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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Add a girlfriend on the back of your bike and you will be happy to have that extra stopping power.
  2. As far as I know many mothers leave their kids with the grandparents in Thailand because the mothers have to work and make money. Many mothers who don't have to worry about money and who care about their children spend a lot of time with the children. Because it is good for the children that the parents take care of them. Too many children grow up without parents who take care of them, with often bad consequences. If anybody wants to have children, then I think they should be able to afford the children and they should take care of them. A career should not be more important than children. And if the children are old enough to go to school, then the mother can still continue with her career. What's the point of having a career and having no time for the kids? If mothers don't want to be mothers, then they shouldn't have kids.
  3. Yeah, lol, until the moment you have to brake. Then not so lol anymore. If you want to ride on a road where everybody drives "fast" then get a decent bike with decent handling and brakes.
  4. Where do you live and what do you want to use it for? Do you need to get through bad traffic in the middle of Bangkok? Don't buy a bike only because you like the bike. Think about if it makes sense for what you want to use it for.
  5. Really? Just in case you forgot how to use a clutch, within 5 minutes you should be able to learn it again. And then is just happens automatic, muscle memory.
  6. I always thought the idea is that the mother of the child takes care of the child, and not the grandfather. Maybe she should stay home and take care of her child. And he should stay in the desert. Win for the baby, win for Thailand.
  7. That's great news. Viewers of CNN will hear more of his lies and will have more reasons not to vote for him. And the right-wing crowd will be angry at him about being on CNN. Win/win.
  8. How can she not inherit the house etc after he dies. A usufruct is void after death. "A usufruct interest expires upon the death of the holder of the usufruct and therefore cannot be inherited."--- Section 1418 of the Civil and Commercial Code She owns the house already, she does not inherit it. But it seems he has other assets which she will currently inherit. That's what he wrote.
  9. Maybe he doesn't have enough income or money for that. And that is obviously a real problem.
  10. I wonder how many members here ever had 2,3,4 mil. And how many had so much more that 2,3,4 mil doesn't really matter. And obviously with 75 it's too late to earn another 2,3,4 mil again.
  11. What would be such a "reasonable solution"? She let her new lover move in with her and he can live in the chicken shed?
  12. I think she looks good. But apart from that, is that a "what can our clinic sell to you" contest?
  13. Nice! My view is more like this - even without going out on the balcony. And no, this picture is not made by me and not from my building.
  14. Great. However that doesn't change the fact that you are an exception in that way. I see hundreds of balconies from my high floor apartment. There are almost never any people relaxing on the balconies. The most people I see are maids or housewives putting the laundry on the balconies.
  15. I think there are only few people here who (want to) be on their balconies. After trying it they will soon find out: It's just too hot! But it seems enough people want to buy something with a balcony - not knowing they will actually never use it because it is too hot.
  16. Now it's bad, then maybe it will be worse. Maybe, because maybe if he is playing it right, then she will realize that he will not just lay down and let her beat him up. Maybe that will bring her more to a position of compromise. As far as I see it, he lives already in bad conditions. How would you feel if your wife goes on a holiday with her new lover and then tells you to move out? That's pretty bad from my point of view.
  17. Go to the police and tell them she stole your property. And if she would use a credit card with your name on it then I guess that would be fraud. Fight that bitch! Don't let her destroy your life.
  18. I am in Bangkok and I can't recommend anybody in Pattaya. I recently renovated my condominium in Bangkok and I like to give you the following advice: You are right to look for one contractor and not several workers. The contractor is responsible for everything. I.e. if someone installs a sink and in that process damages some tiles then it's the problem of the one contractor and not maybe the problem of this or that worker. I asked for a quotation with detailed prices separated by work and material, including exact information about the material (brand, model, etc.). And then I could compare the material prices with what I would pay if I buy it myself. In my case the material from the contractor was only slightly more expensive as if I would buy it myself. And his price included the delivery to my condominium, replacement if they damaged anything, etc. I paid a down payment for the whole project. But I didn't pay the material in advance. It seems it is not unusual that some ask for advance payment of material and then they walk away. Good luck!
  19. Let her find a new lover, hopefully a rich one. And then sell him that land and the house and the wife. Probably that is what she wants anyhow. And make sure she doesn't inherit anything, and tell her after you changed your last will and testament.
  20. Use RAID1 and HDDs which are designed for that, i.e. WD Red. In theory you can use any HDDs, but there are advantages if you use HDDs which are designed for that purpose. And it seems you don't need anything fast. So there is no reason to pay for faster HDDs.
  21. I am thinking about setting up a new company. Then I need a work permit, regular accounting, etc. I "know" a few names of lawyers and accountants, but I have little personal experience with them. Lots of companies have nice looking websites, but that obviously does not mean that they are competent. Are there any sites on the internet with reviews about such companies in Bangkok? I just found one lawyer website with lots of information. And then I searched for that name and reviews and only one page came up with two bad reviews for that company. It would be nice to have some more reviews or recommendations from members here who are happy with the company they use.
  22. A follow up question about above. If the employee is over 50 years old and not sure if the new employment will start in a month or maybe 4 months, is it a good idea to apply for a retirement visa after the employment ends? And then apply for a new business visa maybe 4 months later? Or is this a problem in some way? Is there any rule if in between employments a tourist visa or a retirement visa is better? Are there any other alternatives (when continuing to live in Thailand). Money in the bank for the retirement visa is not a problem.
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