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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. It is based on real places and real people. And all together it is known as the best non-fiction fiction - when you know what I mean.
  2. If he has 270k per month then it is unlikely that he could live comfortable on 70k. I know an ex banker with a huge pension who lives in Thailand. I remember when he said something like: I can't imagine how anybody in Thailand can live with less than 100k per month. I am sure he really though like that. I mentioned to him that there are even people who live on less than 10k per month in Thailand. And he had this "you must be joking" look on his face.
  3. I think it is more the perceived hotness and fun. It seems to be important for Thai men that the other people think he has this hot girl who is so much fun. Is she really fun? Or is she just headache if they are alone? I think for many farangs it is about what they want. Personally I like dusky and petite. And I don't care if any of my friends or other people who I know think she is hot or beautiful. She is what I want. That's all I care about.
  4. I understand the question but does anybody of us really has a realistic idea about that? When I was 20 anybody who was 25 was old and 30 very old and 40 year old parents were unbelievable old. Now I have friends who are over 60 and I know they are not exactly young anymore. But I wouldn't call them old men. I think our perception changes so much over the years that something that it is nearly impossible to anticipate how we will feel in 20 years or even further in the future. And at least I would never choose a gf/wife thinking about what might be in 20 years. We will find out. And likely it will be very different from what we could have predicted. Just think about free (video) phone calls all over the world and any kind of information from anywhere in real-time. Who would have imagined that 20 years ago? And who would have imagined years of Covid? What will happen in 10 or 20 years? We don't know!
  5. Your relationship sounds like it is not about love or sex. It's about control and power. If that is what you like to play...
  6. Here is a part of one of those interviews - if anybody wants to know what we are talking about. Many of his interviews are longer than an hour, some a lot longer. This is just a short part of one of those long interviews. And please keep in mind: He studied this for decades. He knows what he is talking about.
  7. I think the first thing that guys shouldn't forget in Thailand is the fact that there are many willing p$#$% out there. If one get's too demanding there are many others who like to take her place. Make sure she knows that you know and she will be (more) careful with her demands.
  8. I understand your point. On the other hand in the last couple of months I watched many hours of his videos. He is a very smart guy with a huge knowledge. I definitely learned a lot from him. And I am sure that anybody who doesn't learn from him doesn't want to learn or is ignorant. That doesn't mean that everything he or any other person says is always the truth. When I and probably you listen that doesn't mean we have to believe everything or agree with everything. But even then he gives us something to think about.
  9. Most wives of Western men don't let them get away with mia nois. I think Thai older women are a lot smarter. They keep the rich husband and if he want to do something on the side that keeps him happy and because he is happy that is also better for the wife. Win/win/win.
  10. a) there are few farang women here b) most farang guys here don't care about what farang women think. c) the kind of Thai women which are interesting for most of the forum members are not members here
  11. I also saw that video. I think it was one of Jordan Peterson's interviews.
  12. Do you think that is his responsibility? Or should she take care of her own life?
  13. Maybe you missed it, this was/is about a Thai businessman with much younger wife and girlfriends for many years. Which, according to some people here, doesn't happen. There must have been at least hundreds of people who knew about this situation, because it was very public, and it seems nobody cared. This is a fact and I report it as a fact. It has nothing to do with my opinion.
  14. I think one thing people always forget when they talk about older people is the fact that many older people live happily together with other older people. Does i.e. a 60 year old woman gets horny when she sees her 60 year old husband naked? Maybe, maybe not. But when they love each other then sooner or later the physical appearance is not so important anymore. Some of us, especially men, look for pretty and cute girls when they start a relationship. But do they dump her if she is not so pretty and cute anymore? As far as I know that happens, but I wouldn't call it typical behavior. Some dump them because when they get old they are nagging all the time - not because of their look. Many girls and women seem to be not so much interested in the look of a guy. Maybe they see this successful/rich guy and they get horny, I don't know how it works. But apparently it does work.
  15. Women are attracted to dominant (powerful, rich) men. That is a fact. And women want to marry up in status. Men are interested in young and pretty girls, or in evolutionarily terms: They want health strong females to spread their genes. And even if they don't do that in reality anymore, the urge is still the same.
  16. Maybe you should check how many entertainment girls study in universities. Many. And some of them continue to work in the bars after they graduate and after they are able to get a "proper" job.
  17. Why don't you think that is work? Probably it's hard work. And she chose hard work to make a lot of money, and why not?
  18. Really? Is Aranyaprathet a farang tourist area? I knew a businessman and coffee-shop owner who lived there and who had several wives and girlfriends under 18. And that went on for many years. And it seems everybody though it was completely normal. Otherwise I am not much up country and don't know much about how they live.
  19. Sometimes I like to read those stories. It's fun how delusional one can be without realizing it.
  20. It seems for at least some of them it is more important to be seen with younger women and maybe they hope that other people think they can still perform. Do they? Maybe, and likely we will never know.
  21. I tried to explain to you that there is a difference between what happens if you are lucky and what could and sometimes will happen. You pick from that poster what you want to see, the 6 hours. I like to point out to you what is right on top of that: "stay at least one night". If you want to ignore that, that is up to you. But it's still written there and personally I think it is not a wise idea to ignore that information.
  22. Who would like to read about my wonderful times with Nit, Noi and Pit? How much detail do you want before it get's boring? But talkin about that bitch May who told me to buy a house for her and who I loved so much and later I found out our kids are not from me... Now I am sure you all love those stories.
  23. Many people all over the world have mental health issues. One question is: Are they comfortable living with these issues? Another question: Can they afford to live with those issues? If people are too crazy then the social security net catches their fall in some countries. In other countries there is no net. And then I am sure some guys prefer to die crazy but with fun in Thailand compared to surviving until and old age, without fun, somewhere else.
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