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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. And bad schools produce most of the time minimum wage earners.
  2. Next you will write about the life of the average billionaire... How many of them do you know? And from how many do you know their life story?
  3. It's interesting to read all these posts here where people write it must have been padded bills. Why do you think so? Depending on the bar that's about 50 lady drinks. If the ladies order thinks like whisky-coke that is in some bars interpreted as two drinks. So that are 25 pairs of lady drinks. 5 ladies with each 5 "drinks" can easily happen within an hour. How many of you had ever any padded bill? I think the last time someone tried that with me was over 10 years ago. Just don't present yourself as the idiot with too much money.
  4. They have them, and then it seems many of them don't care much about them. Bad school, if they go to school at all, bad parenting, sometimes bad food. Yes, the kids grow up, somehow, but often with mental problems and no education. Yes, in theory that is a life, but personally I would be ashamed if I would have kids and then can't afford for them to go to an at least half decent school.
  5. Kids cost a lot of money. And they often cause a lot of headache. And, IMHO, anybody who wants kids should be committed to take care of them until they finish university. Are you ready and able to do that? Do you have a partner who is ready and able to do that, for the next 20 years or so? I think parents should foremost think about what is best for the kids. And not so much that the parents want kids and maybe want to form them according to their wishes.
  6. Maybe you know what you are looking for. But many people confuse psychiatrists and psychologists. Better confirm if you look for a psychiatrist or psychologist.
  7. I just think the idea to believe every woman without any evidence is hilarious, especially if she claims to remember what happened 30 years ago and if she makes millions of dollars from this. I thought that at least most guys in Thailand know that it is not a good idea to believe everything they say. My buffalo is sick and all that.
  8. Tell us about the 19th century. It seems you support nepotism in 2023...
  9. Did you consider that they hate Thaksin for a reason? Or maybe hundreds of reasons. I know few people who lived here when Thaksin was PM who don't hate him. And about tourism: It would be great if there wouldn't be so many of them.
  10. Thanks! So I am not alone here with my experience with that family. I hope they will all die in the desert.
  11. "I understand - you prefer 20 yo airheads. Each to his own." I love those personal attacks for no reason. Thanks for showing your attitude. The question was about his DNA on her dress. That would prove that he was near her. I.e. maybe she gave him a BJ. It doesn't prove if she liked it or not. And if his semen or DNA was inside her that still wouldn't prove he raped her. Did you ever leave DNA in any woman or maybe man? Did you rape that person? I never raped a woman. If a woman would accuse me of raping her then I would be angry at her for such outrageous accusation. I am sure I would say I didn't do it. In private I also might say that she is ugly and old and the last person who I would want to have sex with. Now let's get back to Trump. He is a well known as#%$%4 who is known to talk aggressive about anybody who is not on his side. Trump is like that for a long time. I don't like him and many people don't like him. I am sure he told many women that they are ugly. Is that nice? No. But is it prove that he raped them. No. It is just typical Trump behavior and no prove at all that he raped that woman.
  12. He and her didn't have to do what "they" wanted. And they had many, many years to return.
  13. I always thought people say "god did it" if they have no explanation. ????
  14. If you ask me now where I was i.e. at 14:37 on the 7th March 2017, then I am able to tell you. Not because I have such a great memory, but because Google saves the GPS records from my Android phone since years. In their timeline it is easy to check where my phone was, which 99% of the time means where I was. That technology didn't exist 30 years ago for normal users. Most people at that time didn't have big and expensive mobile phones. And even if they had I am pretty sure those phones had no GPS sensors included. There is no information about the locations of each of us from that time.
  15. If you take that argument then now every women who lived in NY can come forward and say that serial liar raped her and we should believe all of them because he is a serial liar, correct?
  16. His DNA on her dress would be a start. But that also wouldn't prove that he raped her. Those women who now say she told them "shortly after the rape/assault", do they have any dates when she told them. If person A tells person B and C at time unknown that something happened, is that prove that it happened? No! It's just information that A told something to B and C. It's independent of whatever she said. No prove at all. And about a "50 year old attractive looking woman". There are 50 year old women who look not bad considering their age. There are no sexy and good looking 50 year old women - even if they try as hard as Madonna.
  17. In DOS times, before Windows 3 was launched in 1990, everybody who worked on a PC used NC. It was probably the most used utility at that time.
  18. There is a big shop in Fortune 4th floor where they repair things like that. It is in the middle of the floor and impossible to miss. Unfortunately I forgot the name of the shop. In Fortune are also smaller audio shops. I am sure some of them can repair this or recommend someone who can.
  19. I used NC a lot - with DOS. It was a great program at that time.
  20. You could try to look them up. Instead you just pretend that you know that he is innocent because somehow he must be innocent, correct? Maybe just look up some facts for a few minutes - that is in case you are interested in the truth.
  21. Sure, maybe your fixes work. Good for you. I work full time on PCs since DOS and Windows 3. And I had to fix many PCs where wannabe experts thought they fixed them previously. Most private PCs have way too many optimization programs installed. Professionals don't install 99% of those programs, because they are not necessary. Keep it simple!
  22. There are also too many guys who think they know about PCs, but they know little. And most of the people with half knowledge make the situation worse. It's like asking the neighbor to fix the brakes on the car. The neighbor said he can do it. What can possibly go wrong? ...
  23. I am sometimes surprised that some rich and famous people are found guilty. And sometimes I am surprised that they are found innocent. Thaksin had more than enough time to show lots of evidence for lots of cases that he is innocent. He didn't. And lots of evidence exist that he is guilty in multiple cases. He ran away and we can't change that in the hindsight. And he didn't show up in court. Should we now pretend nothing ever happened and he is innocent? Is that the signal which we want to give all politicians: Run away and later all is forgiven. Sure not!
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