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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. If you think that makes you officially unmarried, think again. I remember a guy who thought he was not married to his Thai girlfriend because they never officially married. And later he separated from her. She insisted she was married and as a prove she had lots of pictures of their Thai marriage ceremony. It seems in the eyes of the Thai courts for divorce that was evidence enough. Is it true? I didn't see the documents but normally the guy was not telling BS stories. So be careful of what you are doing.
  2. It almost sounds as if you have less than that. They should think twice if you are the right guy for their daughter. ????
  3. There is of course another fine option: Don't marry! If you like have the same girlfriend for years or even your whole life. If she loves you, then she will stay with you.
  4. Yes, and if you do it right you will have a lot of fun in that process. Let's party!
  5. Find a pretty Thai girls who helps you to enjoy life. Enjoy! And in case you don't enjoy it anymore find another one. Repeat.
  6. If you can remember it, then you were not part of one of those 6am street sessions.
  7. I think the idea is that the husband shows that he has money to take care of the bride. And as far as I know the parents are in some way supposed to "give it back". Not literally, but by providing land to build a house or something like that. We have some experts here in the forum who know the details. And this has little to do with being rich or poor. As far as I know rich Thais also pay sinsod, millions to show how rich they are and how much they are in love and all that. It seems to be accepted cultural standard for rich and poor Thais. And I think if we live in Thailand and want to marry a Thai then we should not ignore their culture and customs.
  8. Obviously it funny to joke about this, especially from our perspective. But I wonder about the situation of those parents. Imagine they have a pretty daughter, and she marries a farang and then that farang doesn't pay big money. Will that family be respected in the village without new pickup and all that? Will the neighbors agree that true love counts, and money doesn't really matter? Or will everybody ask: How much did he give you? I guess it's not so easy for some parents of those girls.
  9. That reminds me of a rich farang in Bangkok, he owned a couple of pubs. He had a new girlfriend and he decided to marry her. And because he had lots of money, he offered 1 million THB sindod to the poor family. They thought he has obviously too much money. And why should he pay only 1 million when he could easily afford 2 million. So they told him they want two million. He could have easily afforded that money, but he walked away from that greedy family.
  10. That's what happens when you spent 40 billion USD on a toy and then you see that it looked interesting from the outside but it's no fun to play with it.
  11. I live in lower Sukhumvit and sometimes I go out before 7am. I saw often enough the leftovers from the street bars. What a sad view. A combination of totally wasted farangs and old hookers trying to survive.
  12. I understand that discos, I think they are called clubs these days, want to stay open until 4am or even longer. When do they open? 10pm, and maybe after midnight guests start to fill up the place? But i.e. with gogo-bars that is a different story. Girls start dancing maybe 7pm or 8pm. And by 2am they are tired - if they are still there. They wouldn't be able to dance until 4am. So what would happen if bars would open until 4am? They would start and hour or two hours later. But the amount of open hours would be the same. So what is the point of pushing everything 2 hours into the night?
  13. Thailand is not interested in foreigners with no money. And IMHO that is fair enough. Many (all?) countries are not interested to have lots of foreign people in their country who are poor. And voters don't want to pay for those poor foreigners. Lots of people understand this point from their home countries. No, we don't want those financial migrants. But then the same people, living in Thailand, complain that Thailand has similar rules. We are all foreigners in most countries in this world. That shouldn't be a surprise.
  14. Does this apply to all venues? Or only the venues with license? Venues without license can obviously do whatever they want because nobody can take away their license. TiT
  15. We all have our choices. I know I guy who used to work here for many years. He is not married but together with the same Thai woman since forever. He didn't save any money, his pension from back home is minimal. Legally he has basically no chance to live here. So what does he do? I didn't ask him because I am sure he won't like that question. I am pretty sure he stays with his woman up country, without a valid visa, and hopes for the best. The alternative for him would be living somewhere with almost no money in a country which he doesn't like. Tough choices.
  16. Maybe part of this survey, or another survey, could be: Could you afford to spend more? Or are you just happy with what you have? I.e. I love good food and I spent a lot of money on it. If I would have more money, then probably I would also drink good wine. But that gets really expensive. On the other hand, I just don't see the value of buying expensive clothes. I could buy now more expensive clothes, but I don't do it because I don't care. If I would have more money, I still wouldn't buy it. We have all our priorities how we spent our money.
  17. A general reply not only for this comment. I don't want to give the impression that everybody can stay here forever without valid visa. As far as I know the question was/is: Is it possible? And I still think it is possible. But obviously life is a little more difficult with years of overstay. But then, if someone had a year or two overstay already this person had enough time to think about alternatives. I.e. getting money in the bank account of a (girl)friend or cash from visitors or whatever. Is it convenient: No. But I am sure some people prefer that compared to living somewhere in cold and rainy farang-land.
  18. As far as I know the AQI is a mix of several measurements. The measurements must all exist to give a correct value. It seems some sites and users don't know the difference between 0 and no data. Some use 0 if no data is available. And that obviously screws up the value of the AQI.
  19. I think for cars it depends a lot on the car and style of driving. When I was a little younger l always had BMW cars and I liked the manual transmission/action. Recently I rented a BMW without specifying manual or automatic and they gave me an automatic. Fine. I didn't miss the manual gear change but I also didn't think something like: This is so much easier or more comfortable. And by now I don't drive aggressive anymore, so it didn't matter. If I would buy a car for Bangkok traffic, then more likely I would buy an automatic for all that stop and go traffic.
  20. It depends. I seems professionals want a flat surface. And then they apply with a trowel always the exact amount of tile adhesive. And for a perfect result they use tiling system. Others use a lot of sand with cement. There are lots of videos on YouTube where you can watch how it is done professionally. But obviously that doesn't mean you will find someone to do it like that in Thailand. My contractor hired one of those professionals for a high-quality job - and I paid accordingly.
  21. Yes, confirmed, that is what my question is about. Currently I have a 150cc bike and the 390cc bike, both are manual with gears and manual clutch. I can't imagine that I will ever buy an automatic bike. I just don't like them. But I am not surprised that many here, it seems the majority, prefer automatic bikes. That seems to be the trend these days.
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