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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. So they will die because of some graffiti? Really? Maybe they came to Thailand because they didn't want to fight for the aggressor. Obviously, they should not have done what they did, but IMHO the punishment should be according to the crime.
  2. I think a big question is if you will have that job for the next 5 years with that salary or more. Maybe they don't like you. Or maybe you don't like the job. What if there is no job anymore, for whatever reason, in Phuket? Not that there has to be a worst-case scenario, but I guess with your family you have to consider it. If that is the only job of that kind which you will be able to get in that area, then better think twice.
  3. 555 Imagine anybody would not welcome him. OUT! There is the door!
  4. Basically, he gives us the finger. I do what I want to do. And there is nothing you can do about it. He is a sad man that he still needs to do this to feed his ego.
  5. Maybe in a week he will say he is also not able to get that bond. Now that would be funny.
  6. The following might work: Hold your remote away from the AC or cover the IR LED with your hand and click a couple of times on the button until you reach the setting before the setting you want. Then point the remote at the AC and click one more time. If you are lucky, then your AC will be set to whatever you want with this last click.
  7. I get few calls like that and I tell them right away I am not interested and end the call. I know a guy who run legitimate tele sales, and he said people who call you want a yes or a no. They are not interested in long conversations. So, the best you can do to get rid of them is make it short and don't waste any time thinking about it.
  8. Humans invented gods a long time ago because they couldn't explain many things. They didn't know why there was a sun and a moon. They didn't know about seasons, thunderstorms, floods, and many other things. So, they invented something to explain what they couldn't explain. God did it. And he did it in mysterious ways. Now, with all above scientifically explained, there would be no reason to invent god. But lots of people profit from believers and if you make people believe then they can be manipulated. If all people would act rationally, they would just conclude that there is no god. But people are not rational, and too many people are interested to have believing idiots who can be manipulated.
  9. Shouldn't that fact finding be done before any scheme was suggested? Reality: 1. Tell everybody they will get lots of money. 2. Find a reason for that. Better: 1. Find out what makes sense. 2. Act accordingly.
  10. First, I don't want to be famous. No facebook or any of those sites with pictures, no videos, nothing. Second, if I would be famous, I would like to be famous because I am a great artist or mechanic or computer specialist or something like that. Not famous for showing my face behind a camera pretending I am the expert and/or annoying other people.
  11. Probably you are right. But most of us know that with creative editing everybody can be made look bad. I wouldn't want a stranger making a video about what I do and then letting him edit it in any way he wants. And as usual YouTubers and others don't want to show nice and clean things, they want to create something controversial and get clicks.
  12. Imagine all would be fine and those YouTubers would have nothing to complain about. Next thing they would need a real job. The horror!
  13. It would be funny if a feminist would interview those gals with traditional family values. Like: Why don't you go to work and be independent? Why should I do that when I can rely on my husband and who should care for the children?
  14. How would a woman be openly feminist? I see lots of women, and some of them might be feminists, but I wouldn't know about it. I.e. they might have a regular meeting with other women talking about whatever feminists talk about. Normally I won't see that meeting. I guess few women, even if they are feminists, will run around and tell everybody all the time they are feminists.
  15. Give them a toothbrush and lots of time to clean up their own mess.
  16. Why not? Recently I saw an article which described (some) American female students who said they would never want to be approached anywhere, including in a bar or a private party. They only took up online. I find that behavior very strange. People can meet anywhere, maybe they look at each other and maybe they talk. And maybe they realize that both of them want to see more of each other, or maybe they or at least one of them realizes that a few words are enough.
  17. Which person want to talk to YouTubers with cameras anywhere? That is very different than without camera.
  18. I guess lots of Spanish people will ask now if they can have that in writing and signed by "the Brits".
  19. That reminds me when I ordered electronic parts which were shipped from the USA. When I ordered over 50USD the shipment was free so I made sure that I ordered over 50USD - and the shop didn't charge me for shipping. When the parcel arrived in Thailand, I had to pay tax and duty, on the total amount including shipping. The tax office decided what shipping should have cost, a ridiculous amount of money. And then they charged 30% of what I paid for the parts and 30% of the virtual shipping cost. If I wanted my parcel, I had to pay... I have no idea if that happens only in Thailand or all over the world.
  20. I wouldn't like it, but I understand the point of view of the people who work there. Even if the coffee is free for you, it is the same work for them. And a big part of the income of those service people is the service charge. I know about an incident in a luxury hotel in Bangkok where the management wanted to change some conditions for the service charge. The service people threatened to walk out, all of them, right away. The management changed their mind very fast and didn't change anything. I think: Just pay and don't worry about it.
  21. "has reported" is probably the most important part of this. Illegal workers exist since forever. And lots of authorities allowed that to happen - obviously only for some compensation to look in the wrong way. Now, with all those reports about all those bad foreigners, someone has to be seen as doing something. Until everything gets back to normal, and they usual commissions will be paid again. TiT
  22. They all obey the laws, all the time. Didn't you know that?
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