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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. And that will keep some bad guys out of Thailand because they know there are consequences for their bad behavior.
  2. I live here since decades, and I used to often in the night life streets. I saw a couple of fights, and I heard about many more. I never heard that anybody was harmed by the guards for no reason. If people molest the girls or don't pay their bills there are consequences, often severe consequences and it happens fast. And I am sure that is one of the reasons why most visitors behave and pay their bills. Great. Personally, I am happy that all in all we, the good guys, can visit bars and those streets without meeting the bad guys.
  3. And now all those pictures of all those half naked women will go around the word. I am sure soon the officials with complain that this ruins the image of Thailand and the beautiful family beach resort Pattaya.
  4. 555 Obviously he would announce in public if he would (want to) retaliate. Or maybe not. He should just shut his big mouth and play with his grandchildren.
  5. It seems you don't know many of those 100%. Or you don't know the meaning of 100%. Unfortunately, there are still many Thais out there who "think" he is the hero.
  6. Advice how to be corrupt like him and be a criminal like him? Or advice how to get out of jail? He divided Thailand like nobody before him. Maybe that was the best he could. Others can do a lot better and shouldn't listen to the criminal.
  7. I didn't read every post in this thread. Did anybody die? Source?
  8. It's almost funny reading all the posts here from people who think, or at least write, the police will sort it out. And then we have many other posts in other threads where people write about the incompetent and corrupt police, and the minor fines. Make up your mind. Are the police competent and do they do their job the way they should? Or not? And if you conclude the police is useless then don't be surprised if people hire someone else instead of the police. And I repeat, all of us good guys don't have to worry. Only the bad guys get beaten up, and severely, so that they remember it.
  9. Do you know the difference between theory and practice? What do you expect will the Thai police do? Do you think the bad guys will be scared because maybe they have to pay 500B fine? Hurt someone, and you will get hurt ten times harder. And that message was delivered within minutes. I am sure the bad guys received the message, and they won't do it again, at least not in Thailand. Problem solved.
  10. I understand what you are saying. But remember, this is Thailand. If you would run a bar here, would you rely on the Thai police? Would you rely on maybe 500B fine? Or would you like the idea that people who do wrong get punished? And lots of others will get the message that they better behave, or else.
  11. Really? Over the years I met a couple of those special forces guys and people who have great investment ideas. But all in all, few. Maybe I go to the wrong places to meet all those pretenders.
  12. Thanks for your reply. Are people "a minute or two away from arriving at their reserved seat"? Or are there maybe some of them who made their reservation early, let's say before 11:00, and then they come for lunch sometime after 12. After all, they reserved a table. I don't know the answer to this. But I would be surprised if all people would arrive within a minute or two after they reserved that table. Like others in this thread pointed out, there are a certain amount of people and a certain number of tables (or make it seats for an easier calculation). If 100 people buy food and they have 100 seats available, then that works fine. If 100 people buy food and they have only 80 seats because the other 20 tables are reserved, then the system doesn't work anymore. Should the food court management add 20 more seats so that there are enough seats for the 100 people and 20 packs of tissues? Or would it be better if people just realize that it's egoistic if they reserve tables which could be used for other to eat. If they find a table right away, then maybe they eat and leave right after that and then there is enough space for everybody. I think it's not really so difficult to understand this logic. When people want to make sure they have a table, and others can't use that table, that is egoistic. I know, being egoistic is not illegal, but IMHO it is not nice.
  13. On top of the already existing brain damage. Nobody with even half a brain would try such a stunt.
  14. If they really did that, then I think they got away lightly. I never saw that Thai security guards beat up anybody without reason. So, I am not too concerned about those guys.
  15. If I am in a row at a cashier, and I know I have to pay with "my phone", then I will have my phone in my hand and the app opened. From time to time, I see people who buy something and then the cashier tells them it's 50B, and only then do they take their phone out and open an app, like: I didn't expect that I would have to pay now... Obviously not everybody does that, but enough people to make it annoying for the others who are waiting.
  16. I agree. If done correctly, then it takes seconds. I guess the problem is at least in some cases, that people have not enough money in their accounts. I remember once at a cinema counter. After the couple needed their time to select the movie and where they wanted to sit, then they tried to pay with one of their credit cards. Not enough credit (for two movie tickets) on this card, not enough on that card... That takes time.
  17. I am surprised about that. When I visited Thais in their home (I worked there) I saw them telling their service people rudely what to do. And then they looked at me and maybe made a comment like: They are just too lazy to work or something like that. Also, in "my" condominium farangs say hello to the maids regularly, and not only they cute maids. In average I would say the Thais behave more like: You know I am better than you and I know I am better than you. Not all behave like that, but also not exactly few.
  18. But the problem with our position is that our behavior is not consistent in the eye of many Thais. I.e. we might have a good job in a reputable company and make a lot of money. But then, Thais may see us in shorts and a cheap t-shirt, no decent designer clothes like they would expect from a reputable manager. And then maybe they see us being nice to the service people, even the Burmese, and even if they are dark brown. That is obviously confusing for many Thais.
  19. No. We are all impressed if someone is introduced as an English teacher in Thailand. As you know, Thai assign a high status to their teachers.
  20. What you describe is exactly the same behavior. And I don't know if only the Germans are guilty of that. I never looked what others do at 5am.
  21. That's what I do when I want to visit a decent restaurant. The waiter will put a sign reserved on the table and they have a list who reserved that table. In food centers I don't behave like that because I think it is antisocial behavior. Obviously not severe antisocial behavior, but the kind of behavior which I don't like and wouldn't do.
  22. Let's say I have a tray of food and then I see two situations: a) all tables are occupied by people who eat b) many tables are occupied by things It seems you think that is the same. I disagree. I understand that it is comfortable for you to do it the way you want, but it's not fair for all the people who actually want to eat. If I have my tray and want to eat the food and if there is no free table, then I will certainly sit down on one of the tables with some thing on it. If that is the table which you occupied then feel free to complain. I will finish my meal in the meantime - on "your" table.
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