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Everything posted by Swiss1960

  1. Two-fold answer: - if you plug-in your phone to your computer, you should normally be asked, what kind of operation you want to allow, i.e. file access or charging only. If you select "charging only", then no data is transferred from your computer to your phone and vice versa, so also no viruses. - most viruses on computers have no effect on phones (different OS and different Apps), HOWEVER, as more and more computers also provide software to connect to phones (via cable, Bluetooth or Wi-Fi), there is a greater risk that sooner or later viruses will get from computers to smartphones and vice versa.
  2. I think he is just jealous that he doesn't have one...????
  3. Drink on, never get sober, and you won't have a hangover
  4. and if you google "how to hide a user on my laptop", you will find many more links, but I can't browse them all. THAT SAID: Even if you manage to hide / protect all the critical data, as long as it is on your computer, any decent forensic expert (and most juntas have loads of them) will find this data and you would be in trouble.
  5. If you can put all the critical data into a second user on your windows 10, check out this link: https://www.windowscentral.com/how-hide-specific-user-accounts-sign-screen-windows-10 Not a very "sophisticated" solution, but separating the "innocent" teacher account and hide the "critical" other account might be a solution?
  6. Why not just put all the critical folders and files into a cloud storage that does not replicate to your computer and that you can protect with a strong password?
  7. Too much make-up and photoshop between them and me to judge...
  8. First if all, you have to register your new address with a TM30, has nothing to do with the yellow book, and yes, your new landlord (if you are renting) should actually do this for you OR at least provide you with all info and docs (i.e. copy of his Thai ID) that you need to complete the address registration. Second: The yellow book does NOT move with you! The yellow book belongs to the house, there is no "address change in the yellow book". If you want to be put in a yellow book in your new place, the owner of the house (see blue book) must agree with that and help you with this process also. Most owners in rental places will not agree with getting a yellow book and put foreigners in there, I only ever heard about foreigners having a yellow book, if they own the property (as do I).
  9. Why an OEM battery? You won't get more than 3 months warranty anyway, and the non-OEM batteries will last another 2-3 years, until a phone change will be unavoidable anyway
  10. Of course, the Samsung shop can do it. As can ALL the phone repair shops in Tukcom, they will need 40-50 mins and do it cheaper. With an old phone, you anyway don't worry about warranty And yes, SIM and SD cards should be removed before
  11. Step tracker & Pedometer on Google play work like a charm for me
  12. Government is very active, they have set up new committees
  13. And of course, Tucker Carlson is THE most trusted "journalist" ever on Fox News.... thus post should be in the Pub section
  14. Nah, that's the charming side of this area, it lives up to its name. And besides... when I see the ladies sitting outside the bars, they probably don't want too much light anyway...
  15. Welcome to the fun world of Cheap Charlie travel ????
  16. That is 100% dependant on the seller. Private sellers will most certainly NOT accept any cards, as they don't have a contract with a credit card company. Companies might accept cards, but might charge a fee for that, because their bank charges them a fee as well for the processing.
  17. Fast track only provides smaller (faster) queues, not faster processing by IOs. If they feel like hassling you, they will.
  18. Only goal is having a happy life with my family. For that, the only thing I had to give up is sex with strangers...
  19. You are right of course, specifically if you didn't want Chinese poison... I traveled to ???????? for my shots. What I would however like to know is which vaccines will be available for boosters...
  20. TM 7 is the only form you download and fill out, before you go to immigration, I never had issues in Jomtien (marriage extension). Only thing was that 3 years ago, they told me yhat I must fill both forms manually and sign them as originals, copies were not accepted. The only forms from the IO are the overstay and not working information forms, which you need to fill out and sign in front of her/him.
  21. My last two tries to book a BKK hotel (4/5*) was unsuccessful. Both times, booking.com on desktop AND mobile told me numerous times "can not fulfill request, can not contact site, please try again in few minutes.". Not sure what the issue is, so just asking if somebody else has issues with the site, maybe just for BKK hotels? Both times, the direct booking through the hotel website was not only successful, but in fact few baht cheaper then through booking.com, but of course the inconvenience of having to enter all my details again.
  22. Yes. That is exactly what I did in August last year, made the correct 90d report in October without any issues, received a new 90d warning for the October report end of December
  23. Samsung A53 5G is the best option, can be had below 15K, will last another 5 years. I personally use it
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