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Everything posted by phetphet

  1. It's taking so long, that submarine hull will have rusted through by the time it is delivered.
  2. Not sure for exit. There are self service channels where one scans their boarding pass. I presume that works for anyone flying out, To be honest, I can't even remember going through a Passport Control when exiting UK last week. only a cursory check of my passport and boarding card. But not at an actual booth. Self service entry is definitely only for UK Nationals. The biggest speed improvement to entering the UK for UK Nationals though seems to be that since Brexit, EU Nationals now have to go through the "Foreigner" channels. I actually found entering Thailand through immigration on Sunday afternoon pretty quick. Collecting baggage was another matter. It took over an hour for my suitcase to come through, so I missed my connecting flight..
  3. When I passed through Suvarnabhumi last week, I noticed self service exit points already installed, but not yet active. They were all marked up "For Thai Nationals Only"
  4. I can't answer your ferry questions, but Chaweng beach is very quiet at the moment due to the bad weather we are having. It is the wet season, but hopefully the weather will improve for Christmas. Chaweng itself seems pretty busy. Many Russian, Indian and Israeli tourists about. Surprising really, as November is normally the quietest month. December will probably be another matter. The two weeks leading up to Christmas are the start of the high season.
  5. Their choice of holiday destinations has been reduced. That's probably why large numbers are coming here now. Most of he draft dodgers likely escaped earlier.
  6. This is what I did. Get it laminated or within a week it will have started to deteriorate.
  7. Wait until the AMLO get in on the act. Intensive ID verification and THB4000 limit to prevent money laundering.
  8. I think the numbers will soon overtake 7-11. Over 15 weed shops on Chaweng beach road alone here in Samui. Some even offering home delivery. Seems like every vacant shop post Covid is opening as a cannabis outlet. I think the government will have a job the the cork back in that bottle. Or bong in this case. Already had our ten year old asking questions about all these weed shops. Daddy. What is it? What is it for?
  9. Surprising there are such large numbers of arrivals. November is normally the quiet month. Being between October half term school holidays and the Christmas holidays. There must be a lot of pent up demand for travel. Or perhaps a lot more Russians escaping Putin.
  10. I wonder who will end up owning the mansion. I can't wait for the train auction. See how much that goes for. ????
  11. I managed to register a couple of years ago on my local immigration website, and did do several TM.30 reports for myself. It was all in Thai, so unless you read Thai, you might need someone to help you. Unless it has changed. I recall it was very clunky. My local main office is: http://suratimmigration.go.th/extranet/ My local immigration office eventually stapled a pice of paper into my passport saying something like 'Mr. X has notified us of his address.' Now I no longer have to do the reports each time I return to Thailand. The only other thing I can suggest is to try another browser.
  12. Seems like one hand doesn't know what the other is doing. Took a screenshot AseanNow:
  13. Bats? Was it ever proved they were the source of Covid transmission at that Chinese market? Or still not found yet?
  14. Yes. I always take a sweatshirt if I go to the cinema here.
  15. All those tourists that are coming for Christmas will just love reading this. TAT: Come to Thailand. Have a great time. Energy Ministry: In bed by 9pm please. We are closing the bars and shops. ???? Don't forget to turn off the Christmas lights!!
  16. October is wet season here in Samui, and can sometimes rain through to mid January. Don't know if it's due to climate change , but hasn't been too bad the last two years. I can remember people kayaking on Chaweng beach road several years ago, and even seeing Chaweng lake burst its banks. If you want almost guaranteed sunshine, better wait until February before coming here.
  17. Depends where you shop, and what you tend to eat. Tops? or Talad? Flash restaurant? Or local Thai food shack? But in general Samui is expensive because it is an island. Therefore greater shipping costs. Fuel and ferries.
  18. No consideration that his potential customers are suffering those same rising costs then. As long as he isn't losing any of his billions.
  19. If you also want it for protection, one of these might do: https://www.etsy.com/market/knobkerrie
  20. Don't worry. China is waiting and ready to step into the void left by all the woke countries.
  21. Maybe Samui Buri Beach Resort in OP.
  22. I thought it was a polite way of saying he was taking a dump.
  23. I also have Surfshark. Happy with it.
  24. Upset the neighbours with his behaviour, and they reported him. Then causes a stand off with the police and tries to pull down power lines. Doesn't say how long the couple had overstayed, but he certainly hasn't done his case any good if he he had any chance of returning sometime in the future. The IO stated likely deported and blacklisted.
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