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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. So what do you do to get from A to B? Go with a car (your own or a taxi)? Walk? Or use a motorcycle taxi? When I arrived in Bangkok, I used motorcycle taxis for maybe two years. I learned a lot about all the little shortcuts and what they do and don't do before I bought my first bike. And I bought it because I needed something convenient to travel. Riding myself or with motorcycle taxis? I choose to ride myself. If I have an accident, then I can blame myself and obviously all those other bad drivers and riders. For longer trips a car might be an alternative. But if I ride i.e. to the fresh market 2km away a car doesn't make any sense because it's impossible to park anywhere near to that place.
  2. When I started living in Thailand, I had a 40 something sqm apartment, and several big PCs. Let's put the priorities in the correct order! ????
  3. Statistically how often or seldom do they fail. And do they fail less often if they are triggered from time to time (by pressing that little button)?
  4. Many times we have here discussions about little and a little bigger scooters and real bikes. What do you prefer and maybe why? Personally, I don't like automatic bikes. After some bigger bikes I bought my first 150cc bike in Bangkok. One of the must have feature for me was a clutch and gearbox. Why? Because I like it. I remember when I had a "big" bike the mechanic came with one of those scooters. He rode my bike and asked me if I know how to ride his scooter. I thought: yes, what is the problem. And then I couldn't even start it. Later someone explained to me I should have applied the brakes to be able to start it. Really? I never tried again those strange things. It seems to me that many people who started with automatic bikes never ever switch to bikes with clutch and gears. I don't know if they don't know how to use the clutch or are too lazy or they need that hand to hold their phone or why.
  5. There is a reason those guys are called "mechanic". IMHO most of them like their hands in oil and not with cables or plugs and all those things. Plugging in a PC is easy and no electrical experience is required. Finding a problem in an electrical system is much more complicated. Often there are problems with earth (chassis) and lots of high frequency spikes. Not easy to solve. This is a video in part about those problems.
  6. For you and all the others who don't like this kind of humor: The 74+ Best Emergency Room Jokes - ↑UPJOKE↑ It is well known that people in emergency rooms and other situations with dying people joke about it to make it easier to bear.
  7. I love the format of this letter. I haven't seen that for quite some time.
  8. I won't change my humor because you don't get it. Take it easy and try to relax a little.
  9. Sound isolation depends a lot on the frequencies of that sound. In general, it is a lot easier to reduce high frequency noise compared to lower frequencies. And it is almost impossible to reduce real low frequencies. And then there are all those holes in the walls and not filled gaps, etc. I read some articles and watched some videos about that. One thing that was explained is to make sure there are nowhere any gaps or holes in the walls. Including about the ceiling (but below the concrete). I just renovated my apartment and the contractor seems to be knowable. When I told him about closing all those gaps he thought he and his team did it. And then I pointed out that there were still some small gaps. Now he closed them as well but he told me this was the first time that he did that, or a customer asked him to do that... This is a sample of condition one of those walls to the neighbor's unit before the renovation. It seems that is normal in Thailand (and maybe some other parts of the word.
  10. I have to admit I am surprised by a comment like this. Look at the Nitron, or any super size scooter, and look at the CB500X. Those are totally different kind of bikes. IMHO most riders would want one or the other or a different category of bike, but it's hard for me to imagine someone who is not sure about such a choice. It's like buying a pickup or a sports car. Normally people want one or the other but never maybe this or maybe that. What's yours your plan? Where and how do you want to ride? And about gears or no gears. I always had bikes with gears, and I am happy with them. Now with more and more people whose first bike had no gears it seems then never want to change to anything with gears. Maybe people think gears and a clutch are complicated. IMHO you lean it once, which probably takes less than an hour, and then you can use bikes with gears which give you the choice to a HUGE number of other bikes.
  11. And if you can afford that then you wouldn't buy a Forza.
  12. I do online banking. Maybe I needed the passport some time ago when I set this up, but I don't remember. I didn't have to go to any bank for years. And in general I am sure people are able to find ways to do things, i.e. with the Thai wife or a farang friend. The risk of being deported happens if there is a random unexpected check somewhere. If a person knows they have an expired visa, then I am sure they know how to avoid certain foreseeable issues.
  13. What would you do if you had already a year or two overstay and you want to stay in Thailand, i.e. because of your family. I think with that overstay there is no legal way to stay here or even go away and return sometime soon. So I guess some guys just stay and hope for the best.
  14. I live in the middle of Bangkok since more than 20 years. I don't remember that anybody official ever checked my passport. Exceptions are of course immigration and airport. For renting or something like that they normally only ask for the picture page of the passport. So I guess the answer to your question is: Sure, and IMHO the risk is not high that you get caught.
  15. The first question should be if your condo allows that you change the glass and/or frames. It seems some, or maybe many condominiums have rules that owners are not allowed to change things which are visible from outside.
  16. I didn't say or think most people need the space of a big tower case. In fact, most users don't need it. But it seems for many users size and weight equal power. If they received a big heavy computer, they don't even have to switch it on to be convinced it's a very powerful machine. Really.
  17. No problem, and even fun, with the right bike.
  18. I guess some guys buy bikes and play with girls. And other guys buy girly bikes. ????
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