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Everything posted by phetphet

  1. I thought it might have been an elephant. Seeing as how they are supposed to be revered here in Thailand. But more difficult to handle than a cat I suppose.
  2. All that's needed to complete that photo is a sheepdog.
  3. If it was a Porsche, he probably left it there because he thought someone had stolen his engine. ????
  4. But then you would look like you were giving a Nazi salute. ????
  5. Am I right in thinking it was the guy in the grey shirt?
  6. As a youngster, I remember the word Spastic being commonly used. There were even adverts by the Spastic Society. This word was deemed offensive and is never used any more. As for the OP. I wonder if these councils get many people not understanding these forms. If they asked me Birthing Parent? I would write mother, as she was the one who birthed (if that is a word) me. These things start off as guides, until such time as they are forced upon us as law.
  7. Probably angry because he had to stop playing on his phone to approach you. Then to top it all off, he didn't make any commission. How dare you disturb him!
  8. If you are just talking about putting something on the rubber seal that goes under the plug hole fitting, I wouldn't bother. The rubber seal should squash down and create the seal. I suppose, to be safe you could apply a thin film of silicon sealant to be sure.
  9. The only Angry Birds I see at the ATM are the ones waiting behind those Thais that keep drawing money on multiple cards. Takes ages. Drives me mad as well. Why do they do it? Never looks to be big sums.
  10. Saw some in Powerbuy the other day.
  11. I don't know about DTAC, but on my AIS phone, when I buy a roaming package, I can choose the start time. it will be in Thai time. So I normally get it to start the same time my plane is due to land. So if I landed UK at midday, accounting for time difference I would choose 5am Thai time. You may have to switch your phone off, then on again to activate any roaming package, but if you have the DTAC app, I am pretty sure you can check it there. Mine normally starts automatically. Bear in mind you can use apps such as WhatsApp, FaceTime, Telegram and Skype to make free calls over wifi to keep costs down. Though they will use data if not on wifi.
  12. Will soon be available on Shopee and Lazada at a tenth of the price.
  13. Go into your Lazada order history and see if you have orders showing as "shipped". It might jog your memory. If not, just refuse it.
  14. Unless the bank gave the wrong address to the contractor, it's not really the bank's fault, but said contractor. But. As others have said. Most banks in the west would be jumping over themselves to recompense the offended parties, along with a profuse apology and probably an investigation to try and prevent it happening again. Perhaps the bank's official is worried that any compensatioon would be taken out of his salary.
  15. The Meteorological Department (TMD) has said that summer in Thailand is likely to begin on Tuesday March 1, provided certain weather conditions are met.
  16. Looks to me as if he nearly wiped out the rider in the green jacket. More luck than good driving.
  17. Wouldn't be surprised if the 15 y.o. already had the, "Do you know who my dad is? attitude. Giving him a BMW to drive without experience, a driving licence, and therefore likely no insurance is asking for trouble.
  18. The wife must be thinking she had a lucky escape there.
  19. Or had one fitted? Must be fun explaining that going through the metal detector at the airport....or on the BTS.
  20. Get these and save on your electricity bill: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/wellhot-sundick-white-goose-down-pants-waterproof-outdoor-camping-pants-trousers-i4015883850-s15594131394.html?clickTrackInfo=undefined&search=1&spm=a2o4m.searchlist.list.i28.7d7d3d46lgu1v9 https://www.lazada.co.th/products/naturehike-winter-warm-goose-down-slipper-boots-water-resistant-windproof-down-socks-outdoor-thermal-feet-cover-15celsius-i4008077458-s15563022969.html?clickTrackInfo=undefined&search=1&spm=a2o4m.searchlist.list.i40.353b1044j50tao
  21. Bringing foreign currency into Thailand The Foreign Exchange Transaction form (previously and for some still known as Thor Tor 3) is the official document prepared under BOT regulations to report foreign currency exchange transactions in Thailand and the document also proofs the remittance of foreign currency into Thailand and the exchange of foreign currency into Thai baht inside Thailand. The FET form is issued by the authorized financial institution (bank) inside Thailand that handled the exchange of foreign currency and contains at least the following information: the transferred amount in foreign currency, the transferred amount in Thai Baht, the name of money sender, the name of money receiver, the purpose of transferring the money For any foreign exchange transactions (buying, selling, depositing, withdrawing foreign currencies) between financial institutions and their non-interbank customers the recipient bank inside Thailand must prepare a FET form for each remittance and exchange of foreign currency with an equivalent of USD 50,000 or more (amount increased in 2010) and report this to the Bank of Thailand.
  22. Whichever Thai bank you use, be sure to send the money in USD or foreign currency. Do not send it in Thai baht. Don't forget to obtain a Foreign Exchange Transfer Certificate. you will need it in the future if you ever wish to repatriate your money.
  23. Last month I went to Rutnin Eye Hospital in Bangkok. Just made an appointment online for a test for glasses. While doing the eye tests they found a problem that required immediate treatment. I can highly recommend them if you are in Bangkok.
  24. I have been coming to Samui since 1994. The demographic changes as some countries get richer or poorer and can afford to travel further, or tourists move on to the next hip destination. Since the Covid lockdowns were partially lifted and the government pushed Thais to travel more in their own country, more and more Bangkokians have been visiting Samui. At one point, some places like Sala Chaweng, and Coco Tams were full of almost 100% Thai tourists. Now the numbers of European and US tourists are on the up again. Traffic is heavier mainly because of that. Also the inevitable tourist motorbike accidents. All that being said. Even though Chaweng is looking busier nowadays. It still looks a bit of an eyesore as one drives through. Many more new businesses seem to be opening up everywhere on the island now.
  25. The only stories that I have read or heard about here regarding extremely rich older Thai ladies was about keeping a stable of young, good looking, fit Thai men to service them at their whim. One story I read, can't remember where, said they all lived in her large house, she paid them very well, bought all their clothes, and chose whichever one she wanted on any particular night.
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