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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. The DEMs have limited choices: a) They keep Biden and will lose, and many will blame Biden for the loss b) They find someone else and still lose. Then some will say they would have won with Biden. c) Biden will go gracefully, they will find a good new candidate in a short time, donors will support the new candidate and he/she will win. What is the chance that c will happen? Personally, I think best cast 10%. IMHO the DEMs will lose, and they deserve to lose. They could have and should have looked for at least one good presidential candidate since Biden won in 2020. They didn't. They could have prepared the nation slowly to the fact that Biden in not fit anymore. They didn't. Many DEMs still pretend there is nothing wrong with him. IMHO Trump is a horrible choice for a president. The DEMs really didn't have to do much to find someone better. And they still failed. Now they should not be surprised that there are consequences.
  2. If I would look for a new gf, and if I would look in a bar, then I would look for what you describe. Nice and innocent. On the other hand, if I just want to f#%#, and maybe with a girl who is not surprised by anything anymore, then I don't care too much about their tats and nails. 😉
  3. IMHO there are many girls who do most of the time their regular business. I do this, and you pay that. Fine. And then some of the girl, depending on the area maybe many, also play special games with guy who want to play that game. Newbies, guy who would never pay for sex, and whatever else. I knew many girls who knew I am forever in Bangkok and some of them knew my gf, or at least the fact that I have a gf, and I had lots of drinks and sometime more with them. It's not all about money for many girls all of the time.
  4. 555 So please tell us about your experience with Thai females who are not interested in money. Please be aware that it's not about asking for money after a night, or monthly support, etc. Women in general, not only in Thailand, prefer successful men, with a good income, a good job and career, etc. Is it only about the money? No. But money is often an important part of the deal - for all women.
  5. There was a time when I visited with my gf her friends in some bars. So, I knew lots of bargirls not because I was a customer, but because they were friends of my gf. I heard enough stories directly from them and also what they told my gf, and my gf told me. It seems that almost all those bargirls have one customer who is more than just a customer. They would marry the guy right away, and money would not be the main reason. Obviously, they still take the money, even from the guy who they would want to marry. And from the other guys they take the money because they work. There is no conflict in above statements. They are just human - at least many of them. 😉
  6. I don't go out as much as I used to, but I still talk with enough girls and buy the some drinks. I didn't hear for ages something like handsome man or sexy man or anything like this. I am pretty sure they don't tell me those lies because I would know it's a lie. I don't ask them if they think I am the sexiest man they know. I don't want to hear the truth, and I don't want to hear an obvious lie. If I would ask a girl if she wants to go with me, she will likely just say "yes". She doesn't tell me she only goes with me because she wants money. But why would she tell me? I didn't ask her, and I don't really want to know if her boyfriend wants a new motorcycle or her brother some drugs or whatever. And then there are the situations where a girl tells a guy that she works to build a house. Maybe that's it, and she doesn't say anything more and that part of the conversation is over. But maybe the guy asks her then: How much do you need? Can I help you? His idea is maybe that if he helps her or maybe if he buys her a house, that she will love him and be happy ever after. But that is normally not what actually happens. Obviously, she will tell him that she likes when he gives her money to build the house. And she is happy. How many girls tell a guy that if he buys her a house, she will love him until the rest of his life, be the perfect wife, don't go with other guys anymore, don't drink, and whatever else? Often the guy is the one who somehow assumes that she will do all that because he bought her a house or whatever. Like I said above: He dreams his dream. And she is smart enough not to disturb his dream.
  7. Some bargirls are smart. And in Thai society they learn all their life how to pretend to be somebody they are not. I think the smart girls don't tell the guy any lies. They let the guy imagine what he wants to imagine. And then they don't discourage him from what they want to think. Some time ago I was thinking about making my favorite bargirl my girlfriend. She "played" hard to get. I was not interested in a sponsored relationship, and she knew that. I remember once I asked her what she thinks about becoming my girlfriend. Her answer was "maybe", with some additional sentences that she just had a boyfriend, and she needs some time before she has another one, etc. I interpreted this "maybe" as "yes, likely, just give me some time". It never happened. In the hindsight I think her maybe was more like "yes, maybe I win the lottery tomorrow, but maybe not". The point is, she never lied. She let me believe what I wanted to believe. Obviously, I/we should try not to make such mistakes. But then, we are also only human and like to dream about those maybe situations.
