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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. If that is the most annoying thing in your life...
  2. Yes, long term, at least until recently, he knew how to be successful and make a ton of money. Obviously he doesn't care about advice from this form. But it seems sometimes he doesn't listen to any advice. I am sure more than one person told him to take it easy and maybe wait a little and think twice. I am also pretty sure that would be in 101 of how to run a business. I find it sad to see that a guy who obviously knows how to run a business successfully f@$ up so badly.
  3. It seems you think Musk does everything right all the time. Then why does he U-turn all the time with his decisions about Twitter? Obviously Musk has a brain. Maybe he should use it instead of shooting from the hip and then changing things a day later and then shooting from the hip again. And even a very smart guy will have huge difficulties behaving as if the management of a couple of billion-dollar companies is a part time job. There is a reason why Tesla is 50% down since he bought Twitter.
  4. "turning it into a toilet of bile and discontent"? Or making it just more of the same?
  5. I thought: yes, do it now. And then I saw this reply which reminded me that even in a bad situation the alternative doesn't have to be any better...
  6. That is relative. My VFR400 in Bangkok traffic used about 10l per 100km. 1st gear up to 100km/h at 14,500 RPM and all that.
  7. YES Obviously it is possible and IMHO advisable to use two hands on the handlebar on all bikes. But it seems now many riders, mostly teenagers, never take their phone out of their hand. Sitting with phone, walking with phone, riding with phone, I wonder if they do sex with one hand on the phone.
  8. That reminds me of riding a 250cc 4-stroke bike from my friend for the first time. I had myself an 80cc 2-stroke - no engine braking at all. When I got off the throttle on that 250 it felt like braking hard on the 2-stroke...
  9. Sure. But as far as I understand this thread is about people who live here without valid visa. I guess most of them live in one place and they don't travel. And if they travel it would be stupid to give a passport with an expired visa to anybody. Now my passport and visa are perfect since many years. But a long time ago I had a substantial overstay. I didn't have to think too much to avoid giving the passport to anybody who might check it.
  10. Is an ATM now called a bank? And when I use an ATM I use it with my ATM card, I don't need a passport for that.
  11. Maybe that is an option for you. That might give you an idea why many of us ride bikes even is we might die doing that.
  12. How extreme left or right a government is, is obviously a question of the place from where you are looking. If a person is already on the right side of the political spectrum then someone more right-wing is not considered radical. But if you are on the left or on the far left then from that perspective you see a far-right government. And all that obviously also depends on the country and even regions in the same country. Different people have different definitions. It is pretty obvious that the UK has the government which they have, including Brexit, because a large part of their press supports it with their constant lies.
  13. A lot, and I don't really know or want to know how much. But then again, I eat good tasting quality food, drink the best espresso and enjoy life. And it doesn't always have to be expensive. I also eat noodle soup or khanom chin. I like it.
  14. Unfortunately corruption is part of life. Maybe there is more or less but never no corruption. Some time ago I read an article about corruption, I think it was about Australia. Basically what they wrote is that a about 5% corrupt business transactions are the sweet spot. More corruption would be a big problem and should be eliminated. But reducing the number even further gets more and more difficult. And at some stage it would cost a lot more to fight all corruption instead of accepting that there always will be some corruption. I guess that makes sense. Most of us don't like corruption. But we also wouldn't like it if more money would be spent to fight corruption than the "cost" of the current corruption. The EU is not perfect. But looking at the rest of the world I think it's not too bad.
  15. I didn't mention the mia noi to the wife. Somehow I think she we will not agree on that subject. ????
  16. I also think an ICE is too big for the streets here. And parking would be impossible. ????
  17. Ok, I admit I don't like all bikes. But then, I also don't like all female humans. I am only interested in cute slim girls legal age up to twentysomething. ????
  18. I had the same problem for a long time. The solution was my gf. Cuddle and relax. The grinding of your teeth wouldn't happen if you would relax.
  19. Ok, I understand when people ride automatic scooters. As far as I know they are basically used to get from A to B and that's it. But we had threads in this forum when people wanted to buy a "big" bike (let's say 400cc and more) and they wanted automatic, because they never used a clutch before. I think for "big" bikes it is a good idea to have more control over the bike and that includes gears. Braking or accelerating with gears gives the rider more control - at least I think so. And yes, I understand that this more control is not really necessary for the trip to the next market.
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