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Everything posted by phetphet

  1. The article states bottles strewn everywhere in the room, and staff say he was intoxicated.
  2. I have AXA 1st Class on a motorbike over five years old. But I have had it since new.
  3. If the thief was wearing a face mask, how does he even know it was a lady?
  4. What's the qualifying age for the Elder's Card?
  5. Not just Phuket. Most flights to Samui are full. Very busy here now and will get busier over the next two weeks. A lot of pent up demand to get away. For various reasons.
  6. Here is a link to the concert and tickets: https://floydexperience.com
  7. There is a Pink Floyd tribute band doing a concert somewhere near Chaweng Lake 27th and 28th December. They are supposed to be very good. In aid of some Muay Thai Foundation. According to the poster that I saw. Prices 300THB/person, or 8000THB/table of eight.
  8. Just because they promise it, doesn't mean they have to keep that promise. They can always come up with an excuse not to pay. Economy not doing as well as expected. Other social costs must take priority. etc.
  9. With no money to get home,will he just end up in the Detention Centre? apparently not a nice place to be.
  10. OP. Looking back now. Is there anything that you wish you had done differently? Or changed? Any modifications that you plan to do? I do recall your underground air pipe collapsed through weight of soil. Did you haver to fix it?
  11. You are right about his position being decided to a certain extent by parenthood and birth. He even followed the usual route of serving in the military. Fighting for Queen and country to the extent that he was allowed by the limiting effect of his position. I just find it hard to understand why someone with an aversion to the press, who has stated a desire for more privacy, would take the "Hollywood route". Sure. If he wants to go live in America with his family and lead a more private life, good for him. But Oprah Winfrey and Netflix to sell 'their truth' ? An interview, a documentary and a book? How many times do they need to tell us about their problems? Why not just let it go and live the quiet family life he supposedly desires?
  12. I'm just surprised that someone who wanted so much privacy for his family has gone so far in the opposite direction. As for his book Spare. It's not like he hasn't known all his life that as the second born to the future King, he would only be second in line until Prince William had a child. He wasn't really a spare as he like to call himself, but one of many in an hereditary monarchy. One of who would be called upon step up if he refused the Crown. We've not heard other royals look on their position in line as a curse as he seems to think it is.. As for his wife. When we see how she has treated her own father for selling a story prior to the wedding. Isn't she now doing the same thing? Just for a lot more money. The then Prince Charles even walked her down the aisle, and as King stated his love for the pair of them. We obviously don't know what has gone on behind closed doors, but it does seem like both the late Queen and King Charles have tried to build bridges. Unsuccessfully it appears.
  13. i have been turned away a couple of times by staff at SCB Bank for not wearing a mask. Used to always wear one during the pandemic, but just stopped the last four or five months when everyone else did. I still keep a mask under the seat on my motorbike, but rarely carry one. Although I do when I visit BKK. It's annoying to be turned away, but its their bank, their rules. Not so strict in BKK Bank.
  14. Well done them for collecting the rubbish. But, It was lovely down at the beach? Not at the moment. With all the bad weather we have been having lately, none of the beaches here in Samui have been looking lovely. Apart from the flotsam and jetsam, the waves have churned up the sea, making it look a dirty brown colour. Windswept and virtually empty is how I would describe them for now.
  15. 55. That's why there are always so many lottery winners. They are all doing the same numbers from their number plates.
  16. Yes. I was renting a black and orange Click no xxx. Parked up in a row of bikes and went for dinner. Came back, looking for orange and black Click with plate xxx. Started with key and drove off. On the way home I was thinking, "S***! These brakes have got bad. They weren't like this on the way out." Next morning I took the bike back to the bike shop to get them repaired. . Owner said, "That's not my bike." I said, "Sure it is. Black and orange Click no xxx." She then told me how the plates can have the same number in Thailand, but be registered in different provinces. She asked me where I had parked and told me not to worry. Later she told me she had found the bike, but a distraught ladyboy had gone to the police to report that someone had stolen his Click, black and orange no xxx. His or her bike was much older, and the ignition lock very worn. So my key fitted and started the bike. The owner and I had a laugh about it, and I never heard anymore about it. But curiously a few days later, I parked up next to another Click, different colour this time, but with exactly the same plate number again.
  17. I remember seeing some old plates that were numbered with Thai script numerals. When did they decide to go with western style numerals?
  18. That seems to be a flaw in the system. There can be several vehicles with the same numbers on the plate here in Thailand. The difference being the province letters. I should know. I once took the wrong motorbike. A similar coloured Click, parked near mine, same number, but different province letters. Pretty sure that if you explain it to the police, they will cancel the ticket.
  19. One can imagine most of the Thai street stalls buy the cheapest ingredients to keep costs down and still make a profit. That, and a lack of hygiene, is why I rarely eat from them. Plus all the extras they add in: Sugars, MSG etc. I bet this type of meat treatment is a lot more widespread.
  20. I cook those stringy US style oven fries in our Tefal air fryer for our daughter. She loves them. They come out crispy and I don't use any oil. I don't go by the presets on the fryer as I find them too much. I cook most foods at 180C. e.g. 180 C for 12-14 mins for fries, rather than the recommended 200 for 20 mins.
  21. And egg and chips
  22. It is from England. A savoury condiment. I use it when making a Cottage Pie, I believe it is also an ingredient in a Bloody Mary.
  23. +1. Also try the food shops on Lazada such as Food Variety or BritShop.
  24. I agree. What a total waste of money. shops, bars, restaurants and kiosks on that site all sitting empty. Was dying a slow death from the beginning. No atmosphere. And what the article is calling the Wharf Market used to be the very popular Fisherman's Village Walking Street Market which took place on the road through FV. Until they closed it for some reason. Reopened again in its new location. The Wharf itself is now just an eyesore. Coco Tam's and its associated restaurant are the best things and that end now. Although there are still nice restaurants, bars and shops in the village itself
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