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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Women want a guy with a prestigious job and good income. I am sure some would believe stories that he has his money in some country far away and it takes time to get it out of that country.
  2. One option might be there is no buffalo - at least not an animal. ????
  3. So why don't we read regularly stories about arrests of women who received money for sick buffaloes, etc.?
  4. Thanks I trust what you write, I don't want to look at it. I have to admit I know such a person who watches videos from other people eating, my gf does that. My gf is a good cook, and sometimes she watches videos how people prepare food. Fine. But watching how other people stuff their faces with a microphone setup to amplify all those eating noises? Disgusting. But she, and others, watch it. Amazing...
  5. I would be interested which crimes he is accused of. Lying to women who then send him money? Is that a crime? I know it's not nice to lie. But as far as I know it is often not a crime.
  6. Really? Why chat when you can meet? Personally, if I want to get to know a person, I use LINE or the phone (how old fashioned) to arrange that we meet. How about coffee tomorrow at 3pm in xyz? That's what it's good for. And maybe after the date: That was nice, let's do that again. I understand that girls who have hundreds of guys waiting for a date have to filter them somehow, and for that a couple of chats make sense. But for normal guys? He likes to have dinner with them. Fine, have dinner. Otherwise, I agree with most of your post. Especially don't invite them to your home if sex is not on your mind. (And obviously don't expect that it must happen.)
  7. That reminds me of a situation many years ago. In the morning a sexy girl was sitting in a cafe with a guy. From time to time she looked in my direction. She was really hot, so I waited a little and finally they guy left. She still smiled at me, and I walked over to her. I asked her what's the story with the guy? She told me that she arranged with him that she will see him that night. So I asked her what she had in mind for the next hour. She looked at me and smiled and I said: Let's go. It was a lot of fun. The good old times.
  8. Sometimes I can't sleep. And then I watch an hour. And maybe the next day another hour. Maybe if I think long enough about the interviews then I recognize what makes them special. Somehow I know that sometimes the length makes them special in a way a short interview couldn't do.
  9. Sorry, I never followed up on the story. One of the daughters was a colleague of my farang friend. He told me the (beginning) of the story because he was surprised that it happened. But then we never talked about it again.
  10. I think that is a talent of some (bar) girls. They give out very little information about themselves. They let the guy make up what he wants to see in them. And obviously guys see what they want to see, the perfect girl. If the girl doesn't contradict him with reality, then he gets exactly what he wants - at least in his own imagination.
  11. I know that they exist. But I don't know the rules and how they are arranged. One time I was surprised when a farang friend told me the story of a Thai guy with two daughters. The Thai guy had to work in Phuket, far away from home. His two daughters, in their twenties, realized that their father will have some requirements when he is away from home. He needs someone to take care of him and to have sex with. So they decided they will look for a mia noi for their father. True story.
  12. Recently he interviewed Mark Zuckerberg. I thought it was mostly an interesting interview. And I am not a Zuckerberg fan. I think he is able to get interesting guests because they know that he is truly interested. He doesn't have an agenda to show his guests in a certain light. He asks. And he listens. I like that.
  13. I think he is very good in what he is doing. And he does it different than many others. Sometimes he has 4h interviews. The beauty with shows like that is that there are many different people out there who do something similar, and it is up to us to watch what we like and ignore the others. And obviously we don't have to see all interviews. It's great to have a great selection.
  14. And do you expect truthful answers? It seems many Thais tell you what they think you want to hear. Truth is not so important.
  15. I remember seeing a video from a German woman living in the USA. She explained that there are huge differences in "dating" and what people expect. According to her in the USA dating seems to have an almost rigid structure what happens in which order and what makes a date a date. In Germany, and in other countries, that is not the case. I don't know how this dating concept works in Thailand, and probably there are different concepts depending on the age, etc. If you want to take it easy, then take it easy. If you call the same woman 3 days in a row, then probably she will have some ideas of what you want. If you call them maybe once a week then they will understand that probably you will do something else with other people, including women, the rest of the week.
  16. Yet, it seems when a bargirl found a husband and lives happily ever after without doing much work lots of girls see this and want the same. And it seems lots of (bar)girls see sex with guys not as such a burden like others, especially Christians, think it is. I think it's mainly a question of the attitude and religion. If you never learned that sex is sin, then it isn't sin.
  17. A long time ago I was with the school for 10 days in England. I didn't eat anything over there which I liked even a little. But later, in Thailand, I discovered pub food, i.e. roast, fish and chips, bangers and mash, and things like that. They are often good.
  18. Food from the local markets is a good idea, not just because of the cost. Often (always?) the vegetable and fruit are fresher and taste better on the fresh market. I personally still don't buy meat on those markets. Their type of cooling is not acceptable for me - but it seems others survive it.
  19. Thanks I think you know that the problem is often knowing exactly the "correct" words. I didn't grow up with English and when I worked with my father and later some construction sites all the words were not in English...
  20. Windows has several reset options, including keeping personal files. But in case of a virus I would save all personal files to an external device and then do a factory reset - just to be sure. And then, first thing, install all the updates including AV updates and only then copy the personal files back.
  21. It's some time ago that I did that. In principle you don't need internet to reset it. But it might be useful in case Windows checks for new drivers and other updates.
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