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Everything posted by crazykopite

  1. The roads were very quiet for this months full moon which tells me the numbers are nothing like pre Covid prior to Covid the roads were a nightmare for a good three days !
  2. Luxury villa for 20,000 baht a month that alone should have rung alarm bells as you only get a tin shed on the islands for that amount
  3. Obviously a lack of brown envelopes was an issue ! What about the planning department who ignored these builds surely planning officers made regular visits to the site to ensure everything was in order during the building process sadly it’s those who have rented villas in good faith who lose out
  4. 5 mtr long and it was wrapped around her for two hours I find that hard to believe I had one wrapped around my neck for 2 minutes if that and I thought my end had come until the owner unwrapped it from me and it was only just over a mtr long
  5. It's called dogging weve most probably all done it at one time in our lives maybe not in a Tuk Tuk but in a quiet spot in the back of the car
  6. Europe instigated charges for UK visitors arriving in Europe so why shouldn’t the UK do the same for overseas visitors
  7. That will deter tourists coming not increase them coming on top of this the thai baht is very strong which effects tourist spending and will also have an effect on exports. In my humble opinion Thailand is heading for a financial crisis the personal debt of people is astronomical and I believe this 10,000 baht hand out to 30 million plus residents is one huge mistake and will come to bite the government in the backside !
  8. There is only one person running the country it’s he who pulls the strings on his cabinet puppets he is overstepping his authority soon it will come crumbling down until he has no option but to flee back into exile . I cannot see his sister returning to Thailand in the near future as it appears incidents of late are not what was planned
  9. I have a Toyota cross hybrid 1800 cc super vehicle before I had a Mitsubishi lancer cost me 500 baht a week to run around in my cross costs me 600 baht a month as a runabout when I brought it down from the dealership to the island there was a 1,000 baht of fuel gifted to me I still had some left in the tank that was doing 600+ Kim’s plus I get free servicing only pay for parts Happy Days, by the way if you end up with Turbo issues it’s very expensive to replace !
  10. I often see Thai men pishing up against coconut trees I even witnessed my old landlady crouched down doing her business no more than 10 mtr from her house ! But when a foreigner does it then it’s headline news
  11. It all comes down to how much the candidate has promised the people for his vote that’s how by election and GE work here in Thailand
  12. Pity the UK doesn’t have the B@LL$ to do the same !
  13. Depends what you like I’m a beach lover so I live on the beach have lived on both Samui and Phangan both are as good as each other but Samui is a lot busier but be warned the two islands I mentioned are the most expensive in Thailand but still cheaper than the western world
  14. Lots of money and still no honey that’s how I like it . When I feel the need I call my massage lady 1,000 baht many thanks see you next week
  15. It will be back in the gold shop within minutes it’s common for Thai woman to use their gold as a means of getting a temporary loan
  16. Thai electrical work is shocking I’m not surprised he used a foreigner to carry out the electrics
  17. His closing statement won the debate she offered nothing in her losing statement and that’s why Trump will win pointless having another debate as she will repeat what she already said which was insult after insult
  18. I always hold a £1,000 in my wise account just in case of an emergency
  19. My wise money hits my accounts in less than 5 minutes normally it’s quicker than that
  20. A very good read after 20 years of contributing to the Thai economy I have now placed my beach front villa on the market and am looking to relocate to a more welcoming Asian Country if I can’t find a buyer I have two options a long term lease or lock it up for 6 months of the year . The UK government tax my pensions I’m not going to allow any other government to double tax my income !
  21. Won’t make me jump aboard now if they allowed we foreigners to own up to 1 rai of land outright that would attract a lot of interest. Let’s be honest most of the wealthy Thais own land and property around the world but they refuse to allow it in their country
  22. She does as papa tells her but what happens to her when she gets caught out will he be honest and own up or will he let her rot in prison if at some stage she is convicted due to he selfishness to have more power
  23. Why blank this perverts face out show it to the world
  24. If you like quiet island life Koh Phangan If you like sex in the City Pattaya and Phuket if you like overpaying for goods then Samui
  25. It’s not tourists Phuket has become an overspill for Russians escaping conscription their are 1,000s upon 1,000s of them including Samui , Phangan and Koh Tao
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