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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. And if you are unwell then visit a local doctor in Thailand. Because they are aware of all the local diseases. If you think a "good" doctor back home knows better what to do, then likely that is a mistake. Because that doctor back home is likely no expert in tropical diseases.
  2. I did that once with my first Nana gf - about 30 years ago in Soi Rotfai. It was exiting. ????
  3. then you are doing it wrong. Where would you go to find trouble? Obviously you can find almost anywhere trouble if you provoke people. But if you are the nice guy with nice language and not threatening and not looking like Rambo then you should be able to go (almost?) anywhere in Bangkok. And if you are not welcome then people will tell you. Let's say you walk into a "restricted" gambling area. Someone will tell you to go somewhere else. If you insist it's up to you where you go then there are obviously consequences. Just be nice and listen!
  4. Why is that a moral issue? It's only natural that she will be horny from time to time. You do your friend a favor if you make her happy. Otherwise she would maybe go with strange bad men.
  5. And then be aware that for almost any possible partner there are possible bad answers to these questions. And is it better to love a person because she is so cute or because she has money or gives the best BJ or what are good reasons to love somebody?
  6. I get 30% discount in my favorite place. So I am still under 1000 THB. ????
  7. @Goat Now did you tell him? How did it go? Did he thank you for opening his eyes to reality?
  8. If they want a strong guy with money and excitement in their life, then maybe it's a reasonable choice for them.
  9. I thought it's time that I look what happened after you told him. I am still going through the post and I saw your comment above. Do you really think it is bad like that? I have no statistic, but I talked to lots of bar girls which I knew for a long time. Many of them had bad experience with a few customers, but it seems that happens seldom. Many guys want entertainment and want to f#%$. After they did that, they are happy and exhausted.
  10. It seems many people have different opinions about acceptable prices for buffets. The initiator of this tread wrote: Personally I pay regularly more than those 500B (in Bangkok). I love great breakfast buffet for hours.
  11. I think it's interesting to read here all the how-to-live-cheap advice. Who wants that? What's the point of living in Thailand if you don't go out and have fun? Bangkok nightlife is obviously not cheap anymore. But it's still a lot cheaper and more exciting than in lots of other cities in this world. It's also possible to rent a nice apartment in a high floor in the middle of the city for reasonable price. Taxis are cheap, so use them instead of the bus. Enjoy life. If you don't make enough money in Thailand to enjoy life, then maybe working at home and making more money over there and then holiday in Thailand is the better option.
  12. The first couple of years I rode on the back of motorcycle taxis to get used to it. And then I bought my first bike more than 20 years ago and I am still riding in Bangkok. No accident that hurt or was expensive until now. You get used to it.
  13. I think that is the whole idea of this post: To get an idea about what kind of budget is required.
  14. He wants to work officially. With that, visa and health insurance (at least basic) should not be an issue.
  15. I had to look that up. Interesting. My advice: Come to Thailand and play with the girls - and not just one of them. That crisis will be over soon.
  16. So what motivates you to come here? Is it the food or the temples? Or might there be any other ideas? ????
  17. I agree you will never be one of the Thais. But you can live and eat like them and get the same prices. I go regularly, mostly with my Thai gf, to Thai markets and food stalls. I do that since years and many locals will have seen me before. I pay the same as the Thais. And even if those markets and food stalls are maybe one or two kilometers away from lots of tourists very few tourists go there. One area with few tourists is the Klong Toey fresh market.
  18. In that way living in Bangkok for 20 or 100 years doesn't mean much. Bangkok is so big that many people who live here will "know" maybe 10% of the city, or more likely 1%. This guy has lots of videos about the different districts. And he knows what he is talking about. Bangkok Pat - YouTube
  19. I must ask: Did you ever visit Bangkok or any other part of Thailand? Do you have an idea what to expect - and not just about the cost? Reading your comments, it seems you found Thailand with the finger on the map and maybe seeing some pictures. That looks nice. I will work and live there...
  20. Let's say you want to avoid obvious prostitutes. But you still like to go out with girls. Maybe buy a nice dinner, go somewhere for a few drinks, and maybe buy her a present from time to time. That adds up. And with all those pretty girls around it will be challenging to avoid those temptations.
  21. Safety is no problem anywhere in Bangkok. And the best neighborhood depends on your job. If you don't want to spend hours every day in traffic, then better live somewhere near to where you work.
  22. Define "decent". IMHO that amount is good enough for a step better than just surviving.
  23. Maybe work on that part first. What job, including work permit, can you get? It seems for many people who like to live here that is the first BIG hurdle. If you are well educated and if you are able to get a well-paid job, then the rest is not really a problem. But don't expect to find just some job with a work permit. And be aware that companies promising a work permit is not the same as actually getting one. I recommend get a legal job first.
  24. Maybe first visit Bangkok for a month or two and record what you spent and how you spent it. "nothing fancy" is relative. Are you riding the bus and eating Thai food on the street and in food centers like the locals? Do you buy a beer in 7/11? Or do you ride taxi, drink your beer somewhere in a bar, and eat farang food? I have a farang friend who once told me that he just can't understand how some people can live here with less than 100,000 THB per month. Like: How do they do that? He has wine for every dinner, gets 20k each time he walks to the ATM, buys the finest fish and cheese in Emporium, etc. He doesn't think he has a fancy lifestyle, just living an ordinary life.
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