  8. It's sad to see in real life that the USA is the best democracy money can buy. Even the best candidates have no chance to win any election without big money donations. And nobody should be surprised that the politicians think foremost about what they can and have to do to get enough money for their election and reelection. And the people? Who really cares, as long as the big donors influence any election substantially.
  9. And maybe exactly that is the best situation for such a relationship. They won't talk about it.
  10. The way she looks, that is about as best as she will be able to get.
  11. Try this: OneStockHome is a platform for you to | OneStockHome วันสต๊อกโฮม I never ordered anything from them, but they seem to have lots of items.
  12. It seems to me that many women have this issue that they think that if they only would look like [insert whatever you like], then everything would be better. I.e. maybe they have a friend, or an instagram model, with a big rack, and they think that person is admired by everybody (or just a specific group of people). They also want to be admired just like that, so they get an operation. And then? Maybe a few people will comment, but life is not suddenly so much better. So what do they do? More of the same! Bigger size, maybe a nose job, whatever. Just make enough "improvements", and the success will come.... But maybe in reality the situation is that that other person is just not such a bitch, and this is why more people like her. Not because of how she looks. I think that is what people who want such operation should think about. What do I expect will be the outcome?
  13. I think sometimes it's fair to tell people why they won't get any response anymore. I guess you know the ignore function in this forum. Hoover over the member's name, click ignore, and you will not see him again. Problem solved - at least for me. In above case, it was not a threat, it was just a fact which I let him know. Maybe, just maybe, he will think a minute about what he wrote and think twice next time. That won't make any difference with me anymore, but maybe it will help him to avoid being ignored by "everybody".
  14. A YouTuber? I always thought the influential people in Thailand are the politicians with too much money.
  15. I give up with you. I have to admit I don't know if he reported the stabbing. I was more concerned with his health than telling him he should not forget to report it to the police. If you think it's made up, fine, that is your problem. But maybe ask yourself, why should I make up such a story, in an anonymous forum? It just doesn't make any sense. I will add you now to my ignore list so that I don't need to see your "I don't believe you" mails anymore. It's a waste of time to read your post.
  16. In a previous thread you explained to us that we are all born and die the same. So, what does it matter how much time we spend on the bed?
  17. I noticed a similar flashing on my monitor when Windows tells me there is an update to be installed, and I ignore that for a day or two. Is there a connection? I don't know. But restarting the PC and installing the updates "fixed" the problem. For further analysis you can switch the monitor connections. Then look if the problem happens with the same monitor or with the same graphic card output.
  18. "Traveling from Thailand to the UK on a cargo ship." Great idea. You should do that.
  19. Some things are just not published in "the media". I.e. maybe 10 years ago my friend Tony walked in the middle of the night back from Soi Cowboy to his apartment in Soi 22. A drug addict stabbed him a couple of times to get money for drugs. Luckily a taxi driver saw this happening and he brough my friend to a hospital. He was there maybe for a week in the ICU, and he survived. Was this ever reported in the media? I don't think so. I visited Tony in the ICU, I know it happened. Another friend of Tony worked at that time at one of the leading English language newspapers in Thailand. And he didn't even try to publish this story. I don't know if the news media are self-censoring, or if they get some "advice" from above what they should not publish. Fact is, lots of things happen in real life, but you don't see anything in the media about it. Other examples are all those illegal casinos, corrupt cops, bars with naked girls and smoking customers, etc. How often do you see that in the media? And if it's not in the media does that mean it doesn't happen?
  20. Who certifies such thing? Can that person be prosecuted for such decision making?
  21. There are lots of white male idiots out there. I don't think I have to explain that smart people and idiots exist in all color shades and races, etc. I saw a short video about what he did so far in his life. They said he finished Yale Law School in two years, with summa cum laude. I am pretty sure that someone needs to be pretty smart to do that. He was in the marines, which helps him to understand war a lot better than people who play soldier in front of a TV. There were some more points that sounded good. That was just my first impression. Maybe he has bad political ideas, maybe good ideas. Until now I don't know. I am sure we all will learn a lot about him in the next days. And if in the next days or weeks I hear lots of bad things about him, then I am not shy to change my opinion about him. Like I said, it was my first impression. I mentioned male and white because in the western world, in politics and also in universities and some companies, HR tries to hire all those DEI people. They are hired not because they are smart or competent, they are hired because of DEI. And because of that, competent while men are hired last. So, it's nice to see that someone ignores those stupid DEI and LGBTQ+/- and whatever guidelines. I wish the DEMs would do the same.
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