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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. If anybody saw or heard what actually happened, and when it happened, then I am sure I would have read about it already. Nobody saw or heard this accused rape happening. That's the whole point. There is no evidence. That doesn't prove it didn't happen. But there is also no prove that it happened.
  2. Nobody needs any of these. And installation with too many useless programs is not getting better by installing more (more or less) useless programs. The first advice should be: Remove any programs which were installed and which you don't need. But I guess that instruction is already too difficult for the OP.
  3. Bring your PC to an expert and let the expert fix it. Warning: Not everybody who knows 20% more than you is an expert. And installing xyz or following instructions from people you don't know, or some video is a bad idea.
  4. As usual Thaksin talks a lot and then he is a coward. He never had to leave Thailand. He could have returned any day since (I think) 17 years. He could have shown up in court and he could have explained to us why he is innocent. He didn't. He knows he is guilty. And he knows he will be arrested on arrival. This is why he just talks and doesn't come back.
  5. 12 witnesses? What did they see or hear on which day? She doesn't even remember when she thinks he did it. Does any or the witnesses have a day and time for whatever they witnessed?
  6. You can make a survey how many guys would be interested in sex with a teenage girl (16 is legal in Thailand) and how many would prefer an old woman. He certainly is a serial liar. But that doesn't make him guilty in this case.
  7. Maybe it was on a weekend. It seems she doesn't remember any date or time. And in 1990 most people didn't run around with mobile phones.
  8. Yes, he should have watched his mouth. But let's assume for a moment he is innocent and he didn't remember that woman. How does a man react if a woman accuses him he raped her when she was 50? I didn't do it. Ok. I am not interested in old women. Why would I rape an old woman when I can have a pretty young one? Yes, it's not politically correct. But all this does not change anything about the not existing evidence.
  9. What is the procedure if a foreigner has a valid Non-B visa and work permit and then then the person stops working in that company? I guess the company will report to the authorities that the person is not employed anymore on date x. And that means from that day on the visa and work permit are not valid anymore. Is it necessary or common procedure that the employee has to give the passport and work permit to the employer so that they show them to the authorities, and they will mark them invalid? Or is that not necessary and usually it doesn't happen? And what is the status of the foreigner, who is still in the country, after the business visa expires? Does he then have no valid visa from that day on? Or does the status change automatically to tourist visa for maybe 30 days or so? Should the employee visit the immigration on or near the last day of employment to change to a tourist visa? Or does the employee have to leave the country and apply for a new visa or enter the country without visa to get a 30-day stamp? Thanks for any information.
  10. I wrote what I wrote as an example. It seems many women make lots of money by accusing men. And it this case a woman accuses a man of rape 30 years ago, and of course she wants money. I am happy that I am not rich. I don't have to worry that one day a women will "remember" something which could now bring her millions.
  11. Yes, likely he is a sexual predator. But that is no prove that he raped that woman or even met her. If he raped any women and if there is any evidence, CCTV, witnesses, then he should be sued and if there is enough evidence then he should be found guilty. If he is a sexual predator then I guess there should be at least some evidence out there. Bring him to court, show the evidence, and I am happy to see when he is convicted. I am even more happy if he has to go to jail. But IMHO nobody should be convicted just because of accusations - even if he is an a%##$#.
  12. I as an innocent man would not think that a court could find me guilty of raping a woman 30 years ago when the woman doesn't even remember the days when this supposedly happened. Should ever man keep a diary for decades of where he was for decades just in case someday a woman will accuse him? I wonder why this case was in court at all without any evidence.
  13. Which evidence? She doesn't even specify a day when that supposedly happened.
  14. Are you rich? If yes, then you might be a target, if not, then you don't have to worry. Let's assume for a moment you are rich. What would you do if a woman would write in a book that you raped her about 30 years ago? Would you just accept that? Or would you complain and say you didn't do it? And if she would go to court and accuses you of rape 30 years ago, and she wants a couple of million USD, what would you do? Would you say: I didn't do it? Would you expect that she has to bring some evidence to get you convicted? I am sure that I never raped a woman. But if you would ask me what did I do on every single day in January 1990 I would have to tell you: I don't know. I can't prove that I wasn't in that shop in that month. But it seems that is not good enough anymore - at least in America.
