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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I posted a company name above, but currently my post is hidden, I don't know why. You can find supplier i.e. here: Architect Expo 2023 : The 35th ASEAN’s Largest Building Technology Exposition. Some of those companies only work with contractors.
  2. It doesn't cause diabetes, but from the blood sugar level point of view it is about as bad as drinking coke.
  3. I guess then at least the custom officer can't complain that it is a copy. ????
  4. That reminds me of a comment which I read somewhere. It was about a maid who wanted to borrow 3000 THB from the woman of the house. The woman told the maid she should talk to the husband. But she explained to the maid that for that kind of money the husband would want to f her a and come in her face. The maid didn't follow up.
  5. IMHO what Musk bought was the brand Twitter including the well-known logo and the millions of users. Soon after he bought it, he changed a lot, often A to B and back to A. Now he also changes the name and the logo. What is still left of what used to be Twitter? I think the actual computer technology behind Twitter is not extremely complicated. I am sure engineers could recreate it for less than 1% of the price what he paid for Twitter. So what did he pay all that money for? His ego?
  6. With my new Thai company, I registered the domains names like MyCompany.com and MyCompany.co.th Domain names .co.th are only available for registered Thai companies. Anybody can register .com. In your experience with business in Thailand, does it make sense to use www.MyCompany.co.th and [email protected] ? Do customers or authorities care? I registered both and I will be able to use any of them. But I should use only one or the other on correspondence, official forms, business cards, etc. Which do you use, or would you use and why?
  7. PT wants power. To bring back their criminal leader and to make money. Those are the only two priorities for them.
  8. It seems naked bodies are standard on that platform. And it seems some of them make a lot of money.
  9. And what do you think of Pepsi advertisement with football players? Does Pepsi spend all that money because they love those players? Or are there millions of idiots out there, all over the world, who will buy that drink because they saw some football players with cans of that drink?
  10. It seems that is the whole purpose of the free versions. That's one of the reasons why I use the Microsoft AV Defender which comes as part of Windows. It just works and it doesn't ask questions or give you reminders, etc. And according to independent reviews the MS product is good. Personally I would delete AVG and use the built in SW. Problem solved.
  11. And obviously there will be some owners who are happy that someone does all that for them, so they won't be bothered by people with unrealistic expectations...
  12. Don't worry. When the police arrives just tell them what you wrote above. I am sure the police will right away arrest the landlord because he is such a bad guy that he wants to keep your money.
  13. Go ahead! What can possibly go wrong? I am not so sure if we will read your reply here. But I am sure we will read about it. Great idea!
  14. We also see this in this forum if there is i.e. a short story about a motorcycle accident. Too many people just know what happened. Too fast, too much alcohol, no license, etc. And they all "know" this without any evidence or even hint in the article.
  15. Now two shareholder are enough, I am pretty sure you need a lot less than a million capital for a Thai company without farang workpermit. And then there is the VAT registration: Without a farang work permit you don't need this up to a certain turnover. I think you can have < 1.8 mTHB turnover per year without registering VAT.
  16. Wouldn't it be wonderful if articles like that would come with a map instead of a useless stock picture?
  17. And the fire of normal cars can be handled by any fire fighter. Douse the flames, problem solved. But if a Lithium battery burns, then it burns. And burns. There is no way for firefighters to kill that fire. That is why it is so dangerous - not just for cars.
  18. Really? When I was young my father worked, and my mother took care of the house and the kids. When I returned from school sometime between about 12:00 to 14:00 my mother had lunch ready for my sister and me. Then we did our homework. And then we had time to see our friends or maybe help at home. Basically, my mother was always there. Now it seems often both parents go to work, and then there is still the work at home. Lots of kids come home to an empty home. Or they spend all afternoon also in school. Obviously some parents have time for their kids, but in average I guess it's a lot less than a generation or two earlier.
  19. Yes, that certainly happens often enough. But it seems many parents make the mistake that they think making lots of money and buying this and that for their children is more important than spending time with them. And when the parents have no time for the kids then they look for their own role models - with consequences.
  20. Wow, an autograph of Taylor Swift (or whatever). How exiting. Jesus, how old are you? 14?
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