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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I think we should just live how we like it. And spending more money does not necessarily make us happier. Some time ago I inherited some money, I could have gone to Nana, pick the prettiest girls on stage, give them each 10k and tell them to entertain me. Maybe it would have been fun. I don't really know. I didn't try it. In my experience it's nice to have enough money for a reasonable lifestyle. Having more and spending more doesn't make it better.
  2. It's bad enough that Biden didn't realize his condition before the debate. But it seems even after the debate he still thinks he is the right guy for the job. Did anybody show him the video of his performance? How demented must someone be to see that and still think: Sure, that guy is the best choice for the most powerful job in the world. I don't think there is a god, but just in case there is one, please send Biden a message, maybe a heart attack, so that he things again about his choices. Because it seems he is the only one who can now decide he won't run for president. The DEMs can't just easily have a new candidate.
  3. Thanks, interesting, I will look at the details. Do you know if these "cards" are widely accepted in Thailand in shops and online?
  4. I agree But I have to admit that when I arrived in Thailand, to live here, I also thought I would integrate with Thais like equals. Some time later I realized that just doesn't work. I will always be an outsider, it doesn't matter how much I try. So I stopped trying. I live the way I like together with my Thai gf. We do "Thai things" together and more western things. And sometimes she visits her family to have a Thai only environment, and I go out with western friends, eating western food, etc. We are not same. But we can and do live in peace together, sometimes doing the same things together, and sometimes doing different things. That's life for farangs in Thailand. For me it's ok like that - and I know I can't change it even if I wanted to.
  5. To be fair, I am sure there are some feminists in some western countries out there who predict everybody will get AIDS just be touching a Thai woman.
  6. Do you fear getting an STD/STI in Thailand? No The fear is that the missus finds out. 😉
  7. I remember I saw some of those millennials in a coffee shop, talking to each other about their wisdom. I didn't destroy their illusions.
  8. Let's look if you can make even worse what you said. I have hope you will. Where does your understanding of Thai people and culture come from? Years of theoretical study, are you maybe a famous SE-Asia history professor? Or do you have a 6th and maybe 7th and 8th sense and just know what is going on, because you are the man? Please elaborate.
  9. I was a little more realistic when I was here 3 weeks. But maybe after 3 months I thought I figured it out. And then later, maybe after 3 years I thought I really know Thailand. Now, after almost 30 years, I know most symptoms, but still have limited insight about Thais. I know very few westerners who have a deep understanding of Thais and Thailand, very few.
  10. Is your relationship with your wife and your friends about money? Mine not. Even my work is not really about money. I like to do what I do, and I charge a reasonable price for my work, because we all need money to live. Sometimes I help my customers avoid spending money because it makes sense, even if that is less income for me (in that moment). Life doesn't have to be about money. It's up to each of us.
  11. Illegal casinos are all over Thailand. I "knew" one between Sukhumvit Soi 5 and Soi 7. They didn't even try to hide it. And every time I walked by it was full of people, including police. Making the existing casinos legal and tax them might be a good idea.
  12. Thailand was just fine - until Bob arrived. Luckily Bob's influence is very limited. So for most of us Thailand is still fine.
  13. 1. How do you know I am an old man? It seems that what you assume. 2. My gf is no teenager anymore, she was a teenager when we got together, many years ago. Your idea that no man should have a relationship with a teenage girl, not ever a 19 year old girl, must come from somewhere. You obviously didn't experience yourself with girls that age and came to that conclusion. This is why I mentioned that maybe your wife or parents told you so. We learn a lot from our parents, so that should be no surprise. Maybe you are a religious man and you somehow learned what you learned. My point is you obviously have no first-hand experience with this. It seems you never had a teenage girlfriend - at least when you were not a teen. I have years of experience with teenage girls - not only with them but also with them. It can fit just fine. There is no natural law which tells us this can't be possible. It is possible, in real life. Even if you don't allow it to be possible in your imagination. Maybe just accept that your imagination is limited. Good enough for you. But don't drag others in there because you don't understand it.
  14. Would you believe me when I would tell you that I had years of sex with my teenage girlfriend? And I never paid her a salary or something like that. And I am still together with her, now long time no teenager anymore. I am talking from my own experience, for years. It seems you don't have any experience like that. So, I wonder why you think you know it all. Did your mother or your (not so young) wife tell you what you believe? Is it possible that they had their own motives why they told you those stories? Don't expect any old woman to tell you that maybe not so old women could possibly like you. Old women don't want that you even dream about such a situation. And it seems they did a great job with limiting your dreams.
  15. Maybe that's your experience when you have sex. I never had a girl who complained in any way or form. But then again, I don't have any sex with old women, I heard they complain a lot.
  16. In case you don't know, some of the boiled eggs in Thailand are duck eggs. They look almost the same as chicken eggs. Mostly the duck eggs are white outside, and the chicken eggs brown. I prefer duck eggs. I am sure they have a different taste.
  17. Obviously, we all can never be 100% sure about our (fast) judgement. But after spending many years in this country and talking to probably thousands of girls, after a while one knows when it's better to walk away.
  18. Sure, he could. I just read a couple of news articles and it seem Biden is the only person who can personally decide that he will step away from his candidacy. It seems there is no way that the party could decide that he has to be replaced and that will happen then. Looking at Bidens performance today, he is too far gone that he doesn't even realize anymore how far he is gone. So possibly, many people say likely, he won't step back. Because he still thinks he can do it. That is why I hope for a heart attack - it doesn't have to kill him. But that should be reason enough for him to quit.
  19. If you don't understand above simple fact, then I don't think I will be able to explain it to you.
  20. 13 = teenager 19 = teenager Do you really don't see a difference? Personally, I would never consider a 13-yo child. And I don't think I ever met a 19-yo and thought: she is too young. At the end what counts is the legal situation in Thailand. And I am not going to argue about that one again.
  21. How did anybody in the DEMs party allow this to happen? Should we really think that he performed well when he practiced for this for a week or so? Everybody should have said: NO. End of story. We need someone new.
  22. I saw a summary, that was more than enough. Let's say it like this: I hope Biden has a heart attack or something like this now. That will force the DEMs to look for another candidate. That might be the only hope left that Trump won't win the election. How did it come to this point in the so-called leading nation in this world? I don't really care if they f*&%*$ up their own country over there, but unfortunately the rest of the world will suffer as well. Sad times.
  23. I wonder how many people would listen to that without a million-dollar video.
  24. I think for most Thais it's normal that glasses are refilled. You want to be the exception of the rule, but don't expect that they remember that or care about it. Just accept it.
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