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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. It is obvious who invaded Ukraine and it is obvious Putin should get out and pay big reparations. It's also obvious that Putin won't do that. He can't just say: sorry, I made a mistake. Should Ukraine just accept that part of their country goes to Russia so that Putin won't lose face? I don't think so. Other options? Any? As long as Putin is in charge that will be very difficult. And if he wouldn't be there then the situation would probably get worse.
  2. And that is breaking news? Some people are talking with other people all the time, but they have vastly different ideas. Will anything change by making it more formal?
  3. Is that a surprise for anybody? I think I heard about that the first time maybe 20 years ago. The entrance exam for the corrupt police is corrupt. Yeah, really?
  4. Recently I wanted to clean up the edges of an aluminium profile. I thought I used a file. But somehow, I produced just more edges. And then I googled the problem, and I discovered a deburring tool. It's nothing new, but it was new to me. And it works great. Here is what I bought, with some extra blades. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i330986739-s635796630.html And here is a how-to video: Which tools did you discover which you didn't know existed?
  5. I think it's almost funny when some people try to pretend that there is not a typical gangster/prisoner look. Obviously not all of them are full of (prison) tattoos, but many are. Does that mean that everybody who has tattoos is a gangster: No. Does that mean that everybody who has no tattoos can't be a gangster: No. But sometime there is a typical look for some people. And looking at the picture in the original post we can make a survey if that looks like a nice guy or if he looks like trouble. No points for the correct answer. Or maybe this: If your daughter would come home with this guy, what would be your first idea:
  6. Everything would be wonderful without that war in Ukraine. Blame Putin! Without him all would be perfect. ????
  7. What's the point of these stunts? Will any homeless person feel much better if one of those higher up politicians does a job which most waitresses can do much better? Do people watch that on TV and think: he is such a nice guy, he cares? If he and many other politicians would do a proper job, then people wouldn't suffer as much as they do. I suggest he should work and actually do something.
  8. And now? Will the Taliban change their action so that the NGOs come back? Or should the west invade Afghanistan to show them how to do things? Or should the west arm Afghan forces so that they can fight the Taliban? Or maybe we should just accept that they do what they do. It doesn't matter if we like it or not. We are not able to tell them how to behave. And IMHO we shouldn't even try. If "the west" is so wonderful then I am sure sooner or later all those savages all over the world will follow our wonderful examples.
  9. What do sexpats do? As far as I know they do business with (mostly) Thais. You deliver X and I pay Y. Personally I don't see anything wrong with that. And as far as I know are most of those visitors no criminals and not overly aggressive. And they definitely bring a lot of money to Thailand.
  10. Once in a lifetime? The way he looks he spent probably more of his life behind bars than outside.
  11. Are there any legal closing times for unlicensed venues? If it is illegal, then any minute it opens in illegal. And what will the authorities do? They can't take away a not existing license. Is that one more of these pubs which have no license for years but somehow the authorities must have forgotten to check that - for years...
  12. Maybe Thailand should introduce a rule that guys who look like gangsters are not let in by immigration. Looking at him, that guy is definitely no quality tourist.
  13. In principle I like that Chuwit is exposing criminals. But it would be interesting to know his motivations. I am sure he knows a lot more details and a many more criminals. Who does he expose? And who does he not mention? And why?
  14. Security? Who cares? Thai banks concentrate on the real important banking feature. Which is your favorite Blackpink girl? I also just got a new Swensen's card. I will share my ice-cream with Jennie for the next year. ????
  15. With many apps you have the choice if you want to enter your password manually, two factor authentication, fingerprint and other options. It seems many users just want it simple and if they have to enter a password again, they are just annoyed. I guess that is the reason why often by default all is set to be as comfortable as possible. Normal users just don't care. Or maybe they care, but only after something happens. Why did nobody tell me? ...
  16. What's the problem? Do the hotels not allow 10 visitors at the same time? Or do you want to make a lot of noise? I hope you arrive and then they will tell you that you can't stay there. Go away and look for a hotel!
  17. Definitely not for anybody in the family or near to the fugitive criminal. We don't want that history repeats itself. Who would I vote for: I don't know yet, and the election is still far away.
  18. Send your tilac to do the shopping. Better prices, less work.
  19. It also depends on the length of the cable. I don't know the exact rules and regulations, but a short distance with a little cable is a lot more acceptable than a long cable of the same size.
  20. Do they use their English? I also learned Latin and Frensh in school. I don't remember much of that. If people don't use their skills then after a while there are no skills anymore. And if these Thais are higher up on the social ladder, do they want to be heard using broken English? If you talk i.e. with a lawyer and he uses broken English (because he was never that good and he forgot 80%), what do you think? Do you think he at least tries and that is great? Or is it more likely that when you hear some stumbled English that you think: He sounds stupid, he must be stupid, I am not going to hire that stupid guy. Sometimes it's better to pretend to not talk a foreign language at all instead of: My fried you, how is she?
  21. Who heads, not two brains. And none of those heads have a good reason to marry.
  22. There is a Russian family in my building. We say hello to each other and I often talk to their son who is maybe 16 years old. He reminds me kind of when I was that age. Do they support Putin? Do they hate him? I don't know, and IMHO it is useless to ask. Maybe they are involved in the exiled resistance to get rid of Putin. And if they were, it's not exactly likely that they would tell me. Not everybody is the same, not every Russian is the same. Some are good and some are bad, and most are probably like most of us, part good and part bad. Treating all people from one nation as if they are bad is just stupid and kind of racist. I am sure there is a name for that.
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