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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Maybe you noticed that Israel is not only killing Hamas. They kill every Palestinian including many innocent women and children. And they go on and on and on and don't stop. But I guess you wouldn't call that a mistake - because they do it on purpose.
  2. That is, IMHO, the problem. Those nations, especially the USA and Israel, have the attitude that by definition they do everything right. If they would be fair, then they would say/behave like: We know we didn't do what we are accused of doing. Go ahead with this case and we will show we are innocent. They are not innocent, and they know they are not innocent, that is why they don't even want to have anything in the public and in a court which could possibly shows their guilt. And now Israel is obviously already accusing the ICJ of antisemitic bias. Like: Jews can never be wrong - by definition. Sad. But obviously just like expected.
  3. The question is obviously: Will this ruling change anything? Will Israel, or should I say Israel's government, now respect the lives of ordinary Palestinians? Will the USA deliver fewer weapons to Israel? Will the USA agree with other nations to rule against Israel in the UN? I don't have much hope that anything will change. The powerful do what they want to do. That's it.
  4. No. And I can't imagine a reason why she should.
  5. One of the nice things about Thailand is that if one of those YouTubers would film too much of what he shouldn't film, then some "security guards" would explain to him his errors. He won't do it again.
  6. There is a huge difference between being somewhere accidentally in the background or being targeted to be center of the video or picture. In above case, nobody would have noticed the Chinese people if they would have just walked through the background. And obviously all of them wearing red and waving Chinese flags didn't exactly help to stay in the background. And then complaining in front of a life cam is just utterly stupid. I wouldn't like if someone would walk i.e. through Nana and point a camera at me and maybe a girl next to me. But I know I was once in the background of some porn movie. Someone made a video walking through Soi Cowboy and people sitting outside the bar were all "part of the movie". I found out that I was part of the movie because I was in the soi all the time with my bike. I saw my bike in the video and then I looked at the frame and I found myself. I guess the 99% of the people who know me and watched the movie for whatever reason would never have recognized me for being maybe a few seconds somewhere in the background. That's just life the way it is. I didn't complain and tell the producer that he should edit me out of that. I didn't care.
  7. The woke are a very loud minority. I think it's best to ignore them. One day they will go away because nobody will listen to them anymore.
  8. It's like a sack of rice falls down somewhere in China. Who cares?
  9. I can only confirm that many Thais don't understand the idea of vents. Like: It's just a pipe to nowhere, we don't need it. And even when I showed some presumably experts a graphic which explains it, they just don't understand the concept.
  10. For me it depends very much on the kind of noise. A high revving two-stroke bike is like music. When some idiot watches videos in the lift or has some video call, that is annoying.
  11. Yes, that is a good place. In general: make a backup of your data before you go there. If, for whatever reason you can't do that, then make sure you tell them that your data is important and they should not delete anything. And if you have any private and confidential data on the PC, then don't assume that those repair guys honor your privacy.
  12. Good luck with that. When I did the big renovation of my condominium, the workers and my gf and my project manager were complaining that I look too much at the details. Like: why does he do that? Now I just removed the already broken silicone (it isn't really silicone) around my bathtub. And I will put myself good quality silicone around it. My gf asks me: Why didn't you make sure the workers did that correct when they did it? So much about checking the work: Too much, too little, it is never correct. Maybe you have already experience with that. If not, hold on for the ride.
  13. Good that we have experts like you here. Maybe next time you shouldn't ask "what next" but give us all a lecture how to do things in Thailand. Or maybe create a YouTube channel, "Me, the Thailand Expert" or something like this. Good luck with the rest of your life.
  14. There is an easy solution: Let her do it and decide things, and let her be responsible for it. Obviously, there will be he headache later on. But there will be anyhow headache later on. At least you can avoid the headache now. ;)
  15. That's like: He stole my money and now I steal his money. You don't have to be a legal expert to realize that if person A does something wrong that doesn't give person B the right to also do something wrong. It might be that you don't care. But maybe you start to care if he sues you for not paying the rent and not returning the keys. You will lose. And then don't say nobody warned you.
  16. And with that you will likely breach the contract which you signed. Of course, you have to pay your bills and return the keys.
  17. About what would happen in Thailand: Option A: If the Chinese would be VIPs, then the Thai authorities would make sure there is no unauthorized filming. Option B: If they are nobodies, then nobody would care. Just f o if you don't like it. I saw that video from the UK. The group of Chinese people in the video (not all Chinese people in general) are just stupid. They walk as a group waving Chinese flags into a camera, stay in the view of the camera, and then demand not to be filmed. How stupid is that? If they really needed to be in that place for whatever reason without camera then maybe one of them could have discreetly asked the cameraman, off camera, if he would be so nice to point the camera in another direction for 10 min. I guess that would have been no problem. But no, they walk all in red into the camera, stand in front of the lens, and asked not to be filmed. Congratulations for showing your stupidity.
  18. By now Thailand must be the hub for almost anything. Does anybody have a list of all the Thailand hub promises from the last decades and what actually happened? Is Thailand the hub for anything? Of course there is the nightlife, but I don't remember if that was ever promoted.
  19. Good that the bad guys were arrested. We had two managers who both did shady business. But they still showed up and behaved like they are the people who do everything right. And some owners still supported them. Later more was revealed and the old managers didn't come to the building anymore. But it seems there are no actions happening to challenge those old managers in court and hopefully they should be in jail one day. It seems many owners don't want that the bad guys have to pay for their actions. Sad. But it seems that is not unusual.
  20. Funny enough, when I arrived in Bangkok, I thought I will never ride in this chaos. And then I rode for two years on motorcycle taxis and got used to it and since about 20 years I ride my own bikes. Basically, no accident until now. But I guess one day I will be too old for a bike and have to use a car. Let's see.
  21. Personally, I think motorcycles are almost always the best in Bangkok. At least if traveling alone for with only one passenger and nothing heavy. Getting through the traffic is most of the time easy and it's faster than any public transport. And it helps that I don't have to wear suit and tie in this climate on a bike. ;)
  22. A long time ago in a country far away I used my car for work and I drove maybe 20k km per year. In Bangkok I have two motorcycles. Together I rode with them about 40k in the last 10 years. So, if I would now buy an EV, it is unlikely that I would use it for 80k or more within the next 20 years. But obviously the battery and probably other parts would be dead by then.
  23. I don't remember where I read it. Something like: The production of EVs is so environmental unfriendly that an EV has to be use for more than 80,000km before its environmental impact becomes positive. So it seems environmentally they only make sense for people who drive them a lot and for a long time.
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