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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. That is something those women in faragland should think about. Lots of guys here are already happy when a girl sits near them, smiles and them, and makes sure the cold beer doesn't run out. Many guys would marry those girls even before they have sex. What does that tell us about society back home when an uneducated girl can make western guys happy with such little effort...
  2. The period makes one of three options unavailable. And IMHO if women are so old and/or ugly that they can't even get one customer per day then they have the wrong job or are lazy. This thread started with the story about a girl who should easily be able to get more than one customer per day - if she wants that.
  3. Only one customer a day on 25 days per month should bring at least 50k. That is definitely more than most office workers.
  4. No problem, I am sure Bob will give his last cent for the love of his life. After all, it's destiny.
  5. I guess that's good news. Lots of girls are desperate to make lots of extra money. ????
  6. Kind of And based on lots of real people and places. I recognized a couple of them when I read the book the first time many years ago. At that time there was no printed edition. Only a version to download for free on Stephen's webpage. When they finally printed that book, they obviously needed a cover picture, with a girl with long black hair. But by then times had changed and most girls had colored hair. Finally, they found a girl in Angelwitch. The good old times. ????
  7. Maybe try the following. Tell her a joke or two and make her laugh. And then tell her something else with no reason to laugh. And then observe if she will laugh like you told her the fannies joke ever... Bob, you are such a funny guy...
  8. That's one reason why I am a huge fan of Stephen Leather's Private Dancer novel. Just in case there is still anybody out there who didn't read it until now. It goes like this: PETE: I don't know if it was love at first sight, but it was pretty damn close. She had the longest hair I'd ever seen, jet black and almost down to her waist. She smiled all the time and had soft brown eyes that made my heart melt, long legs that just wouldn't quit and a figure to die for. JOY: To be honest, I never thought I'd see him again. He was a bit drunk, I think, and even though he gave me his gold chain I thought he'd forget about me as soon as he left Bangkok. Copyright by Stephen Leather
  9. Great Bob. That sounds almost as good as your time with the girl who charged you 5000B per day. I am sure she is marriage material. Go ahead, make her day.
  10. Let the female mayor show how she earned that money and how she paid taxes and exactly when she checked it and exactly how much she counted on these days. I.e. did she have 20,123,500 THB in her bedroom on the 3-May-2021 and only 18,653,000 THB there on the 4-Feb-2022? Who had access to that room in that time frame? Proof it!
  11. Don't expect any logic and sense. After you overcome this issue, you will feel relaxed - sabai, sabai.
  12. Unfortunately many parents in Thailand, but not only in Thailand, "think" that children just happen and they grow up and this is all independent from the parents. Someone should explain to those parents that their behavior before birth and after birth has massive consequences for their children. And they should act accordingly. But who will explain that to them and will they believe it.
  13. I hope he dies in the desert. Alone. He was and is a criminal. And even if he did some good things that doesn't change that fact. And he divided Thais like nobody before him and since him. And any new clone of him would likely continue with that. Let's say it again: I hope he dies in the desert. Then we can all try to forget about that sad part of Thai history.
  14. What is so horrible here? I don't notice any hostility from anybody. Every country has regulations and many of us think regulations against foreigners should be stronger in our home countries. But the same people think regulations against foreigners, us, in Thailand are too strong. But maybe this is not about regulations. What is it what you think is bad and might get worse? Do you want to elaborate?
  15. I live in the middle of Bangkok. I saw demonstrations of the yellow-shirts and I saw road blocks from the red-shirts. I personally never had any problems with the yellow crowd. When they blocked the Asoks junction I walked through there almost every day. No problems at all. All friendly, no aggression. With the red-shirts in Bangkok I had a very different experience. I.e. I had to work in a building which was in the zone which they controlled in 2010. I had to ask nicely at the bamboo and tire barricade if they let me pass. I often saw pickup trucks laden with aggressive red-shirt thugs who tried to tell the people in Bangkok that they are now in control. And the police did nothing. Later I saw peaceful soldiers on the street. They made me feel safe, no aggressive red mob anymore. And I will never forget the fires from 2010. I just had to look out of my window. And later, after the military removed the red-shirts from the city, I was there on the first day when the public was allowed to go there. What a horrible sight. I was never in a war-zone but that's what it looked like. That is my personal experience. I am sure others, especially far from Bangkok, had other experiences. I am sure I will never in my life forget the burning busses, the burning oil-truck, the street blockades, the fires, the destruction and all that aggression. And I hope this will never happen again in Thailand - not just because I don't like it but for a prosperous Thailand. When Yingluck came to power many people were unsure what she will do. We had hope that she would try to be a good PM for all Thais and all Thailand. But it didn't take long before it became clear she followed the orders of her criminal brother and she tried her very best to get him back to Thailand as a free man. That was the 2nd coup which I experienced in Thailand - after the first coup to get rid of Thailand. What would happen if another Shinawatra becomes PM? Would she unite Thailand? Or would she more likely continue with Thaksin's dividing policy? And it's very likely that she would try to bring both criminals in her family back to Thailand. As heroes, and not to put them in jail. And what will people do if that would happen? Likely something similar to what happened with Yingluck. But maybe worse. That is my concern. Is Prayut good? Sure not. I would love to see honest competent people running this country. But obviously that will only happen if Thai voters would vote for honest competent politicians. But somehow this is not what the majority of Thai voters do. The vote for the same old corrupt politicians or the family members of those banned politicians. And then they are somehow surprised when they have an incompetent corrupt government. Hopefully all this will be resolved peacefully.
  16. No need, just borrow them - preferable from old men who die soon after.
  17. Obviously Biden's health is an issue. But looking at many alternatives in both parties maybe Biden is still the best choice.
  18. I always tell them add 20B of chicken but no extra noodles. It works for me.
  19. Out of interest, why leather? I think in a climate like Thailand leather is just not a good idea.
  20. That reminds me of the time when George W Bush was president and basically all of us thought it can't get worse...
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