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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. But imagine after a year with a boring woman up north he spends a few hours in Soi 6 with the hottest chicks who do their very best to let him see the stars. And then: Why did I waste all that time? ????
  2. Contemplation, mediation, and do a lot of inner work is obviously one option. But I think another option is doing something different and maybe exhausting. I.e. work on a farm or work on a construction site. It will make you tired and you don't have time and energy to think about other problems and/or the problems of this world. Do that for a month or two and that will also change your perspective - without actively looking for something different.
  3. And they manufacture custom made PCBs? I know NPE from Ban Mo and I don't remember seeing anything about PCBs. But maybe I just missed that information or corner.
  4. Really? I think a big part of finding yourself is getting away from life how it was/is until "now". I.e. go from the city to the country or the other way around. From hot to cold climate or the other way around. And experience a different kind of life. I.e. I came to Thailand mostly for the climate and all those pretty girls. But I also learned to live in the moment. I experienced that there are countries where people follow all the rules and other countries where they don't do that. And lots of other differences. And then it's up to each of us to find out after a while what we like. More order? Or less? Spontaneous live or a steady career, and and and. Thailand is different from many other places in this word. And that makes it a good candidate to find new experiences and maybe find yourself - at least find part of yourself which you like, don't like, want to change, etc.
  5. Maybe he is looking again. It's like when guys come to Thailand and find out what fun can be. And then they realize that they could have discovered that decades ago...
  6. I guess it is related to this: I had the idea to install a router with SIM card and set this to bridge mode (and then see the public IP address). It seems such devices with bridge mode don't exist - at least not in Thailand.
  7. I hope you don't expect any detailed and correct answer in this forum. Obviously, if you are lucky, you may get a correct answer. But IMHO it is a lot more likely to read incorrect or maybe partly correct comments. If you really want an answer, maybe go here, they have great experts: Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange
  8. I read the following book a long time ago. I think it's inspiring. And he tells the real-life stories about the idea of living in a temple in the woods. I recommend you read it and decided if that is what you really want. (continued below the picture) Otherwise, I recommend reading books. I guess it's perfect if you do that on a lonely beach or in the mountains somewhere, but any place where you can relax and concentrate on your reading should do the job. Read i.e. Jordan Peterson's maps of meaning or one of his other books. And/or other psychology books. And I recommend read them in your native language to really understand them. Or watch some of his videos or work on his Self-Authoring program. There are lots of smart people out there who we can learn a lot from. Just don't make any of these people your guru. Read, listen, learn, and stay critical. You don't have to believe everything. Reflect and learn and think about yourself and what is meaningful for you. I wish you good luck on that way.
  9. This guy brings it to a point. And it would be really funny if it wouldn't be so sad.
  10. Some good advice, some not so good. So I will add some more. Before you start deleting or moving any files you should look for big files and/or folders which use a lot of space. There is no point in moving 10,000 files if maybe deleting one big useless file is bigger than all those little files together. You can use a free program like the following to find out the locations which use up all that space: TreeSize Free | JAM Software (jam-software.com) And maybe you are lucky, and you see right away that that folder with those videos which you downloaded 5 years ago uses the most space. Or maybe it's more complicated. In that case just post a screenshot here from what you see.
  11. That is about 650 THB in coins every day for 9 months. Does he sell BBQ sticks for 10 THB each or what does he do?
  12. That depends on what I had in mind with that woman. We can all guess but never know about the bedroom performance before we try it. But when we look for a person for a top management job there are lots of criteria to look for. One is to look at her/his past performance over the last years. Is this person capable and suitable for that new job? For Liz Truss the answers are obviously No and No. But then again, do they still have any capable people left in that party? And if there are any, does any of them want that job in the current situation?
  13. Good luck with your trip - you need it. It seems most (rental) bikes have street tires which are good for paved roads but certainly not good for tracks. I would suggest get (kind of) dirt tires. They are cheap for small bikes, not even 1000B per tire. That will make such a trip much safer.
  14. Thant sounds like you have little to no experience in riding bikes at all or bikes > 50cc. Maybe think again if you want to risk riding a bike, any bike, in Thailand. When I arrived here many years ago, I used motorcycle taxis for maybe two years basically every day. Doing that gave me an idea what to expect from all those other vehicles - basically expect them from anywhere anytime. I also learned about the streets and all the legal and illegal shortcuts in my area. Then, after a few years gathering experience on the back of bikes, I bought my own bike here and I am almost accident free - at least nothing that hurt. Riding here is very dangerous. Be careful! And many Thai motorcycle riders don't have any license - just to give you an idea.
  15. Just in general: It is possible to isolate against high frequency noise like screaming children. It is almost impossible to isolate against low frequency noise like base in a movie soundtrack or people jumping on the floor above you.
  16. I don't think about useless things. That's the way to avoid headache. And that makes my lives likely longer.
  17. Let's not forget how often we thought in politics it can't get worse. And it did!
  18. And let's not forget that the conservative party members elected her and somehow they thought she is the best person in that whole party to lead them. Wow. Lose/lose. You did it! And what will be next?
  19. Liz Truss resigns as UK prime minister sparking Tory leadership race as Labour and Lib Dems call for general election – live Liz Truss resigns as UK prime minister sparking Tory leadership race as Labour and Lib Dems call for general election – live (theguardian.com)
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