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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Good! I thought about doing something similar a couple of times. But it seems my parents made sure that my inner voice tells me: Don't do that.
  2. I would like to see some effort by the media and opposition to find out and expose what this is all about. Does the government want to do this to help poor people? Will they make sure that all the money goes to the poor people? Or is this some kind of scam like the rice scam from the Shinawatras? This is a huge amount of money, and I am sure the greedy people who invented this and will execute this will know already how they will get their hands on a good part of that money. Investigate and expose it!
  3. I agree. Long term loving relationship is fine. Sex with no strings attached is fine. Sex and long-term relationship with "friendship" combined asks for trouble.
  4. Let's pretend for a moment that you are real. There is a way how this was done in Thailand from before the internet: Guy goes to hairdresser (maybe in a university area) and tells them what he is looking for. It seems it is not unusual that they help with such requests.
  5. Prostitute: one hour payment, one hour excitement. Long term relation: Payment for one month in advance, one hour excitement. Because next time she forgot about that payment already and wants to get out of there. And obviously there is no reason for her not to have another guy, and another one or two or three.
  6. And why do you ask in an English language forum in Thailand? Otherwise: You think too much.
  7. I wrote about condominiums; you write about Villas. Not same!
  8. As far as I know staying in condominiums for less than 30 days is illegal - it doesn't matter how it is booked.
  9. "How stupid is this?" It seems it's made for stupid users. First the price looks good, and people click next, next, next. And then suddenly the hammer hits. I am sure some people never notice that at the end they pay a lot more than the first price which they see. And unfortunately, this is also happening with well-known booking sites.
  10. Will the developers of that system have the same "standards" as all those other developers for government IT services in Thailand? What could possibly go wrong...
  11. Sometimes when I am up early and ride with my bike to the fresh market a little after 6am I see the leftover from last night on Sukhumvit. It doesn't look good. And I don't think it will look any better with extended opening hours.
  12. I am sure there are some stories out there from people under witness protection. New name, new life, no connection whatsoever with their past. I wonder how often that is successful. With Krishna it obviously didn't work when he was working in the same job as before.
  13. Just in general, probably you know that there are lots of cookies on your PC. If you every use a website without VPN and later use the same website with VPN then they will likely remember you. And that works not only for individual websites. You can try the following: Use a new PC (or a new user account on your existing PC) use it only with VPN, never without VPN. That might work. And obviously also always with the same VPN settings like i.e. you are always in NYC with always the same internet provider. Also make sure the time zone and location of your PC match these settings. I am not sure if that works, but at least you have a much higher chance that it works.
  14. Recently I drove with an educated Thai woman in her car. We talked about traffic laws. She told me proudly that Thais are not afraid of those laws. It seems it didn't cross her mind that the idea about those laws and regulations is to regulate the traffic that it is efficient and safe for everyone.
  15. Maybe the desire to solve crimes and expose product errors which result in deadly accidents. Same with plumbers. I guess not too many of them enjoy working with excrements. But maybe they enjoy that they help people in bad situations and make those people happy that the wastewater flows down the drain again. Just a sample.
  16. It seems many people have a job they like, like i.e. computers, and then they work in a big company and get promoted, and further promoted. More money is nice, but when the job is only budgets and meetings and compliance and all those things, who likes that? Personally, I think it makes sense to work in a job which we like even if we could make more money in another job.
  17. Good idea. If it is easy for you to find places to live which you like for a reasonable price, then renting is often the better option. I bought a place to live in because what I like was/is difficult to impossible to find. I like open space, mostly all one room. And not old and damaged. It seems most new places have many small rooms, and they are expensive. Old places, maybe with big rooms, are often in bad conditions and need to be renovated. That is obviously something for the owner to do - or not do. It seems not many (Thai) owners are willing to spend (a lot of) money on renovations. I bought a relative old condominium and renovated it from scratch the way I like it. I plan to live there for a long time. I don't think I would be able to sell it for a decent price (considering how much I spent for the renovation).
  18. If that happens in a (cheap) public bus, then I am not surprised. But just this morning I was in an expensive bakery. The (I think Chinese) guy next to me was talking on his phone and tablet with speakers on and he made sure everybody around him would be "entertained". Two waitresses served other people on tables nearby and didn't care at all. I looked at the noisy guy a couple of times and I am sure he knew he was annoying, and he didn't care. Next time I go somewhere else.
  19. One reason might be that they want to sit alone. Because where would you like to sit? Next to any of them or next to someone who is not included in above list.
  20. "Incredibly smart or incredibly stupid?" Another stupid headline. There is not just black and white.
  21. Go to any HiSo shopping mall. If you don't spot the rich people, then look at the luxury cars and just wait.
  22. That unfortunately happens all the time with people who think they invest in all these great ideas. All their friends warn them that it's a scam. But they are smart and ignore that advice. Sad reality.
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