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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Ken Block: Rally driver and YouTuber killed in snowmobile accident https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-64150191 RIP Ken I would have expected to see this in the world new in this forum. He was an exceptional driver and entertainer. I saw many of his videos and I will miss that there won't be any new videos from him. Maybe his daughter will fill his place - see last video.
  2. As far as I know the condominium manager (not sure if that is the position) if personally responsible for decisions they make. So maybe you can threaten manager X to sue him personally if they don't refund your money. That might scare manager X enough to give it back. But obviously think this through. Maybe you need exactly that manager later when you sell your unit... Sometimes life is not fair, and we have to live with that.
  3. Then why do you even think about doing something like that? Do you like headache?
  4. NANA is a good option. Ok, there are also some women, but somehow they are different. ????
  5. With some of the post here I never know if they are real opinions or sarcastic comments. It's sad that we (mostly the Americans) are in a situation where that is not obvious anymore.
  6. That reminds me of this wonderful story: Los Angeles county grants girl license to own a unicorn -- if she can find one | CNN
  7. The Guardian has lots of interesting "pictures" about Brexit. ????
  8. Maybe a few half-decent GOP politicians can make a deal with the DEMs and vote for someone who opposes Trump and his supporters. They should have the number of votes required. Do it!
  9. Nylon should be good for a long time. I would use that. If you check in a year and you see that there is a problem you can still buy something else. And nylon is no conductor, which is obviously a big plus for anything that is near to electric cables.
  10. First thing, be patient! I had a problem with OneDrive a couple of hours ago. It didn't work on my phone and it didn't work on my desktop PC. What did I do? Wait. Now, a couple of hours later, it works again. If you didn't change anything on your device then likely it is no problem on your device. The more you try to fix it the more it is likely that you will change some settings which make it worse. Just try again in a few hours. If then it still doesn't work try with another computer/phone, with another internet connection, etc.
  11. It's his problem! It seems the guy relied on you, and maybe others, for too long already. His life is his problem and not your problem. Don't make his problem your problem. You helped him already a lot. If he dies, then that happens because of his decisions. You are not to blame for his decisions. Don't make it your problem!
  12. If she likes to do that then obviously she can do that. And I guess she does this not just because she wants more cool air on her skin, but because she likes to attract (male) customers who possibly have more than food in their mind. I wonder what will happen if one or even more of those customers think there is more on offer than just food. Will she provide what the horny guys want? Or will she tell them she won't do that. And will those guys take no for an answer? And if not, then what? Obviously the way she dresses doesn't mean anybody can do whatever they want. But action meets reaction. Think twice what you wish for.
  13. Whoever did this, even if it is temporary, shouldn't work with main voltage!
  14. Which stupid Thai law is that? That also farangs have to follow the laws in Thailand - or else.
  15. That might be true. But do you know which kind of terrorists are much more active than Muslims in the USA? You could inform yourself, but probably you won't like the facts. Statistically speaking Muslims are s minor problem in the land of the free.
  16. It seems there is some communication going on. Maybe she should just ask him about his intentions. And if he has other intentions than she then maybe there are consequences. It's just like real life.
  17. I guess that is why so many people feel right at home in that place.
  18. A long time ago when Dusit Zoo was still open they had, maybe 10 years ago, a pit with crocodiles. The wall around it was maybe 120cm, not high. One day we decided to bring some food for the animals. Morning glory for the monkeys and raw meat for the crocodiles. Throwing the first piece of meat into that pit brought nearly no reaction at all. But then slowly they woke up. And after a few minutes they had their mouth wide open when the meat was still in the air on the way down to them. That was the moment when we decided we won't do that again. Too scary.
  19. There is another interesting thread about selfies...
  20. Some years ago, it seems everybody, except me of course, had one of those. And I thought: please, not more of this sh$#. And now I can't even remember when I saw last time one of these things. It seems sometimes humans realize that a trend is stupid, and they reverse it. There is hope.
  21. When I read the headline I though first: That's just around the corner from where I live. And then I remembered that this is word news and there is a bigger Time Square out there... ????
  22. This thing is obviously dogy. And if you "fix" that your test plug shows it correctly what did you actually "fix"? If someone switched the wires what can you expect from the rest of that thing? Will you trust that the USB electronic is properly isolated? I wouldn't. Dump it! Or to satisfy your senses open it, if necessary with a saw and look inside. And then dump it. Just in case if you need a reminder what could be wrong, watch this or any other of his USB charger videos.
  23. There is one which is as long as you want right next to the beach. ????
  24. I just watched the video and that is what I thought. If someone can't afford a nice place in Pattaya will he be able to afford one back home? And back home he certainly won't sit in front of the convenient store and drink beer. It's just way too cold in most of those home countries. Luckily, I can still afford a nice living standard. But if I wouldn't be able to afford it, then I don't think I would go "home". To do what? Dream about Thailand?
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