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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Not to be confused with Richard Barrow. I write this because when I read the headline, I made that mistake.
  2. I agree. Is there any maintenance and/or quality control? Do you expect that everybody who uses these machines will have clean hands and bottles?
  3. It's not really that difficult to understand. You wrote: "BTW, unless she's a Paris Hilton or Taylor Swift or similar all chicks around the world want a guy with money." And IMHO the reality is: BTW, unless she's a Paris Hilton or Taylor Swift or similar all chicks around the world want a guy with money. Paris Hilton and Taylor Swift are not interested in a poor nobody. Not because they need more money, but because they don't want to date a guy who can't afford the lifestyle they are used to. Or do you think Paris Hilton or Taylor Swift want to tell their lover: I know you can't afford it, no problem, I will pay the tickets and hotel for you...
  4. Do you really think the above women would date or marry a guy who isn't rich? Women want to guy why they can look up to. And that is the problem for successful women. There are not so many guys who they can look up to. And many of those guys don't care if a woman is rich or successful. They want a young beauty.
  5. You and Thomas Jefferson are right. When I look at Trump and his voters, he sure represents them.
  6. I don't care what the average woman wants. I don't want an average woman. My one is special, she is obviously different.
  7. Just the picture of that video is enough to not click on it and watch even one second. About the question when it started: I remember when Geroge W Busch got elected and many people all over the world thought that Americans are crazy. And many of us thought it can't get worse. Please, anybody but W. And then Trump appeared, and it got worse, a lot worse. I don't know where it will go from here, but at least I am very careful with hoping anything else will be better. I am sure the Americans will find someone worse.
  8. In case you want to know what exists and how it compares, I can highly recommend this forum: https://www.audiosciencereview.com/forum/index.php The boss, Amir, has also an interesting YouTube channel.
  9. America is also known as the best democracy money can buy. Politicians changing to be lobbyist and big business bosses and politicians again. It's all about money. Almost (?) every American election depends on huge amount of donations. And, as far as I know, all American politicians spend a lot of their time asking for donations. It's all about money, money, and money. It doesn't even stop with the supreme court judges. Nobody over there should expect that it's about anything else but money, money and money.
  10. Wonderful. I hope you can forgive me that I tried to offer a solution without reading first all the posts.
  11. Yes, and it is great if you solve the problem with your accounts. However, others will also read this and maybe they read this not only to help you, but also to learn for themselves. This is why I included above information. After all, this is a public forum and not your private helpline.
  12. I read the original post, but not every reply. And I am pretty sure the hotline also works on Sundays.
  13. In general, recently I try to transfer more money than usual. I received some strange error message. After I called the bank, they checked my personal details. They still had my passport number which I used to open the account many years ago. After answering some security questions on the phone, they updated my passport number in their system and now all works fine again. I don't know how often something like this causes a problem, but from time to time it apparently causes problems - and no obvious "update your passport number" message.
  14. Call your bank. In my experience (with other Thai banks) they have a good service.
  15. Thats the idea. For ordinary people it's just a salon. You don't have to know everything 😉
  16. In some of those salons, there is more expensive action going on than in ordinary salons...
  17. I guess part of it are all those hysterical climate activists from all over the world. Now Thailand can say: Here, look, we do something. And at least some of those international activists, and the politicians who support them, will be happy.
  18. Just watch if it slows down over walking street. The aliens: WTF is that?
  19. That seems normal. I remember I heard once (I think from an expert) that some people open a restaurant and buy all new. They go bankrupt and sell with a big loss. The person who buys it has a better chance, because the initial investment is not so high. But many still fail, and sell, with more losses. And then, when someone buys a restaurant which was sold twice already, then the price is about right to be able to stay in the business...
  20. Many years ago, when I bought a 2nd hand bike, I received a bunch of papers from the seller (a small bike shop). I never registered it in my name. A couple of years later, I sold the bike to a guy who worked in a bike shop. I showed him the bunch of papers which I received, all fine, done. It's not really difficult.
  21. And now, copy and paste this story, and do it again, and again, and again. Every day about 50 people die on Thai streets, every single day. And nobody really cares.
  22. Just go in a bar and look for any farang sitting at the stage with his mouth wide open. Then it's up to you if you just give him that book or tell him that for a price of only two lady drinks, he can educate himself. Apart from that, I also have the printed version. And maybe every couple of years I think it's a good idea to read it again. Just in case there is still anybody out there who didn't read it yet, this is one of the first paragraphs: PETE I don't know if it was love at first sight, but it was pretty damn close. She had the longest hair I'd ever seen, jet black and almost down to her waist. She smiled all the time and had soft brown eyes that made my heart melt, long legs that just wouldn't quit and a figure to die for. She was stark naked except for a pair of black leather ankle boots with small chrome chains on the side. I think it was the boots that did it for me.
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