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Everything posted by phetphet

  1. You have to remember with Skype that calls and video calls to other Skype users are free. You would only need to pay if you bought a subscription package for calls to US landlines and mobile, which starts around $2.99 / month. Another option might be to get someone in the US to send you a cheap SIM from there that supports WiFi calling.
  2. For calls to other iPhones you could use FaceTime which is already installed on iPhones. Other apps such as Signal, Telegram and WhatsApp and Skype will allow you to call others, providing they have the same app installed. Ideal for family and friends. Pretty sure you can buy a phone number on Skype that will allow others to call you. Plus they sell subscriptions for call packages. HTH
  3. So are you saying that if already had an infection, it's recommended to get vaccinated because a second infection could possibly cause more serious symptoms? Were there any after effects from the vaccine? I thought it was a very new one.
  4. Johnny Mathis himself was mixed race. African American and Native American. Pretty soon we could be living in a very bland world, where everyone will have to be careful of saying or doing anything that might offend someone. An impossible task as some will always find something to offend them.
  5. I saw it the other day. Three hours is a bit long, but the special effects are amazing. It's supposed to be even better in 3D. It really does give the impression of looking at real underwater scenery and sea life. Even if they are imaginary creatures.
  6. Here is the link that I took it from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4160292/ We are talking about Pit Bull type dogs.
  7. There was a new bus service a couple of years ago. Disappeared with Covid. Not seen any of the buses running for a long time. As for minibuses and taxis, their prices force tourists to rent bikes. Not used a taxi for a long time, but they don't use the meter and even used to charge a service charge. Not sure if they still do.
  8. I would have thought that a sarong type of garment would be preferable, cheaper and easier to find here in Thailand than a kilt. Even in the cooler months. Many men in the south wear them. I doubt a kilt would be that much warmer. Especially if you wear it as it apparently is supposed to be worn; without underwear.
  9. As others have already said here, I think it is the heat that must degrade the rubber compound quicker. I thought I had found a deal on Lazada last year. Two new unused tyres for a really good price. So I ordered them. Took them to my local garage and as he fitted them a big chunk came off of one. He told me they were old tyres (2018) and the rubber had become brittle. Only three years old.
  10. First the guy who shot himself through the face with a speargun yesterday. Now this. Why would an airport security guard need a pen gun for work?
  11. I would imagine it involves handling everything for regular a turnover of clients. Similar to a hotel, but even more. Making sure the villa(s) is or are cleaned and prepared for new clients every couple of weeks. Including new laundry, and maybe organising a maid service or chef. Possibly airport pick up and drop off. Also handling complaints, getting faults fixed, pools cleaned, gardens kept trim. Paying bills for absent owners. A lot probably depends on the standard of villa and clients. If it an expensive super luxury, high end villa with high paying clients, you would probably have to act as a concierge as well.
  12. In the UK: dogs are considered “pit bull type” if they meet a substantial number of 15 physical features outlined by the DEFRA and copied directly from a 1977 issue of the American periodical Pit Bull Gazette.
  13. "Owner will pay for the funeral costs" So that's alright then. Three male dogs of a breed known for attacks, and big enough to make fighting them off difficult, get out. What could possibly go wrong? And the owner's excuse? They were bitten by other dogs. Really?
  14. The BMW 3.0 CSL is coming back for 2023. If too expensive, Honda do RS version of the Civic and even the Honda Accord can look quite sporty, but again, maybe too expensive. Of course. you could do what a lot of Thais do and just fit a really big wing on the back of your current car. ????
  15. I got mine down by virtually going vegetarian for three months. Had rolled oats with almond or oat milk for breakfast. Only ate apples for fruit. Mainly had salads for both lunch and dinner, with a slice of wholemeal bread and some occasional grilled chicken breast slices added. Added Chia seeds to everything. Only drank water or green tea. I rarely drink alcohol nowadays. Boring as hell, but when I went for my next check up, the numbers had dropped drastically. Unfortunately back up again now as that diet took all the enjoyment out of my food. I exercise five hours a week and still my numbers are high, so diet is the main thing. Planning on starting a new, healthier, more balanced that diet that is more varied in the New Year.
  16. Give it another two weeks, and this accident will be eclipsed by the number of deaths over Christmas and the New Year. Same same. Nothing changes.
  17. Just stated watching the second season of Slow Horses. Starring Gary Oldman and Kristin Scott Thomas. The first series was very good, and this one is shaping up well too. Apparently there area whole series of books on which the tv series is based. So hopefully there will be more seasons to come. As an aside. I have just seen Avatar 2 at the cinema and the special effects are amazing. 3 hours long though.
  18. I once ordered what I thought was a bargain Nokia 3310 from Lazada, and was sent a fake. If it seems to be too good to be true, it normally is.
  19. Tesla had a stand in Siam Paragon last week. It was packed, with Thais and their families all getting in the display models to try them out.
  20. How did he manage to turn a four feet long harpoon towards himself when most people's arms are usually less than three feet long? Unless he wasn't even holding the loaded gun.
  21. They have them on Lazada Philippines: https://www.lazada.com.ph/products/arcturus-military-wool-blanket-45-lbs-warm-thick-washable-large-64-x-88-great-for-camping-outdoors-sporting-events-and-survival-kits-i3048832632.html if you could find a way of ordering from there. Also on ebay. Most of the cloth here seems to be synthetic. Very little, if any wool or cotton. Asia's natural fibre is silk. I think you might have to settle for a substitute or accept that you will need to order from abroad.
  22. When my K-bank branch closed, I received a letter stating that due to the closure, my account would be moved to xxx branch from a certain date, and that I would retain the same account number and all facilities as before. Funnily enough, some of the old staff moved to the new branch, which though a little less convenient to get to, made the move a little more friendly as they recognised me.
  23. Saw some in Marks & Spencer in Bangkok last week. Wasn't cheap. I believe there is an M&S in Central in Phuket.
  24. The article states bottles strewn everywhere in the room, and staff say he was intoxicated.
  25. I have AXA 1st Class on a motorbike over five years old. But I have had it since new.
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