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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Thanks and if you eat with knife and fork, do you eat layer by layer or try to cut it like a cake? It is somehow strange to me that lots of things are put in those burgers and then you have to somehow separate them to eat them. They could be served separately to make it easier.
  2. I use Shelly devices. You will find lots of wiring diagrams here: https://kb.shelly.cloud/knowledge-base/shelly-plus-1#ShellyPlus1(SNSW-001X16EU)-Basicwiringdiagrams They might be helpful for you.
  3. I guess yes. But best wait until Crossy answers.
  4. Probably white into L and the others in the Lx terminals. Try. And be careful. And about N: Look in the manual. Maybe it works without N, under certain conditions, maybe.
  5. Ask Bob, he is the Koh Changy expert in this forum. 😉
  6. For all those deniers of reality: Watch and learn!
  7. That's exactly what I thought. I am not from one of those burger countries. And some time ago I thought the idea to eat a burger was with one or two hands. How does that work with these huge things?
  8. In general, I think the idea about influencers is pretty stupid. But I have to admit she could influence me to buy her a tequila or two. 😉
  9. Wow. Every 35th person in Thailand is an influencer. Amazing! Maybe another hub?
  10. Tell that to the people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Or just learn from history.
  11. For whatever reason, I also thought about this today. I think Thailand will try to stay neutral, as much as that is possible. But if pressured, then I guess they will be more on the side of China and not the USA. One reason for that is, IMHO, that the USA is in decline and China has still a lot of potential for the future. And obviously China is more or less around the corner, the USA is far away.
  12. I like to see my bill before I pay it. And normally I pay the full amount right away after I received the statement/invoice. But that only works if they send me an statement/invoice...
  13. I guess it is. But then, until now for me it was due when I received the statement/invoice. I check all my emails, and until now I always paid after I received the emails. Simple. Now UOB sends out an email every time I open their app. But, as far as I remember, they didn't sent me any email telling me that from now on they won't send out statements per email anymore. Why? What's the problem with sending one more email like: Now it's time to pay your bill. It seems many company, not just above, send so much here and there and everything. All marketing. But somehow they "forget" to send the important information.
  14. You could look at the actors and check in which other movies they played. Not perfect, but a start.
  15. This is information for anybody with a Citibank credit card in Thailand. Today I received an email from an online account which I pay regularly with my Citibank credit card. They told me my bank refused to pay. I thought there should be more than enough credit available. I logged on to the app, and I saw that my payment was 2 days overdue. How could I have missed that payment? It's easy why. Because I didn't receive a bill from them. Until recently, when Citibank was still Citibank, I received every month a statement from them. And then I paid. Now, that this is part of UOB, I didn't receive such a statement. And for that reason, I didn't know I should pay. And they didn't send me any email like it's time to pay or anything like that. When the payment was refused, I checked their website and I found this: Will customers be able to continue using the Electronic Statement Service (e-statement)? If you had previously enrolled for e-Statements with Citi, you have automatically been enrolled for e-Statements with UOB for your converted current and savings accounts, credit card and cash card. Please note that for security reasons, UOB will discontinue the delivery of e-Statements (in PDF format) to your designated e-mail address. You will be able to retrieve and download your e-Statements via the UOB TMRW app. No statements anymore, What a stupid idea! How should we know that we should pay? Manually check the app? Really? And after I found that information, I tried to get a statement. But how. The app has about 1000 "buttons" but nothing obvious about a statement or paying for the credit card. Annoying! So, if you also have one of those cards, and if you want to make sure you can use the card, then I suggest better check if you have to pay and pay. I tried to call them. After about 30min in the que I gave up. Sad.
  16. This one is not too bad.
  17. Clearly a new hub for Thailand: VIP prisoner treatment. I am sure that is a great business for the participants. And recently they have lots of free marketing in the press.
  18. I saw that in a Thai jewelry shop they used a torch to (I think) melt a little of the gold to check if it was real. I guess if someone is experienced then they should have a good idea what to expect.
  19. Wow, I hope the restrictions will be removed. It makes sense that everybody knows who wants to be senator. It would be even better if journalists would research all the candidates and tell us details about them which they omitted. Maybe one day Thailand will have a senate with qualified people who the public supports.
  20. Check the names of the doctors from Bumrungrad online and find out where else they work. Maybe in other hospital and/or their own clinic. Go there, and pay half, or probably less than half. I am visiting the private clinic of a dentist who used to work in BNH. They charged for her service more than 6 times of what she received from them.
  21. If you use Windows, then use the built in malware software. It works fine (also tested by experts) and it does not show you any messages which you don't need to see. I use this since many years and recommend it to my clients since many years. No problems.
  22. Where will they do that? I guess the zoo would make sense. I know they closes that years ago, but maybe they can use the same area. At least in Nana and Cowboy I know which bars I have to avoid.
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