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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I never had problems with the spark plugs. Or at least I don't know about it, I had a guy in Bangkok who was specialized in these bikes and he took care of most issues. I remember when I had one bad water pipe I asked the guy to order a set and replace them all. He told me he would love to do that but he can't order them anywhere. When one pipe needed replacement he looked to find a pipe from some other bike which fit, maybe with modification. At that time that was my only bike and I was fed up with waiting a month at a time to get it fixed. I hope you will continue to enjoy your bike. 14,500 red line 100km/h in the 1st gear is a lot of fun. ????
  2. Ball in Hand near Rajah hotel, maybe 10 years ago. Danny was the manager at that time.
  3. I had one of them, I loved it. But I gave up and sold it because it was impossible to get any spare parts. How about you? Do you get the parts which you need?
  4. Why care at all? If any movie received several Oscars then I might decided to have a look sometime - in case I didn't know it already. But watching who wins and who talks too much? What's the point? If anything exiting happens, then it will be in the news latest a day later.
  5. Bigger serving? Seating area? Mythical global nomads? Is that what you are looking for? Or decent coffee? How can anybody expect great coffee from an American chain? I love espresso and I go to a few independent places which concentrate on great espresso and not all the unimportant things. And I am happy if I don't see any of those nomads.
  6. If you are legal and fulfil the requirements what is the problem? In Thailand people are allowed to move from one place to another.
  7. Imagine if YouTubers wouldn't have to publish new videos all the time to keep their subscribers and income. Imagine they would only publish something if they really have something to say and insight into what they talk about...
  8. But probably they stay there and don't work near NANA.
  9. I avoid anybody who is working on the street. Too much risk in multiple ways.
  10. Why would you even consider a cheap no brand name product?
  11. Children like 10 years old? Or 17 years old? It seems in Thailand, and not only Thailand, they are all mixed together in the word "children". If they are prepuberty children then I hope everybody involved will go for years to jail. If this is about teenagers who are almost 18, the age when lots of teenagers have anyhow sex, then this is obviously still illegal, but IMHO, a very different situation. There are lots of girls who look older than they are, ask Berlusconi.
  12. Obviously I don't know about this case. RIP But for anybody who wants to end his life in Bangkok the easiest way are probably the countless high-rise buildings. One step, a little flying, and it's over.
  13. Do they? I think if we are in a new location there are so many things to discover that it doesn't get boring for quite some time.
  14. a) Work: I met customers and co-workers. I think that is the best way, because we spend time with these people and after spending weeks with them, we get a pretty good idea how compatible we are. b) Find a Thai girlfriend and socialize with her friends, go to places which she knows already, discover new places, learn Thai, etc. c) After I lived in Thailand for some time my gf and I decided to learn and play pool. We went often to the same pool hall and obviously we meet other "players". Later we went regularly to the same pub with pool tables. Lots of regulars, lots of opportunities. We could have joined local tournaments and meet even more people. I guess without gf I would have done that. If I would now be new in a location and without work, I would probably find a nice place to play pool and meet people. Obviously it takes time. But spending time with something which we like and at the same time meeting new people is a good start.
  15. There was a time when it was really necessary to have the newest version of Windows to be up to date and run all the new software. That time is long ago. Is there any program (now called App) out there which needs Windows 11? I don't think so, but I have to admit I didn't research the situation with the newest TikTok version. I have several PCs. On one of them I installed Windows 11 to get a first impression. It works. On other PCs I still use Windows 10 and I never got the feeling that I miss anything or a message like: You need to update Windows to be able to use this or that. I would install Windows 11 on any new PC. But in the moment I don't see a reason to update existing computers to Windows 11.
  16. Do you try to be funny when you write: "Such people do not fit with the Thai culture around them, and don't belong here"? Scammers are everywhere, including in Thailand. And idiots are everywhere, including Thailand. How do you call a person who is willing to pay 300,000 THB to receive a package with a supposedly expensive gift from someone who they never met? I call such a person an idiot and not a victim. Most people understand the difference.
  17. Obviously some women are (still) successful when they get older. And we can all respect women even if they are not good looking. But what's the point of arguing which old woman looks best? I guess the next thread will be about Brigitte Bardot - by now 88 years old.
  18. Thanks for your reply. I think it doesn't really matter. It seems too many "victims" fall for the same scams again and again. I understand that it can be exiting to be in love. But I will never understand how people think they have a serious relationship and/or want to marry if they never met before. Let's look what the AI future will bring us.
  19. How about the headline? Nigerian scammer promised the earth - Thai lady left with 300,000 baht loss
  20. 24V? IMHO nobody who asks such a question should work on electrical installations - especially not in a shower. Let someone do it who knows what he is doing!
  21. Maybe that was the problem when the "net idol" realized that the parking lady looked better. ????
  22. IMHO only a very greedy person would do that. It's not about romance, it's about greed. I have no sympathy for such "victim".
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