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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I remember when Thaksin was PM he had a red card which he held up when reporters asks questions which he didn't like. Maybe Prayut should also get such a card. Maybe this one.
  2. What does he know that we don't know? Does he have any insider information about (upcoming) politics in Thailand? Didn't he tell us all that he has nothing to do with politics anymore? And isn't it illegal for Thai politicians to make deals with wanted criminals?
  3. Why doesn't he come back tomorrow? He has Thai citizenship, he doesn't need a visa to come to Thailand. And it's even better for him, he will have free accommodation and food for a few years, paid by the taxpayers. Come on Thaksin, what are you waiting for? Be a man, return now.
  4. How about Thai people who have (almost) all of their assets outside of Thailand? Certain politicians come to my mind...
  5. A couple of years ago I was drinking lots of (mostly) water and I decided to see a doctor. They made a blood sugar test, and my blood sugar was extreme high. The first thing they did is that they gave me an insulin injection and I should rest a little. Then I saw the doctor and he gave me the official diagnosis Diabetes Type 2 and he gave me some oral medication. I take this medicine now every day. Sometimes I forget it and it's not a big deal. Maybe I am tired. Once I asked the doctor if at some stage I have to inject insulin. He told me we are a long way from that situation. He told me first I could get up to 5 times the amount of oral medicine without injections. That is obviously just my individual story, but it might give you an idea.
  6. I bought not long ago lots of Wera tools. As far as I remember they had little torque wrenches or screw drivers with limited adjustability. To be able to "adjust" from a little torque up to a lot it would be necessary to buy 3 of them. Torque screwdrivers (wera.de) In my personal experience for electrical work torque screwdrivers are not necessary. I think it is pretty obvious if you fasten the screws with your hand what is reasonable. With big screws like a cylinder head that is a different problem and for that kind of work a torque wrench is definitely a good idea or even necessary.
  7. Yes. But Poland and other NATO countries sending Leopard tanks is not the same as Germany sending them. For Ukraine it might be the same, they get the tanks which they want. For world politics there is a huge difference. Germany and Germans are reluctant to send offensive weapons to war regions - for a good reason.
  8. It seems you think all people in war thing rationally. Here is a surprise for you: They don't!
  9. It's bad enough when some people are ignorant or stupid. But what the point of showing that to everybody? But then again, stupid people don't know they are stupid.
  10. From the article: "Die Instandsetzung dieser Fahrzeuge würde ein knappes Jahr dauern. Eine Auslieferung wäre Ende 2023/Anfang 2024 möglich." The preparation would take almost a year. A delivery is possible end of 2023 or beginning of 2024.
  11. When? A few days ago, I read an article about how long this will/would take. Germany won't send the tanks which are currently used in their army. They will, if at all, send tanks from storage or ask the manufacturer to send tanks. This will take months - best case.
  12. What a stupid comment! Just in case you missed it, Putin has nuclear weapons, a lot of them. What do you think he will do if "we dealt with this country once and for all"?
  13. I don't even know that JIB has any shops. I buy online and for more expensive things they deliver it within 3 hours (in Bangkok). There is no point in visiting a shop - at least for a customer who knows what he wants.
  14. Obviously it would be nice if all descriptions would be correct and all the product originals and if the sellers would never do anything wrong. But that is just not the case. And most of us know that and don't expect any better. Sometimes, when I am not sure about a product, I use the chat function. Sometimes I get within minutes a competent answer. Sometimes just nothing. Guess from which shop I will buy or not buy? As mentioned already many times, pages like Lazada are the front for many shops. Some good and some bad. It's up to us to look at ratings, use chat, etc. For expensive products like mobile phones or a tablet I always buy in the brand name authorized store. There I get what I want just like walking into a i.e. Samsung shop in a shopping mall. No hassle, no problem.
  15. Service charge is exactly that. 10% service charge is usual in Thailand, at least in the better places. Which I think is fair - at least when the owners give all of that service charge to the service people.
  16. Don't think too much. Don't try to solve this with logic.
  17. Low penalties or high penalties don't make a difference if nobody enforces the laws. Some of these pedestrian crossings are directly next to police booth. And what does the police do? Nothing. There are also every few minutes hordes of motorcycle riders who regularly ignore the red lights. What does the police do? Nothing. TiT, nothing changes.
  18. Can you read? I didn't write anywhere that I expected any work for free. I received a quotation for installing air conditioners in a condominium with bare walls and walls which still had to be built at that time. IMHO it should have been obvious to the AC guy that anybody who renovates a condominium from scratch (including new water pipes, etc.) does not expect drainpipes mounted on the wall. Eventually he understood it and quoted it and installed it that way.
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