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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. How about honest and competent politicians? I know that is not easy. But voting for knows corrupt criminals just doesn't make any sense.
  2. I am sure it's also social pressure. In some offices everybody wears a mask. If you or I walk in there without a mask then the likely look at us like we are some strange uneducated creatures. Maybe Noi and Nit wear their masks because May and Ann do it. And maybe Ann and May do it because Noi and Nit do it. For whatever reason they do it, and arguing with them that is doesn't make much sense probably doesn't make much sense.
  3. Really? I some women wear a hijab, let them do it. It signals to me that I shouldn't try to chat them up. And I don't. If some people wear headphones or have a screen in front of their face, fine, if that makes them happy. There are still enough people out there who are normal enough for my taste. I have no difficulties meeting new people and talking to them. If some people prefer to ignore me, for whatever reason, that is also fine with me. We don't have to be all friends with each other. Live and let live and all that.
  4. I will. When it's done. And until now it isn't finished yet. There are multiple reasons. Some material, which I specifically requested, had months of delay, and then more delay. Some things were done not as good as they should, and now the contractor and his people fix these things. And then there are things where I change my mind and that caused delay. Maybe a month or two more - but that's what I though 3 month ago...
  5. How about looking at the facts? They do something for the people. Maybe not enough, and maybe not for the right reasons, but it is incorrect to say they give nothing.
  6. Did you go online (www) and try to download the form? Maybe you can just download it without any authorization. Otherwise you could call the call center of your bank and ask them...
  7. If they want to wear a mask, for whatever reason, let them wear their mask. What's the problem?
  8. Thanks. Does such insurance pay me if there is a fire or water in my unit, independent where it started? Or is that insurance to compensate others if a fire or water leak starts in my unit?
  9. Next is this forum: Do you remember when that guy walked into the door and suddenly all was quiet...
  10. I think the title of this post lists most of the questions. Maybe the answers are different i.e. if a fire starts in my condominium unit or someone else unit or the common area. Same with water leaks. And what about a situation where, maybe after a fire, my unit in a high floor is fine but the building is damaged in a lower floor. Maybe I can't access my unit anymore. Maybe, in theory, I can do that. But who wants to live in a building with lots of fire or water damage? It would be great to get answers from owners who know the laws and maybe have some insurances. Please no speculations how this would be somewhere not in Thailand. Thanks
  11. Never in a million years will Thaksin do what is best for Thailand. He will do what he thinks is best for himself. Thats what he did when he was in charge. And there is no indication that he changed his behavior. And giving crumps or other peoples' money to his supporters is part of that behavior.
  12. I am sure it's the size and the thickness. And the type of magnet. Neodymium magnets are much more powerful than "regular" magnets. And there are several subcategories of those Neodymium magnets.
  13. He will if that is the best way forward for him and his ambitions.
  14. With that logic everybody in Thailand is a gambler. Look at all the illegal casinos. Look at all the people who get arrested in those casinos. 100% get arrested in those places, that means 100% Thais must be gamblers. Or maybe not?
  15. Tucker Carlson wouldn't be a problem if not so many people would like to watch Tucker Carlson. Is it just entertainment for those people? Do they believe what Tucker Carlson tells them? Or are they all idiots?
  16. And then there are others who think calling a duck a duck is always racist.
  17. Would you also support if he wipes out lots of other people and calls them suspects?
  18. I remember when I posted about Thaksin months or years ago. And other members here said he is retired and has nothing to do with current Thai politics. I hope now people wake up and realize how much that criminal still has to do with Thai politics. And be aware that if his party, in which he has officially no position, will come to power again. He divided Thailand for years and we can be pretty sure he will continue with that just like he did before. Never again!
  19. Why is PHEU THAI not banned from politics? Is there any doubt that the criminal fugitive, from outside of Thailand, is running it? Further, is there any doubt that if his daughter would become PM that she will follow the "advice" from that criminal? It's bad enough that lots of Thais are ignorant enough that they would vote for that criminal and his party. I think it's even worse that this is possible. Dissolve the party and ban all those people in charge who let an outsider "influence" them.
  20. I have to admit I am always confused why some people talk about their favorite places to lots of other people. Obviously I also have my favorite places, and I recommend them to people who I know and who I would like to see in my favorite places. But I would never put this on the internet or in other media so that hordes of strangers and tourist would see it and visit "my" places. What's the point of telling strangers to come to the places which I like? Do I want that I have to wait because lots of strangers go there? No. Do I want that "my" places attract influencers and celebrities? No. So what's the point of recommending them to stranger? Or are there other reasons to recommend some places?
  21. Did you? I have to admit I looked for the physical size of magnets which would fit for my needs and then I ordered a few of them. I tested them and I thought they were "strong" for such small magnets. I did not compare many sources and I don't know if there are big differences. So then I ordered as many as (I think) I need. I had a little experience with modern magnets in brushless RC motors for quad copters. They use strong magnets and my new magnets behaved similarly. If I would have found cheaper magnets from a supposedly decent source, then probably I would have tried them. Ali Express was a little, but not much cheaper, than buying in Thailand.
  22. I bought different types of magnets from this place. https://www.lazada.co.th/shop/magnet-store/ They are strong - and expensive.
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