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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Sounds interesting. Is this then stuck forever? Or is it possible to remove the screw/bolt by screwing it out?
  2. These things work in hollow bricks https://www.lazada.co.th/products/m4-m5-m6-m8-hollow-brick-special-expansion-screw-bolt-gypsum-board-hollow-wall-aircraft-expansion-pipe-metal-hollow-gecko-i4291891114-s17054654026.html Obviously the size must match to your bricks and whatever you want to hang. I just used 4 of them to hang a metal cabinet and I am sure I could put 100kg on that and it would hold. They are also available (in limited sized) in HomePro and probably also other shops. I suggest drill a hole somewhere to get an idea how thick the bricks are and how deep the holes are. This is an example from my internal walls to give you an idea. Obviously I don't know if you have similar bricks.
  3. I mentioned that in another thread already. Sometimes I feel we shouldn't be so hard on the police officers who somehow don't find enough evidence to prosecute rich Thai people. Imagine you are a Thai police officer and you have hope to have this wonderful career in your future. And then you have to investigate the possible crime of a rich guy. Then possibly the question goes through your mind if you will have such a wonderful career if you find evidence or if maybe your career will be a lot better if you somehow don't find such evidence.
  4. Really? Do all doctors do that? Is there possibly somewhere a doctor out there who examines what is going on and treats you accordingly?
  5. Good luck that that problem only exists in Thailand and not i.e. in so called first world nations. Or maybe not? https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/feb/08/seal-beach-california-trash-litter
  6. If it is not too expensive, then I would let them straighten it and then sell the bike (and make sure the buyer knows that the bike has a crash). But it obviously also depends on what you do with the bike. Short runs to 7/11? Or do you use it like you are supposed to use a Ninja 600?
  7. How do you know? I met many intelligent people in Thailand. At work and also in some bars. And I also saw often enough when bar girls outsmarted people who thought they were intelligent. ????
  8. "Even amongst teachers" - 555 No, when I think about intellectuals then teachers, especially those low paid English teachers in Thailand, are not on my mind.
  9. The blue plate is bigger. ???? And if the chicken pieces have similar size, which is likely, then there seems to be also more rice. Personally I order and then I tell them add more chicken and add some more and maybe some more and then I pay. Does it really matter if it is 50B or 80B?
  10. But I bet you were hornier when you were 20, 30 or 40 years old. That doesn't mean 50-year-old guys don't do it anymore, certainly they do. But younger guys need it a lot more often.
  11. Yes, you are not so horny anymore and don't need to find some entertainment for the night. Less stress!
  12. Statistically there must be some wives who are richer than their husband. Some guys may like that, and if such a wife would share her wealth with me, I would probably like it. But often relationships where one person has the money have a certain dynamic - that is obviously one reason why lots of guys are happy to have a poor girlfriend.
  13. Money requests are no problem. Ok baby, what will you do for that money?
  14. Arrest Trump. Without him and his insurrection this would never have happened.
  15. Then why don't you tell him he should not involve you with any of this? What's the point?
  16. No I understand liberals and conservatives and many shades of above. What I don't understand is how people vote for serial liars with no knowledge and no plan. How can things get better when people vote for people who are clearly not able to do the job?
  17. Yes, right - but I am also getting older and don't do that so much anymore. I don't know why you wrote above. I think it is perfectly ok to know intellectuals and talk with them about difficult questions and also enjoy the company of young girls who are not well educated and all in between. And the beauty of Thailand is that it is easily possible to find and interact with all kinds.
  18. She must be otherwise the perfect woman if you can accept THAT.
  19. No talk about politics - no serious disagreements. Problem solved.
  20. It seems some people here behave like their gf is the only person they interact with. Really? I am happy to have intelligent conversations about technology, politics and other subject with people. But I am also happy not to have those conversations with my Thai girlfriend. In fact I don't want to talk with her about politics and other subjects. There are so many people out there. We don't have to do everything with just one person.
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