  15. What you write above is mostly true. But how about people who are against Trump? I am one of them. I would be happy if he would be bankrupt and in jail. But that doesn't make him guilty in this case. There is no evidence that he even met her in that shop.
  16. So you think all men should be convicted without any evidence because now with MeToo some women "remember" what happened decades ago? How can these men defend themselves against accusations like: He raped me sometime during that year, I don't remember when it happened. The idea that women always tell the truth is just stupid. They often lie, especially if they can make millions. And obviously men also lie. It's stupid to pretend people always tell the truth.
  17. Let's assume he is a predator. And let's assume he grabbed many women by the p$%%. Is that prove that he raped that woman? Is it even prove that he met her at that time? No! It seems he was convicted because he is an a#%%#$. Sure he is. But that doesn't make him guilty in this case. There is no evidence!
  18. She said he raped her and he said he didn't and she is not his type. And now he has to pay for speaking out that he didn't rape her. What should he have done? Say nothing and let the world think her rape accusations are correct? The 80 year old woman claimed she was raped when she was about 50. If she would have reported the alleged rape at that time, then the police would have asked her for a date and time when it supposedly happened. And then the accused rapist could have checked where he was at that time. Now, 30 years later, what can Trump do? Does he have any chance to prove that on day x he wasn't in that shop? There was no day x, she doesn't remember the day. So now maybe Trump could argue that he was never in that shop for a few months. But what if he was in the shop for shopping, but he didn't meet that woman and he didn't rape her. How can he defend himself against: He raped me sometime within those 3 months 30 years ago. I don't remember the date. And there is no evidence. And there is no witness. But believe me, he did it. That's just stupid!
  19. It seems lots of people here are happy that Trump was convicted. I understand that people don't like Trump and want to see him punished, any way possible. But how would you react if something like this would happen to a nice celebrity? Or to your father? An 80-year-old woman claims he raped her when she was 50. Without date when it supposedly happened, without even one witness, without evidence.
  20. He protested when she claimed he raped her. Should he have been silent at that time? If he would have been silent then now some people would probably say he knew he was guilty and that is why he was silent. Is there any evidence that they even met in that store at that time? I don't think so. I understand that the public and a jury might think he is the kind of guy who would do something like that. But did he? Did he do it at that time with that woman? There is no evidence. And should he be punished for something he might have done because that would be in line with his character? Without any evidence I don't think so.
  21. I help you to open your mind. What do you think he will do? Help most of Thailand and Thai people to develop in a positive direction? Yeah, sure...
  22. It seems you are running out of arguments that you have to aim so low. There were lots of young girls in bars while Thaksin was in charge. Should I love him for that? Let's see what those conditions in the shops will be. It's easy to write rice on the bill and sell a bottle of alcohol. Many laws and regulations exist - and then they are ignored.
  23. Define "beneficial". I am sure most of them will waste it within days. They could think twice how they could use it to improve their lives. They could invest it in some business or computer or something which will help them to learn and earn more money. How many will do that? The 10k policy is clearly designed so that the poor vote for the savior Thaksin. The money will be mostly wasted - and paid by the taxpayers including myself.
  24. What are "real Thai people"? Those farmers who borrow money to buy seeds and fertilizer? The middlemen who are happy to lend those farmers money - for huge interest? The influential people which seem to exist all over Thailand? I know that some people in Thailand live in not so nice conditions. I also know that many of them don't even try to have a better future. Now, with the internet everywhere, they could learn many things, they could do online business, they could make money and work on a better life. Or they play online games and facebook and drink cheap whisky and moan about how bad life is.
  25. Most Thais don't pay income tax. Having 10,000B extra to spend feels very different than some tax deduction at the end of the year.
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