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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. With all big political decisions and promises there should be impact studies before anything is promised or introduced. Obviously it's nice if everybody gets double the money. But is it realistic? Unfortunately the gullible don't know and don't care. Yes, I want double the money. Give it to me. And the other parties who don't promise all that extra money most obviously be rich greedy bastards... Somehow I hope another party will promise 3 times more money. And then maybe someone from PT will point out that that won't work. And then the question is in the open: if 3 times doesn't work is 2 times realistic?
  2. Really? Obviously it's nice to have money but often there are consequences. I could have a lot more money than I have now if I would have worked harder. I preferred to enjoy life and don't work so hard. If anybody would offer me now millions to trash my family in public, I wouldn't do it. What's the point of being rich and living in misery?
  3. Talk to a lawyer and/or accountant who is used to setting up such companies. Your problem is (I guess) the most common problem for many foreigners in Thailand. It seems many accountants find ways to do this. Maybe hire officially a couple of motorcycle guys for deliveries, etc. Because all that is a very grey area don't expect that it will be discussed in detail here. Depending how long you live/work already in Thailand you probably know that there are lots of rules and lots of interpretations of those rules... And make sure you find an experienced Thai person to help you with this. Setting it up once is the easy part, running it for years smoothly can be difficult and that requires the expertise.
  4. Wonderful, then she should call it her new (fictional) movie and don't pretend it's her real life.
  5. I remember some time ago (years?) that Harry and Megan told the world that they want some privacy. At that time I thought I can understand that they don't want to be in the press 24/7. Have a nice quiet life somewhere. And then? Then it seems they decided they want all the publicity they can get. Strange! And now they publish pictures when she if crying. Who made those pictures? And who has a photographer nearby with the instructions to make some pictures when I cry. Strange!
  6. Somehow it must be funny to work for a company which was just purchased by (one of) the richest man on earth and then he demands that you work overtime and sleep in the office. Does Musk pay those people double? Or are they supposed to work twice the time, so that he gets even richer? Strange!
  7. Did you ever try one? IMHO reading a book on an eInk reader like Kindle is so much more relaxing compared to a computer screen with backlight. I am comfortable reading a book on an eInk device for hours. I would never do that on a computer screen. You can also change the font size on the book readers to whatever is most comfortable for you.
  8. Thanks. I have to admit I didn't think about them. I bought a few things from them always only if I didn't find it anywhere else. And then it was normally at least double the price of what I panned to pay. It is definitely an option if there are no alternatives.
  9. They started it in 1952 on the radio. For the record: I wasn't around at that time, I just looked it up. https://www.deutschlandfunk.de/70-jahre-internationaler-fruehschoppen-100.html
  10. I don't know where you saw those braces. It definitely wasn't me.
  11. Democracy might be in theory always better. But in real life? Some democratically elected leaders soon act like dictators. No accountability, corrupt, nepotism, and and and. Democracy would be wonderful with educated well informed voters. That is unfortunately not reality in Thailand - and many other countries.
  12. Are there any women in your area? Your wife could ask them.
  13. Sounds like more unrealistic promises so that the gullible will vote for them. Why not promise everybody they will win regularly in the lottery? I am sure some of the red-shirts would "think" that is a great idea. The sad part is that now the realistic people have to tell those dreaming voters that reality depends on what is possible and not what you dream about.
  14. Frühschoppen (pronounced [fʁyːʃɔpən], meaning: an alcoholic drink before midday in company) is the German and Austrian tradition of meeting up at a pub, inn or tavern in the late morning, usually on Sundays. The specific customs vary from region to region. Frühschoppen is often a kind of brunch, but does not necessarily involve food. Frühschoppen is also often held at fun fairs, the most famous being Oktoberfest or Cannstatter Volksfest. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frühschoppen
  15. He could and can come back anytime! What Thaksin wants is to be above the law. People who are convicted criminals and who are convicted to go to jail must go to jail. That shouldn't be too difficult to understand. And what kind of article is this that doesn't even mention above fact? He is a wanted criminal, and he doesn't want to server his time in jail, that is why he is not coming back.
  16. I offered one simple possible solution. I didn't say that is the only solution.
  17. You have already your money back - kind off. It's call experience. Most of us paid a lot of money for experience over the years. Accept it, move on.
  18. It puts the temperature regulation as near as possible to the water output. Different temperature "cold" and "hot" can come in and it will make a constant temperature out of it - even if the input temperatures change.
  19. Until now I read only two comments. What a sad picture. Most of the time I don't wear a mask. But most of the time I am not in crowded places. If I visit i.e. a hospital or a bank or the BTS I wear a mask to make the others happy. Why not? It's easy to put it on and easy to remove it again. 10 minutes with a mask doesn't kill anybody. Why insist on the law and making up claims about "filthy farangs", etc.?
  20. Today I received a reply from them per LINE. I asked for 30m and they are happy to supply that. 300/500V IEC53 4C x 1.5/1.5 mm2 = 5C 30M = 77 baht/M. 300/500V IEC53 4C x 2.5/2.5 mm2 = 5C 30M = 110 baht/M. 600V CVV 5C x 2. 5 mm2 30M = 100 baht/M. 5C all black with marking numbers Now I have to look how much I really need before I order. Thanks for all your comments.
  21. Wonderful, then nothing can happen. Or not? Let's say I would be a bad landlord with someone renting my condominium. Maybe I inspect my condominium one day and I think I saw some flash from the main beaker box. Maybe I just imagined that flash. But obviously I want to prevent accidents and I want that my tenant lives in a secure condominium. So just to be sure I ask the condominium management to switch off the electricity to my unit - obviously I want to protect the health and life of my tenant. And then I will hire an electrician to look at that problem. Obviously it should be a good electrician and my friend Somchai the specialist is not available in the next two weeks. Sorry, we have to keep the electricity switched off for your own security... Now tell me something like that could not possibly happen. I don't say it will happen. But there are always ways to make life difficult. And no, I was never a landlord in my life.
  22. Really? How do you fight in Thailand against influential Thai people and win? And is it worth it? I.e. I find it always interesting when the management and security guards of my condominium forget everything the committee agreed to when one (a little) influential owner decides things are different. And this seems to be normal also in many other buildings.
  23. I think people forget here that there are laws in Thailand and then there is reality. If someone wants to get you out I am sure they find ways to make your life difficult so you want to go out by yourself. Maybe no water or electricity. Is that legal? Maybe not. But does that mean it couldn't happen? TiT.
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