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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. That does never happen. Because you hear the loud noise before you see the bike - at least if the bike comes from behind you. I am not a fan of very loud bikes. But I prefer bikes which make noise compared to sneaky bikes which you can't hear, and which are suddenly somewhere where they should not be.
  2. How many sexually active people in Thailand don't have herpes? Can you avoid it? Or is it only a question of time before you get it?
  3. Most fire fighting departments don't have what is necessary to extinguish those fires, especially with large objects.
  4. And is Chinese Lithium somehow worse than i.e. US Lithium? Apple and Tesla and many many other companies have huge factories in China. Are all those products bad? The problem is that lithium batteries can't be easily extinguished once they are on fire. It doesn't matter where they come from.
  5. Does it really matter why it started? The problem is that once and electric battery fire started, it basically can't be extinguished. It burns and burns and burns.
  6. Look up "Paris Olympics the last supper". Then you have another good reason to ignore it.
  7. Long time ago, I made an official IQ test. It took hours. And it was time restricted. Who would work on a test like that in a forum like this to show everybody that he is smart? And what would be the point of that in an anonymous forum?
  8. Why are you together with her? Is beautiful and she does not want money good enough for you? Obviously, we are all attracted to beautiful girls. And maybe we spend a few days together with her showing everyone around us what a beautiful girl we have, like, she is beautiful, and this makes me the great guy. Yeah, sure. But then? At least for me, to fall in love with a girl, there must be cuddling, and kisses and I miss you (not only the words). IMHO you used the wrong criteria for a girlfriend. In Thailand there are so many beautiful girls. I think that 1 - 10 scale is in general stupid, but let's use it this time. Does it really make sense to look for a girl who is a 9 or 10 and ignore the rest? Or does it make more sense to decide she must be at least a 7 and must be compatible in many other ways?
  9. I saw enough videos of Trump giving speeches. Is that true enough? Personally, I don't need anybody to help me understand what Trump says. It's obvious that he is a maniac.
  10. And then there is a lot in between those extremes. From far away it seems to me that many on the right see only the extreme left. And many on the left see only the extreme right. Wouldn't it be wonderful if those people in the middle could cooperate to oppose those extremes on the left and extremes on the right?
  11. And then probably his so-called Christian supporters will forgive the sinner.
  12. I think many of them don't want to be serious. I think serious is for many like sad, or maybe it reminds them of work. Let's have fun, enjoy life, don't be serious. I think that is what many Thai (women) want. Thinking is for many the same as headache, they don't like it.
  13. Some of us like immature giggling girls. Many Thais try to behave and say what they think the other person wants to see and hear.
  14. In front of the headline should be "UK". Normal, not woke people, don't do that.
  15. The Germans give the sausages and cabbage to the Brits. Then the Brits leave again. 😉
  16. How to answer the dreaded question ''What is British food like?'' A simple answer: It's bad!
  17. Imagine you want a beautiful woman to be your wife. And then you get a beauty queen, and a lot of drama. Imagine to be married to her. Oh no!
  18. Probably the airline charged her double because they expected trouble from this "celebrity". And obviously it gave her the opportunity to brag about how much money she spends.
  19. A beauty queen and a YouTuber - some of the most useless people in this world. And then the netizens fight against each other. What have we come to?
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