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Everything posted by crazykopite

  1. 144,000 in three months who the hell is going to do all the new builds not the Thais that’s for sure as their to lazy
  2. Another fictitious figure plucked out of the air !
  3. You don’t get a life sentence in the UK for dealing drugs no matter how big your drug dealing is there must be more to it than just dealing drugs
  4. Total BS a coup could happen at anytime especially when everyone’s gone to bed for a quick 40 winks
  5. There are many more like them in all provinces throughout the Kingdom do the crime do the time was the young guy on an education visa
  6. We can tell who is running the country and it’s not his daughter how the hell does he get away with it He is that powerful he has everyone wrapped around his little finger
  7. As far as I am aware very few people who have committed a serious crime such as murder serve the rest of their lives in prison if he’s lucky it will be no longer than 10 years he might even end up being transferred to a prison in his homeland . I also know of an individual who spent 5 + years in the Samui prison so he might well spend his sentence there ,wherever it is life in a Thai prison will be intolerable !
  8. Tony will be ensuring that his new cabinet will be full of A Lickers
  9. Yet another party who will be wiped out in the next elections good news for the people’s party !
  10. If it was a farang the police would have sent 10 officers to arrest and charge him but as he is Thai nothing will happen . I often see Thais watering the local coconut tree
  11. It is not going to happen yet another broken promise to try and win votes
  12. I predicted this last week when Tony installed his daughter as PM, the split has now begun, and dare I suggest the possibility of a Military coup within the next 12 months as very few coalitions work in harmony !!!!
  13. That has got to be the joke of the year my sides are hurting with laughter. Here is my list daughter now be a good girl and announce it to the news media !!!!!!!!
  14. At least the government can hold office in the submarines that are on order from the Chinese
  15. Am I correct in believing he is a convicted criminal and that there is still a charge against him that requires him to stand trial in 2025 ! If this is the case why is he allowed to interfere in the running of government. I seem to recall that the Leader of Reform Pita was banned from any involvement in Thai politics for the next ten years only last month so why if I am correct is a convicted criminal allowed to influence the Government of the day !
  16. The question is will the tourists even come there are far more welcoming Asian countries where you get more for you buck
  17. Not a wise decision most Thais are up to there eyeballs with mountains of debt and this will only make it even worse the only winners will be the lone sharks
  18. Unless there knock off or refurbished
  19. I thought they were going to build a bridge from the mainland to the island . Cruise ships are not a regular occurrence on the island and when they do come it’s for 24 hours the people spend around 9 hours on the island before heading back for their paid evening meal and entertainment I think this idea is another dream like F1 racing in Bangkok it’s all pie in the sky
  20. Not a wise move Tony i suspect there are a lot of the higher echelon of wealthy individuals who have many a tale to tell about you it appears your mouth wasn't in tune with your brain when you spouted out your remarks I can see certain parts of the coalition starting to split I hope the newly formed peoples party are prepared for a possible early election.
  21. I’m coming up to 74 years young but have to admit on several occasions I have wondered where I parked my car thankfully if I know I’m in the right area I can use my key fob to activate the car alarm
  22. Very unfair if this is true! why flip flop from the promise they made to try and win votes this was meant to be for 60 million not 15 million there are going to be many unhappy people who will now go without
  23. Maybe one day we will get honest reporting instead of the ever increasing BS that’s spewed out on a daily basis
  24. Me to I don’t think it will come to fruition however having lived in the kingdom for 19 years I’m getting itchy feet so maybe it’s time to spend time in Thailand and spend time in another Asian country .Having not been back to Europe since 2009 I have little desire to go back even for a visit the Philippines has always been a place I wanted to visit and if I was to spend time there my UK pension would no longer be frozen .
  25. He already travelled abroad as a prisoner when he went to that Birthday party in Cambodia
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