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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I looked at some details of Daikin and Mitsubishi air-cons. (At least) Two irritating issues: It seems all the Thai model numbers are in Thailand only. I find a couple of YouTube videos but in Thai only. I guess that means they sell these units only in Thailand or they have different model names in other countries. That makes it difficult to impossible to find reviews. About the multi systems (one compressor, multiple indoor units): Looking at the descriptions it seems they are all combined cooling and heating, which doesn't make much sense in Thailand. But maybe they are also only available in cooling only. I don't find any prices for these multi systems. It would be nice to get an idea how they compare to other systems. And it also seems that they have fewer control options (WiFi, with microprocessor) compared to the single units. I am still looking for more details myself. But please let me know if you have anything to say about the above issues.
  2. Sometimes I think it's funny when people ask about the legal situation in Thailand for things like this. I remember a sentence like this in one of the many "Thai" books: "It's not like their lawyer will call your lawyer"... Imagine anywhere in the world you are out in the dark and some big bloke comes to you and tells you: Move! What will you do? Argue with him? Tell him to f$@% off because you have the legal right to be there? Sure? Just imagine waking up in the hospital and asking yourself: Was it worth it? Obviously it might be that all will be fine and nobody will bother you. But you shouldn't be so sure about that.
  3. Thanks for all your posts. I just searched for Mitsubishi air conditioners in Thailand and it seems they have many model series. Here are some links in case someone else likes to look at the details https://www.mitsuheavythai.com/en/products-main.php https://www.mitsubishi-kyw.co.th/Product/For-Home/conditioner.aspx https://www.mitsubishi-kyw.co.th/Product/For-Business/conditioner-business.aspx http://www.mitsubishi-mcp.co.th/products/Products_m1.html The last link has links to several product lines. Also to this one http://www.mitsubishi-mcp.co.th/products/Products_m3_Multisystem.html This includes Residential Multi which is one outdoor unit and several indoor units. Does anybody of you have any experience with those multi systems? I think in theory it sounds good.
  4. Thanks, how/where did you do the research? I found lots of websites with technical information and advertisements in all forms. But until now I don't think I found any website or video with what I would call an expert review. Which Mitsubishi model did you buy? As far as I know they have a couple of different models (and I am not talking about BTU).
  5. Finally I bought a condominium and I will renovate it from scratch. This includes new air conditioners. I am able to find air conditioners in the local shops but I don't trust the advice of the sales people. Because they are exactly that, SALES people. They want to sell. I am sure there are differences in the quality of the different brands and units, differences in warranty, ease of service, and and and. Do you know about any website or videos from experts who review air conditioners? And what is your personal experience with different brands. What did you buy? Do you like them? Would you buy them again? Personally I want good quality air conditioners which are easy to maintain and with long warranty times. The price is not my main concern. If any brand/model is significantly better but cost (a lot more) than that is acceptable for me. Obviously I will hire professionals to install the air conditioners. But I want to know about the differences before I hire such a company and follow their advice.
  6. NO! He married a 29yo but he didn't love her. And he had a 18yo girlfriend who he loved (and it seems he still loves her). At least that is what he said in the interviews.
  7. How many years did you need to find out that one? And here is a hint: The vegetables and fruits and also fresher and tastier at the local markets. Who would have thought?
  8. Why worry about the future? It may all end in nuclear war tomorrow. That was the point of @Farmerslife comment. What if you plan that the world ends tomorrow and you spend all your money today and you don't have any money anymore for the day after that - just in case the world does not end.
  9. And I am sure all those incredibly talented people will come back to the entertainment industry, independent of what they did in the last years.
  10. Would it help the Ukrainian people in any way if Thailand would condemn Russia? Let's not forget: Countries have interests, not friends. And that is not just Thailand. How many so called first world countries do business with dictators and tyrants? Many!
  11. I also watched the previous interview with him. It sees there was a time when he made money with writing. But then not anymore - for whatever reasons. According to himself he is most interested in himself and writing about himself. I am not so sure he can make a living with that one. In principle I like to think positive about guys who have plans to improve their life and live their dream. But it seems he is trying to replicate what he had in Thailand 30 years ago. And according to him and the other interview the best of that time was a couple of months together with a (paid) schoolgirl. Will he now, with 64 and without money be able to repeat that experience? NO!
  12. The short answer: soon The statistical answer for Bangkok and many other cities can be looked up in detail here (and probably many other places): https://aqicn.org/city/bangkok
  13. I understand you. But in a way I think it is interesting what some people do. And mostly we hear only beginning of the end. It seems this guy wants to document his fall until the end. Time for popcorn.
  14. You are in Thailand. There are no such things as exact laws. There are kind of recommendations which many people ignore. Don't forget, TiT.
  15. Sometimes we have discussions here about people who want to retire in Thailand and how much money they need, etc. I think this is an interesting video about what not to do. Until now I only saw the start but that sounds already like there won't be any happy end.
  16. What's the point of this post? Distraction? Isn't it enough to concentrate on Putin the way he is?
  17. I suggest: google it! There are lots of steps involved and that was described and explained at least a thousand times.
  18. That is definitely good advice. And hire someone who knows a lot what he is doing, not just the bare basics. If you use cloud services (like watching your cameras over the internet, storing videos on the internet, etc.) make sure you know what you are doing and that your data is secured. If you don't do it right then strangers/burglars might be able to use your cameras, watch your videos, delete your videos, etc.
  19. Have a look at Bangkok Pat videos. He explores many parts of Bangkok. And it seems he knows what he is talking about.
  20. Sounds interesting. Did you use movement and/or person detection? Then you don't record hours of "nothing". And out of curiosity I am interested about the legal situation with recording other peoples' movement. Are you allowed to do that in Thailand? As far as I know there are lots of restrictions about that in other countries.
  21. Buy a bar in Thailand. They are cheap in the moment and everybody will want some fun before they die in WWIII.
  22. Why? There are professional Thai companies out there. And they charge for their professional service. And then there are cheap and not so cheap guys who think who can do that. Are you willing to pay for professional service?
  23. I just bought a camera (Reolink) and I tested it already. The setup was done in about 10 minutes. I still have to install it in the position where it should be. And then I will see how it performs day to day with different light conditions, etc. I am sure I would read forum entries about security cameras, and I hope they are specific to Thailand. There is lots of general good information out there about different camera types, with or without batteries, with cloud service, locally controlled and recorded, different prices points, etc. This is a huge field with lots of options.
  24. Lots of people were happy when she was removed from her job. Mostly because she was incompetent and did what her corrupt big brother told her. Yingluck could have worked for the people. She could have been honest. But that is not what she did. Would she still be in charge if she would have been honest? I don't know. But I know for sure fewer people would have supported the last coup if she would have been honest and if she would have worked for the people.
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