , and Data published from SA are looking positive so far, this may many are hoping, with caution, turn out to be the end of the pandemic https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/omicron-symptoms-far-milder-than-first-three-waves-south-africa-expert-richard-friedland-2643760
  2. Just to add a bit of info just came out on RNZN news today, was that 100% of covid cases in hospital as of todays figures are either Maori or Pacifica, no European cases for several days, then add into this what they did not say, they never reported what age they were or if they were overweight or had existing conditions such as diabetes which is very high in these people. Why? diet is the main reason they tend to be overweight from consuming soft drinks , fat foods corned brisket, boiled up pork legs ect and fast foods, they have a huge overweight problem. Not only amongst older people but younger people tend to get overweight before they are teens. Dr's are reporting that these conditions can make covid recovery difficult ,longer or requiring ICU and oxygen. Of the latest covid deaths in NZ (2) were in their 90's one unvaccinated and the other double vaccinated, nothing was said of race or comorbidities. So info is mixed up and statistics could be made much clearer, these are all Delta at present as Omicron has not entered NZ yet. But one thing sticks out here, the fit and well are not requiring hospitalization and can isolate at home, many without any treatment. That might even get better if Omicron keeps going the same way its going in SA. Fingers crossed.
  3. Yes, and probably not convertible to another type of visa, the 60 day was suspended during lockdown but looks like it's back modified to 90 day's, if its simple to get and entry requirements are not to bad then it will be good, but as everyone says, wait for the conditions.
  4. meanwhile news out of SA is looking very good for people, Little O is causing mild symptoms and they hope might end up being a vaccine in itself as people get over it in a few days and develop immunity just have a look at Dr Campbells daily updates on you tube for the latest data coming out of SA daily. Interesting was the interview with a Dr from Israel who said even 3rd jabbers were catching covid
  5. I went with a truck driver to give him directions for a container of furniture I bought in and during the terrifying trip he nearly ran over several motor cyclists, just was almost oblivious to them, and was only concerned with racing other trucks, talking on his cell phone, drinking red bull drinks and chain smoking, nothing has changed.
  6. What about seeking an extradition order?, most police forces can seek that from other countries, although many are exempt, I think if your Irish and wanted for a NZ crime you can flee back to Ireland and not be extradited.
  7. Can you post the death rate graph, and the oxygen use across SA which has gone down dramatically since Omicron, now is the dominant strain.
  8. Correct but, the flue did not cause the world to be locked down, economic mayhem and ruin businesses that were small but doing ok against the big giants.
  9. Good idea Bring in More suppressed Burmese labour and their wife's, the pimps that are gone from Nana ect will just sit at home drinking home made whiskey.
  10. Drug and alcohol addiction are regarded as mental health issues, I do not know if gambling is included as all addictions are similar. Example, lost big time playing cards at an illegal casino, then asked Mom for the Chinot , and she refused, then mayhem started and did not end well.
  11. They could build it looking looking over the Chappaya river, wow, and wealthy Chinese will poor into Thailand, solving the revenue deficit from covid, I bet Tesco are doing it hard at present.
  12. Looks good, SA hospital reports are looking good , oxygen use is way down, death rates are way down, people are being sent home from hospitals after co-incidental diagnosis, lets hope it stays that way, The Thai govt ,on the side of caution, I think, got it right this time.
  13. Virus mutates, into something simpler, I do not know how much simpler it will become?
  14. Virus mutates, into something simpler, I do not know how much simpler it will become?
  15. I do not know how to label this other than reverse phycology
  16. They went into quarantine, they recieved treatment in Hospital, amazing, multi tasking. Well done Its probable, but not confirmed, this pandemic may shrivel due to the dangerous highly contagious ugly Little O
  17. If the promising data on Omicron keeps heading in the same direction then maybe he’s given us all a Xmas gift, possibly the ending of the pandemic, fingers crossed.
  18. So far I am impressed by the government response, they obviously are studying the SA medical Database and aren’t panicking, for once they are showing more common sense than Australia and New Zealand and other countries.
  19. Good idea, but looks like Prayut has wisely made a good decision, News looks good, little O , Omicron is a Xmas gift that may spell the e end of this pandemic, but watch the daily publications from SA as this will keep people up to date officially.
  20. That's looking more likely as the data comes out of SA, Omicron days in hospitals average 2.8, Delta 8.6 you can Google the papers freely available, they are hopeful that this might be the end of the pandemic, fingers crossed little O might be a Xmas present.
  21. The incidence of children getting sick from omicron in SA is in the link I posted by Dr Campbell, out of 1500 only about 300 in hospital and with mild symptoms, many were kept in Hospital for safety as omicron is so new, the charts and figures are in the video.
  22. Face masks covids test and warning signs, that's where the money is now, and MIQ facilities
  23. If you want to look up the official figures you’re going to find countries with the highest vaccination rates are experiencing huge spikes in infection Israel, Germany, Netherlands,England etc.
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