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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Why would you replace the (I guess working) modem/router from your ISP including their technical support with something else which you seem not to be able to setup and configure yourself?
  2. What is so difficult to understand that if you don't want A that doesn't mean you are a supporter from B? There is C and D and a lot more out there. But as long as people only look at A and B it's no surprise that they end up with A or B.
  3. No, not really. I hate when people vote for criminals who obviously want power for themselves to get richer and more influential and to do what they personally want. In the words of Abraham Lincoln, in his Gettysburg Address, democracy is “government of the people, by the people, for the people.” That's what democracy should be. We should look for leaders who care about the country and all the people in the country. We should not look for individuals who want to be PM to have power and get rich, or even richer. What is more obviously wrong then a wanted criminal trying to influence Thai politics so that he can get back into Thailand without going to jail? And he wants more power, and he wants revenge. What of that will make Thailand a better place for Thais? Many Thais love Thaksin because he did at least something to the people. But should we really aim for leaders who want everything and are willing to give a few crumbs to the rest?
  4. Hopefully a court will disqualify them. Why? Because they are clearly under control from the wanted criminal from outside of Thailand. And the party clearly concentrates on what he wants and not what is best for Thailand. Disqualifies them, best about a day before the election.
  5. Yes, not all women are good wives or mothers. And that includes good girls, women with decent education and jobs, etc. And let's not forget that the definition of a good mother is different in Thailand. I was told that here many people think a good mother works hard and makes a lot of money and she send that money to her parents who take care of the children. I other countries mothers are supposed to be best if they spend 100% of their time taking care of their children. But it seems there are also different opinions about that in the western world.
  6. It also depends on how much money the farang has. Some have just enough to live here and now. But the girls should be aware of that. It's their choice. And if the girls are considerably younger than the guys then maybe they have to work when he dies - just like most other people.
  7. No, I don't pay her. I support her father a little, he takes care of a family member who needs support. She doesn't save any money. When I die, then she will inherit enough for the rest of her life.
  8. No, I don't play with tiktok or any other social media. But I read the news and it's impossible not to know about the existence of this trend and the fact that many teenagers love it.
  9. Let's wait if he will be prosecuted and if he will go to jail. In a world where he is just one of those people, I am sure there are others who don't want that he gives lots of details to the authorities...
  10. So now you think you are suddenly an expert about 16 year old school girls. Interesting.
  11. It depends on what you expect. If I would look for someone to administer a database or manage a company then the legs and smile are not enough. If I look for a pretty girl who smiles at me when I come back from work, then she looks about right. Let's concentrate on the important things in life.
  12. Obviously I was not looking in beer bar, I only looked in the best gogo bars. ???? And one of us must be blind, because I see enough young farangs in the bars in Thailand. And the fact that you don't understand it doesn't mean it doesn't make sense.
  13. I won't post any pictures of under 18 girls here or anywhere else. I think that is illegal. And of course, I respect their privacy. But if you really want to see those pictures, I am sure you can find many of them on tiktok and other social media - posted by the girls themselves.
  14. Don't worry, she will survive with all the other guys who like to see her.
  15. You make a lot of assumptions. What would you think if someone looks at a picture of you and he pretends to know how smart you are and how much sex you had in your life. I guess: not that smart and not too much sex - but that's just my guess. ????
  16. She worked in a bar and she was not in school. And then she didn't work in the bar anymore and lived together with me. And just in case you don't know: It's legal in Thailand to have a 16 yo girlfriend. And no, I don't plan to give you all my personal details.
  17. Christ was not involved. I was a little older than her but still young and handsome. And there was and is no money involved apart from expenses for life.
  18. Where does that stigma hang? Maybe in some countries far away from Thailand. And if all the other guys have old wives and one guy has a hot girl from Thailand, then it's not surprising that those old women don't want to integrate her. Personally, I didn't ask my parents or friends if they approve of the girl which I want. If they like her, fine. If not, then that is their problem, not my problem.
  19. They saw lots of guys just the way the guys are. Not the worst behavior but the real behavior. I think it's good if women have a realistic idea about guys.
  20. 16 - but at that time she told me she is 18. And just in case the usual suspect will follow up with the usual comments: This was a long time ago when 16 year old girls were not unusual in the bars. And if I would have decided that no, I don't do that. Would her life have been better if she would have continued to work in the bar?
  21. His wife doesn't get any money from him, she has a well-paid job. What she knows or doesn't know is speculation. She knows that sometimes he goes out at night to have drinks with his friends. Possibly she suspects that there are also some girls somewhere. Maybe she thinks there is more going on. I think the important part for his wife is that they are happy together. He doesn't bring any girls home, the neighbors are not talking about him. All fine. I think some older women are realistic enough to see that guys like to see sexy girls from time to time because that makes the guys happy. If farang women back home are in such a situation and then they get divorced because he had sex with a bar-girl, is it worth it? Will she be happier without him? Maybe. But maybe life would be just fine if she didn't think too much from time to time. I think that is what smart women do.
  22. I have a good friend who enjoyed the bars for many years while he was single. Then later he married a good girl to settle down and have a quiet life about 6 days a week. And he still goes regularly to the bars to have fun. Until now it works, and it seems his wife decided it's better not to ask too many questions.
  23. I took my gf out of the bar when she worked in that business maybe 3 months (yes, really). Her older sister decided that is what she should do. My gf was happy to leave that business and be together with me. And we are still together after many years. The way I see it she wasn't long enough in the business to get damaged. And she didn't have any real bad encounters. I know lots of other guys with girls from bars who are together since years. And they seem to be happy enough. I think the advantage from such relationships is that both have a pretty good idea what to expect from each other. That is a good start. It seems many good girls and women who have little to no knowledge about farangs think they want to be in such a relationship with a rich foreigner. Until the moment they are and realize it is not what their fantasy was about.
  24. He is a convicted criminal, sentenced to prison multiple times. It was all over the news for years. Maybe you should inform yourself before asking stupid questions.
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